
Winmeen Test Sheets Pdf – Question Bank Books Pdf for Offline Test Preparation

Winmeen Test Sheets Pdf – Question Bank Books Pdf for Offline Test Preparation

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Winmeen Test Sheets Pdf – Tamil Medium – Question Bank Books Pdf for Offline Test Preparation

Important Note:

These PDFs are not bilingual. You will receive either the Tamil or English medium version.

Take a printout and practice offline.

Index Page, Sample Pages and Answer Key:

11th 12th Geography Q TM Sample Pages

11th 12th History Q Final TM Sample Pages

11th 12th Economics Q TM Sample Pages

11th 12th Political Science Q TM Sample Pages

11th 12th Political Science Q EM Sample Pages

11th 12th Economics Q EM Sample Pages

11th 12th Geography Q EM Sample Pages

11th 12th History Q EM Sample Pages

10th SS TM Sample Pages

9th SS TM Sample Pages

8th SS TM Sample Pages

7th SS TM Sample Pages

6th SS TM Sample Pages

6th SS EM Sample Pages

7th SS EM Sample Pages

8th SS EM Sample Pages

9th SS EM Sample Pages

10th SS EM Sample Pages

Available Question bank Books:

1] Tamil Winmeen Test Sheets

Grades: 6 to 12

Contents: Question Bank Books

Total Books: 7 PDFs

Tamil Question Bank Book Sample Pages and Index Page

12th Tamil Question Bank Sample Pages

11th Tamil Question Bank Sample Pages

10th Tamil Pdf – Final Sample Pages

9th Tamil Pdf Sample Pages

8th Tamil Pdf Sample Pages

7th Tamil Pdf Sample Pages

6th Tamil Pdf Sample Pages

2] Social Science Winmeen Test Sheets

Grades: 6 to 12

Contents: Question Bank Books

Total Books: 9 PDFs

3] Science Winmeen Test Sheets

Grades: 6 to 12

Contents: Question Bank Books

Total Books: 7 PDFs

Science Question Bank – Index, Sample Pages and Answer Key

12th Science Questions EM Sample Pages

11th Science Questions EM Sample Pages

12th Science Questions TM Sample Pages

11th Science Questions TM Sample Pages

6th Science TM – Sample Pages

7th Science TM Sample Pages

8th Science TM Sample Pages

9th Science TM Sample Pages

10th Science TM Sample Pages

6th Science EM – Sample Pages

7th Science EM – Sample Pages

8th Science EM – Sample Pages

9th Science EM – Sample Pages

10th Science EM Sample Pages

4] Ethics Question Bank – Only Available in Tamil Medium

Grades: 11th and 12th

Total Books: 1 PDF

11th 12th Ethics and Indian Culture Question Bank Sample Pages and Index Page

11th 12th Ethics Sample Pages

5] Book Back + “Do You Know” Book – Science

Grades: 6 to 10

Total Books: 1 PDF

6] Book Back + “Do You Know” Book – Social Science

    • Grades: 6 to 10
    • Total Books: 1 PDF

Do You Know + Book Back Questions Sample Pages, Index Pages

610 BB SCI EM – Sample Pages

610 BB SCI TM – Sample Pages

6 To 10 DYK – Book Back Social EM – Sample Pages

6 To 10 DYK – Book Back Social TM – Sample Pages

Total Books: 26 PDFs

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