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What is Cloud Bursting and When to Use It

What is Cloud Bursting and When to Use It

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, managing workloads efficiently and cost-effectively is a top priority for businesses. Cloud bursting is a key concept that addresses these needs by leveraging the elasticity of the cloud to handle temporary spikes in demand. This post will explore what cloud bursting is, how it works, and when it is best used.

What is Cloud Bursting?

Cloud Bursting is a hybrid cloud deployment model that allows an organization to extend its on-premises infrastructure into the cloud during periods of high demand. Essentially, it involves offloading excess workload from a private data center to a public cloud environment to manage spikes in traffic or resource requirements.

How Cloud Bursting Works

Cloud bursting involves several steps and components:

  1. On-Premises Infrastructure: The primary workload runs on an organization’s on-premises or private cloud infrastructure. This environment handles the regular, day-to-day operations and workloads.
  2. Trigger Mechanism: A trigger mechanism monitors the performance and capacity of the on-premises infrastructure. This could be based on metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, or application performance.
  3. Bursting to the Cloud: When the trigger mechanism detects that the on-premises infrastructure is reaching its capacity limits, it automatically provisions additional resources in the public cloud. These resources are used to handle the excess workload during peak times.
  4. Seamless Integration: The cloud resources are integrated with the on-premises environment, ensuring that applications and services continue to operate smoothly. This integration allows for a seamless user experience, even when the workload is being managed across multiple environments.
  5. Scaling Back: Once the peak period is over, the cloud resources are de-provisioned, and the workload returns to the on-premises infrastructure. This scaling back helps to control costs and ensures that the organization is not paying for unused cloud resources.

When to Use Cloud Bursting

Cloud bursting is particularly useful in specific scenarios where its benefits can be fully realized:

1. Handling Traffic Spikes

Scenario: E-commerce websites often experience significant traffic spikes during sales events, holiday seasons, or product launches. During these peak times, the demand for computing resources can exceed the capacity of on-premises infrastructure.

When to Use: Cloud bursting is ideal for handling these temporary spikes in traffic. By using cloud resources to manage the increased load, businesses can ensure that their websites remain responsive and available, providing a seamless experience for customers.

2. Managing Seasonal Workloads

Scenario: Some industries, such as retail or tourism, have seasonal workloads that vary throughout the year. For example, a retailer might see increased demand during the holiday season but lower demand during other times of the year.

When to Use: Cloud bursting can help manage these seasonal workloads by temporarily expanding capacity in the cloud during peak seasons. This approach allows businesses to efficiently handle increased demand without investing in permanent infrastructure.

3. Supporting Unpredictable Workloads

Scenario: Certain applications or workloads may have unpredictable usage patterns, making it challenging to anticipate resource requirements. For instance, a data analytics application might experience sudden spikes in data processing needs.

When to Use: Cloud bursting is effective for applications with unpredictable workloads. It provides the flexibility to scale resources up or down as needed, ensuring that the application can handle unexpected increases in demand without performance issues.

4. Cost Management

Scenario: Maintaining excess capacity in on-premises infrastructure can be costly, especially if it is rarely used. Investing in additional hardware for occasional peaks may lead to inefficient resource utilization.

When to Use: Cloud bursting allows businesses to avoid the expense of maintaining extra capacity for occasional peak periods. By leveraging the cloud for temporary bursts in demand, organizations can optimize their cost management and pay only for the resources they actually use.

Benefits of Cloud Bursting

  1. Cost Efficiency: Cloud bursting helps manage costs by avoiding the need for over-provisioning on-premises infrastructure. Businesses pay for additional cloud resources only when needed, reducing capital expenditures and operational expenses.
  2. Scalability: Cloud bursting provides the ability to quickly scale resources up or down based on demand. This elasticity ensures that businesses can handle varying workloads effectively without performance degradation.
  3. Improved Performance: By leveraging cloud resources to manage spikes in demand, businesses can maintain optimal performance and responsiveness for their applications and services, enhancing the user experience.
  4. Flexibility: Cloud bursting offers flexibility in managing workloads, allowing organizations to adapt to changing requirements without being constrained by the limitations of their on-premises infrastructure.

Challenges of Cloud Bursting

  1. Complexity: Implementing cloud bursting involves integrating on-premises infrastructure with cloud resources, which can be complex. Ensuring seamless operation and data consistency between environments requires careful planning and management.
  2. Security: Managing security across hybrid environments can be challenging. Ensuring that data and applications are secure when extending to the cloud requires robust security measures and compliance with relevant regulations.
  3. Cost Management: While cloud bursting can be cost-effective, it is important to monitor and manage cloud usage to avoid unexpected costs. Proper monitoring and budgeting are essential to control expenses.


Cloud bursting is a powerful strategy for managing temporary spikes in demand and optimizing resource utilization. By leveraging the elasticity of the cloud, organizations can efficiently handle increased workloads without the need for permanent infrastructure investments. While cloud bursting offers numerous benefits, including cost efficiency, scalability, and improved performance, it also comes with challenges that require careful planning and management.

As businesses continue to embrace cloud computing, cloud bursting will play an increasingly important role in providing the flexibility and scalability needed to thrive in a dynamic and competitive environment. Understanding when and how to use cloud bursting can help organizations achieve their IT goals while maintaining cost-effectiveness and performance.

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