MCQ Questions

Urban changes during the British period 8th Social Science Lesson 18 Questions in English

8th Social Science Lesson 18 Questions in English

18. Urban changes during the British period

1. Which of the following is/are ancient towns in India?

1) Allahabad

2) Mohenjadaro

3) Madurai

a) 1, 2

b) 2, 3

c) 1, 2, 3

d) 1, 3


In ancient times, towns emerged in and around of residential places of kings and its location easily accessible to sea and rivers for trade. Most of them developed as administrative, religious and cultural centres. Harappa, Mohenjadaro, Varanasi, Allahabad and Madurai are well-known ancient towns.

2. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Towns flourished since pre-historic times in India.

2) Towns in India can be classified into ancient towns, medieval towns and modern towns.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The evolution of towns (urban settlements) has occurred in different ways and in different stages. Towns flourished since pre-historic times in India. Towns in India can be classified into ancient towns, medieval towns and modern towns.

3. Which of the following town flourished during medieval times?

a) Lucknow

b) Hyderabad

c) Nagpur

d) All the above


During medieval times most of the towns developed as headquarters of principalities and kingdoms. They functioned either fort city or port city. Important among them are Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Agra and Nagpur.

4. Which of the following is/are coastal town?

1) Pondicherry

2) Daman

3) Surat

a) 1, 2

b) 1, 3

c) 1, 2, 3

d) 2, 3


With the arrival of Europeans brought about new changes in the development of towns. They first developed some coastal towns such as Surat, Daman, Goa and Pondicherry.

5. Which of the following city is developed by British?

a) Goa

b) Masulipatinam

c) Mumbai

d) All the above


The British after consolidated their power in India developed three main cities – Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkatta as the administrative headquarters and trading centres. With the extension of domination they developed new towns, depending on its location, purpose and resources. The newly developed towns are known differently as hill towns, industrial towns, court towns, railway station towns, cantonments and administrative towns.

6. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) In the beginning of eighteenth century, the policies of the British proved harmful to the process of urbanisation

2) Later, the economic policies followed by the British led to the rapid transformation of India’s economy into a colonial economy and development of cities.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


In the beginning of eighteenth century, the policies of the British proved harmful to the process of urbanisation. Later, the economic policies followed by the British led to the rapid transformation of India’s economy into a colonial economy and development of cities. With the help of one–way free trade predominance of British, Indian manufacturing industries were destroyed.

7. Which of the following towns lost their importance because of British policy?

a) Dacca

b) Murshidabad

c) Lucknow

d) All the above


Towns and cities long famed for their specialized products gazed continually shrinking market because of British Industrial policy. As a result, old populous manufacturing towns such as Dacca, Murshidabad, Surat and Lucknow lost their previous importance. The entire industrial structure crashed down under stiff competition of imported goods.

8. Assertion: India became the agricultural colony of Britain

Reason: The high import duties and other restrictions imposed on the import of Indian goods into Britain and Europe led to the decline of Indian industries

a) R is correct and explains A

b) R and A are correct

c) R and A are Incorrect

d) R is correct but A is Incorrect


The traditional industrial base of Indian cities, made by the indigenous handicraft production was destroyed by Industrial revolution. The high import duties and other restrictions imposed on the import of Indian goods into Britain and Europe led to the decline of Indian industries. Thus, India became the agricultural colony of Britain.

9. In which year British introduce railroads?

a) 1850

b) 1853

c) 1856

d) 1854


Another factor which contributed to the decline of the urban centres of the Pre-British period was the introduction of the network of railroads in India since 1853.

10. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The introduction of the railways resulted in the diversion of trade routes and every railway station became a point of export of raw materials.

2) The railways enabled British manufactures to reach every nook and corner of the country

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The introduction of the railways resulted in the diversion of trade routes and every railway station became a point of export of raw materials. The railways enabled British manufactures to reach every nook and corner of the country and uprooted the traditional industries in the villages of the country.

11. Match the following:

1) Bombay – I. 1639

2) Calcutta – II. 1661

3) Madras – III. 1690

a) II, I, III

b) I, III, II

c) II, III, I

d) I, II, III


British developed new centres of trade like Calcutta, Madras and Bombay on the eastern and western coastal areas. Madras (1639) Bombay (1661) and Calcutta (1690), cities which the British largely created and fortified. All those were earlier fishing and weaving villages. Here they built their homes, shops and churches as well as their commercial and administrative headquarters.

12. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) As the British gradually acquired political control after the Battle of Buxar in 1764, and the trade of English East India company expanded.

2) In the late 18th century, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras rose in prominance as Presidency cities under British rule

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


From the mid-eighteenth century, there was a new phase of change. As the British gradually acquired political control after the Battle of Plassey in 1757, and the trade of English East India company expanded. In the late 18th century, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras rose in prominance as Presidency cities (for administrative purposes, colonial India was divided into three presidencies) under the British Rule.

13. Which of the following’s opening resulted in new trend of urbanisation?

a) Suez Canal

b) Gulf of Gutch

c) Gulf of Mannar

d) Panama Canal


A new trend of urbanisation began in the latter half of the nineteenth century as a result of the opening of Suez Canal, introduction of steam navigation, construction of railways, canals, harbours, growth of factory industries, coal mining, tea plantation, banking, shipping and insurance. Changes in the networks of trade were reflected in the development of urban centres.

14.____ is one that has high population density engaged in occupations other than food


a) Rural

b) Urban

c) Both a and b

d) None


An urban area is one that has a high population density engaged in occupations other than food production, living in a highly built environment.

15. Which of the following is/are the important port city in India?

a) Madras

b) Calcutta

c) Bombay

d) All the above


The British arrived in India for trading. Madras, Calcutta and Bombay became the important ports. They played important role in trade.

16. Which of the following is correctly matched?

1) Cantonments – Capital of Inland Provinces along the trunk routes and strategic places

2) Hill Stations – A social space developed by the colonial community for health and recreation

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


17. Which of the following fort is located in Calcutta?

a) Fort St. George

b) Fort St. William

c) Fort David

d) Fort St. Joseph


The English East India Company built its factories and fortified them for the protection for their settlement. Fort St. George in Madras and Fort St. William in Calcutta were the best examples.

18. Which of the following place is an example of Cantonment towns?

1) Kanpur

2) Lahore

3) Cuddalore

a) 1, 2

b) 1, 3

c) 1, 2, 3

d) 2, 3


The British occupied the Indian territory and political power by their military force. So they needed strong military camps and established the cantonments. The cantonments were thus an entirely new kind of urban centres. Army people began to live in these places and gradually they were grown up a city. For e.g. Kanpur, Lahore.

19. Which of the following is Mughal recreational centre?

a) Kedarnath

b) Srinagar

c) Badrinath

d) All the above


Hill stations were distinctive features of colonial urban development. Although Hill stations were not unknown, prior to their founding by the British in India, they were few and had a small population and were often visited for specific purpose. For e.g. Srinagar was a Mughal recreational centre, Kedarnath and Badrinath were Hindu religious Centres.

20. Which of the following is alternative capital of Delhi?

a) Darjeeling

b) Calcutta

c) Dehradun

d) Mumbai


British coming from a cool temperate climate, found the Indian summer season inhospitable. So, the cool climate of Indian hills was seen as protective and advantage. It protected the Europeans from hot weather and epidemics. So they built up the alternative capitals in cool areas, like Darjeeling was the alternative of Calcutta, Dehradun was the alternative of Delhi.

21. Which of the following hill station was/were founded during the Gurkha war (1814-16)?

a) Darjeeling

b) Ootackamand

c) Shimla

d) All the above


Hill stations were developed both in North and South India, e.g. Simla, Nainital, Darjeeling, Ootackamand and Kodaikanal. Simla (Shimla) was founded during the Gurkha war (1814-1816). Darjeeling was wrested from the rulers of Sikkim in 1835.

22. _____ is place for soldiers for rest and recovery from illness

a) Cantonment

b) Sanatorium

c) Railway town

d) All the above


The hill stations were also developed as Sanatoriums (places for soldiers for rest and recovery from illness). The introduction of railways made hill station more accessible.

23. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Railway towns were also a type of urban settlements and were established in 1853 after the introduction of railways by the British

2) By the nature of railway transport, all the towns were located on the plains

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Railway towns were also a type of urban settlements and were established in 1853 after the introduction of railways by the British. By the nature of railway transport, all the towns were located on the plains.

24. In which year Madras Municipal Corporation was formed?

a) 1888

b) 1688

c) 1668

d) 1678


Municipal government in India has been in existence since 1688 with the formation of Madras Municipal Corporation with a Mayor.

25. Who among the following is responsible for the formation of the Corporation in Madras?

a) Sir Josiah Child

b) Sir John Shore

c) Lord Rippon

d) David


Sir Josiah Child, one of the Directors of the East India Company was responsible for the formation of the Corporation in Madras.

26. Which of the following established Municipal administration in 3 presidency towns?

a) Charter Act of 1773

b) Charter Act of 1793

c) Government of India Act 1919

d) Charter act of 1813


The development of local government in the British India may be traced in three distinct phases. Charter Act of 1793, established Municipal administration in the three presidency towns.

27._____ famous Resolution of 1870 intended to afford opportunities for the development of self-government.

a) Lord Mayo

b) Lord Minto

c) Lord Elphinstone

d) Lord Rippon


According to the provisions of the Act of 1850, municipalities were formed in North Western Frontier provinces, Oudh and Bombay. Lord Mayo’s famous Resolution of 1870 intended to afford opportunities for the development of self-government.

28. Who among the following is known as the Father of Local Self – Government in India?

a) Lord Mayo

b) Lord Minto

c) Lord Ripon

d) Lord Wellesley


Ripon’s Resolution on local Self – Government was a landmark in the history of local self-government. So, Ripon is rightly regarded as the Father of Local Self – Government in India and his Resolution as the Magna–Carta of Local Self-Government.

29. Which of the following act introduced Dyarchy in the provinces?

a) Government of India Act of 1919

b) Government of India Act of 1935

c) Government of India Act of 1858

d) Charter act of 1833


The Government of India Act of 1919 introduced Dyarchy in the provinces. The Government of India Act of 1935 introduced Provincial Autonomy. With the attainment of Independence in 1947 India had the unique opportunity of making and moulding local government to meet the needs of the free nation.

30. In which year English East India Company was started?

a) 1608

b) 1600

c) 1707

d) 1757


The beginning of the city of Madras goes back to the earliest stages of British commercial enterprise in India. The English East India Company was started in 1600 A.D(C.E).

31. In which year a Factory was set up at Surat by English?

a) 1615

b) 1608

c) 1612

d) 1707


In 1612, a Factory was set up at Surat on the West coast. Subsequently the search for textiles brought British merchants to have port on the east coast.

32. ____ is the power centre of Tamil Nadu State Government

a) Fort David

b) Fort Williams

c) Fort St. George

d) Fort St. Joseph


Presently Fort St. George is the power centre of Tamil Nadu State Government, extending across 172 sq. KM (66 sq. miles).

33. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The English, after some efforts secured the privilege of building a factory at Masulipatnam.

2) It was well protected from the monsoon winds

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The English, after some efforts secured the privilege of building a factory at Masulipatnam. It was well protected from the monsoon winds. But then Masulipatnam was in the throes of a famine. In spite of every assurance of protection, English trade did not thrive at that place.

34. Who among the following inspected Madrasapatnam and found it favourable to set up factory?

a) Francis Day

b) Lord Mayo

c) Lord Hastings

d) Lord Ripon


Francis Day, the member of the Masulipatnam council and the chief of the Armagon Factory, made a voyage of exploration in 1637 with a view to choose a site for a new settlement. At last, he was given the offer to choose Madrasapatnam. Francis Day inspected the place and found it favourable to set up factory.

35. Which of the following statement is correct about Madrasapatnam?

1) The official grant for the land in Madrasapatnam was given by Damarla Venkatapathy Nayak, the deputy of the Raja of Chandragiri (12km west of Tirupathi).

2) Damarla gave British a piece of land between Cooum river and the Egmore

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The official grant for the land was given by Damarla Venkatapathy Nayak, the deputy of the Raja of Chandragiri (12km west of Tirupathi). Damarla gave British a piece of land between Cooum river and the Egmore.

36. Factory – cum – trading post and a fort at Madrasapatnam was established in_____

a) 1639

b) 1739

c) 1699

d) 1799


In 1639 the deed was signed by English East India Company’s Francis Day accompanied by his interpreter Beri Thimmappa and superior Andrew Cogan. By this Francis Day and Andrew Cogan (the chief of the Masulipatnam Factory), was granted permission to establish a factory – cum – trading post and a fort at Madrasapatnam in 1639.

37. Which of the following is known as White Town?

a) Fort St. George

b) Fort Williams

c) Fort David

d) Fort Joseph


Madrasapatnam fortified settlement came to be known as Fort St. George settlement. It is otherwise referred to as the White Town. While the nearby villages inhabited by local population was called as Black Town. Collectively the White Town and the Black Town were called Madras.

38. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Damarla Venkatapathy was under the control of Venkatapathy Rayalu, the Rajah of Chandragiri

2) Venkatapathi was succeeded by Srirangarayaly in 1642.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Damarla Venkatapathy gave the English the grant of Madrasapatnam. He was under the control of Venkatapathy Rayalu, the Rajah of Chandragiri. Venkatapathi was succeeded by Srirangarayaly in 1642. He issued a new grant to English in 1645 called Srirangarayapatnam.

39.____ desired that the name Chennapatnam should be given to the new Fort at Madras

a) Srirangarayaly

b) Venkatapathy

c) Chennappa Nayak

d) None


Venkatapathy desired that the name Chennapatnam should be given to the new Fort and settlement of the English after his father Chennappa Nayak. But the English preferred to call the two united towns by the name of Madrasapatnam.

40. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Chennai was once a group of villages set amidst palm fringed paddy fields until two English East India Company merchants visited there.

2) Raja Mahal in Chandragiri palace, where Sir Francis Day of the East India Company was granted land in 1639 in order to set up factory

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Chennai was once a group of villages set amidst palm fringed paddy fields until two English East India Company merchants visited there. Raja Mahal in Chandragiri palace, where Sir Francis Day of the East India Company was granted land in 1639 in order to set up factory which later came to be known as Madras.

41. Fort St. George. Day is celebrated on____

a) 23 April 1642

b) 23 April 1640

c) 12 April 1640

d) 12 April 1642


First factory was completed on St. George’s Day, 23 April 1640 and named Fort St. George. Day and Cogan were jointly responsible for the construction of Fort St. George. This was the East India Company’s principal settlement until 1774.

42. Which of the following comes under Madras presidency?

1) Lakshadweep Island

2) Rayalaseema

3) Southern Odisha

a) 1, 3

b) 2, 3

c) 1, 2

d) 1, 2, 3


The Madras presidency was an administrative sub division which was referred to as the Madras province. The Madras presidency during the British regime covered a vast exopause of the southern part of India that encompasses modern day Tamil Nadu, the Lakshadweep Island, Northern Kerala, Rayalaseema, coastal Andhra, districts of Karnataka and various districts of southern Odisha.

43. Dalhousie Square is situated in____

a) Bombay

b) Calcutta

c) Madras

d) Delhi


Dalhousie Square in Calcutta and Fort St. George in Madras were close to the central commercial area and had massive buildings which were British variants of Roman styles.

44. In which year Madras state was reorganized?

a) 1954

b) 1956

c) 1966

d) 1947


After independence in 1947 the Madras presidency became the state of Madras and the other regions that were a part of the erstwhile presidency were constituted in separate states of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Mysore under the States Reorganisation Act, 1956.

45. Madras was officially renamed as Chennai on____

a) 17th July 1996

b) 14th Jan 1969

c) 19th July 1996

d) 17th Jan 1969


Later on in 1969 the State of Madras was rechristened as Tamil Nadu. On 17th July 1996, Madras was officially renamed as Chennai.

46. Bombay was initially under the control of_____

a) French

b) English

c) Dutch

d) Portuguese


Bombay was initially seven islands. It was under the control of the Portuguese from 1534 onwards. Then it was ceded to British.

47. Portuguese king gave it as a dowry to_____

a) James II, 1661

b) Charles II, 1661

c) Charles I, 1662

d) James I, 1761


Bombay was initially seven islands. It was under the control of the Portuguese from 1534 onwards. Portuguese king gave it as a dowry to Charles II of England when he married the former’s sister in 1661. King leased it to the East India Company.

48. In which year English East India Company transferred its headquarters from Surat to Bombay?

a) 1661

b) 1687

c) 1768

d) 1677


The city of Bombay began to grow when the East India Company started using Bombay as its main port in Western India. In 1687, the English East India Company transferred its headquarters from Surat to Bombay.

49. In 1690, the English merchants founded a settlement at___

a) Sutanati

b) Calcutta

c) Gobindpur

d) All the above


In 1690, the English merchants founded a settlement at Sutanati. In 1698, they secured Zamindari rights over Sutanati, Calcutta and Gobindpur.

50. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Calcutta became Presidency with a Governor and Council to manage its affairs.

2) The company established Fort David at Calcutta

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The company established Fort William at Calcutta. Calcutta became Presidency with a Governor and Council to manage its affairs. The British empire gradually consolidated and established an elaborate spatial structure of administration with an imperial capital, provincial capitals and district headquarters. The new rulers brought new officials, new institutions and new structure to these towns with a kacheri, cantonment, police station, jail treasury. Public garden, post office, schools, dispensary and above all a municipal committee.

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