MCQ Questions

Understanding Secularism 8th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

8th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

15. Understanding Secularism

1. Which religion birth place does not belong to India?

a) Hinduism

b) Buddhism

c) Islam

d) Jainism


India is a land of multi-religious and multi-cultural beliefs. It is the birth place of four major religions; Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.

In India people of diverse religions and beliefs have been living peacefully for a long time.

2. Assertion (A): Modern nation states are multi religious states.

Reasoning (R): Secularism concept is tolerance of all religions.

a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False

d) Both A and R are False.


India is a country of diverse religions and beliefs have been living peacefully for a long time. Modern nation states are multi religious states, hence there is a need for tolerance of all religions.

3. Secularism aims at creating a society where people of _______ can live together.

a) Various religious

b) Same religion

c) No religion

d) a and c


The Concept of secularism is aimed at creating a society in which people of religious beliefs or people who do not belong to any religion can live together in harmony and peace.

4. Identify the famous personalities who does not contributed mainly towards the spread of secularism?

a) Sir Syed Ahmad khan

b) Rajaram Mohan Ŕoy

c) Mahatma Gandhi

d) Jawaharlal Nehru


Rajaram Mohan Roy, Sir syed Ahmad khan, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and B.R.Ambedkaŕ were some of the noted individuals held high in public regards who contributed towards the spread of secularism in the various spheres of Indian society.

5. From which language the word Secularism is derived?

a) Latin

b) Greek

c) English

d) Chinese


The term Secularism is derived from the Latin word ‘Saeculum’ which means the spirit of an age.

6. George Jacob Holyoake is a _____ newspaper Editor who coined the term Secularism.

a) American

b) British

c) Irish

d) German


The term Secularism is derived from the Latin word ‘Saeculum ‘ meaning an age or ‘the spirit of an age’. The word Secularism was coined by a British newspaper editor George Jacob Holyoake.

7. What are the policies of secularism towards all religious communities?

a) Neutrality

b) Equality

c) a and b

d) only b


Secularism is an attitude of tolerance towards other religions and peaceful coexistence of citizens belonging to different faiths. It is a policy of neutrality and equality by the states towards all religious communities.

8. Secularism allows every citizen is free to

a) Propagate

b) Practice

c) Change it or not have any

d) All of the above


Secularism is the principle of separation of state and religion or no interference of the state in the matters of religion and vice versa. That means every citizen is free to propagate, practice and profess their faith, change it or not have one, according to their conscience.

9. Which represents the lack of belief in God and Gods?

a) Atheism

b) Secularism

c) Monotheism

d) None of the above


Atheism is a lack of belief in god. Secularism is non-interference of the state in religious affairs and vice versa. Monotheism is the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.

10. What are the main objectives of Secularism

A. One religious group does not dominate other.

B. Cant dominate other members of the same religious community.

C. The State does not enforce any specific religion.

D. The State does not take away the religious freedom of individuals.

a) 1,3,4

b) 2 and 4

c) 2 only

d) 1,2,3,4


The objectives of Secularism focuses on prohibition of domination of any particular religion or some members of the same community. The state does not enforce any specific religion or take away the religious freedom of individuals.

11. Who was the first emperor to announce about the state would not prosecute any religious sections?

a) Akbar

b) Ashoka

c) Raja Rajacholan

d) Kanishka

12. Which Rock edict of Ashoka made an appeal for religious tolerance and respect for other religion?

a) 12th Rock Edict

b) 13th Rock Edict

c) 10th Rock Edict

d) 14th Rock Edict


Emperor Ashoka was the first great emperor to announce that the state would not prosecute any religious sect. In his 12th Rock Edict , made an appeal not only for tolerance of all religious sects but also to develop a spirit of great respect towards them.

13. Which does not belongs to the characteristic feature of a Secular state?

a) Principle of Liberty

b) Principle of Equality

c) Principle of Neutrality

d) Principle of Tranquillity


The Main characteristic features of a secular state are Principle of Liberty , Equality and Neutrality.

14. Assertion (A): A secular state is the one which the state officially promote any one religion as official religion of the country.

Reasoning (R): This gives every citizen the equal right to freedom of conscience.

a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True.

d) Both A and R are False.


A Secular state is one which does not officially promote any one religion as the country’s official religion and every religion is treated equally. It gives the citizen the right to profess, practice and propagate any faith to the freedom of their own conscience.

15. What are the qualities of a Secular state?

a) No Tax support to any particular religion.

b) No Religious discrimination

c) All citizens are eligible for Government service irrespective of their faith.

d) No Religious instruction in Educational Institutions.

e) All the above


In a Secular state no. one is given any preferences in religious basis. The State does not discriminate based on the faith and religious practices. No Religious instructions in Educational Institutions and no tax support for any particular religion.

16. Match

A. Principle of Liberty 1. No preference for a particular religion

B. Principle of Neutrality 2. Any Religious practice

C. Principle of Equality 3. Neutral in Religious policies

a) 231

b) 123

c) 213

d) 312


The Characteristic features of a Secular state describes the qualities like Principle of Liberty as permission to practice any religion. Principle of Equality as the state does not give preferences to any religion over another. Principle of Neutrality deals with the neutral policy in all religious matters.

17. Secularism is a part of ____ and grants equal ______.

a) Society, Duty

b) Nation, Faith

c) Democracy, Rights

d) Mankind, Belief


The Secularism concept evolved in India as equal treatment of all religions. It is a part of Indian Democracy and this gives equal rights to every citizen.

18. Which Mughal emperor followed the religious tolerance policy?

a) Humayun

b) Babar

c) Jahangir

d) Akbar


The Mughal emperors were strictly following their Islamic traditions in India and they also imposed Jizya on non Muslims. Akbar was the great Emperor of Mughal who followed religious tolerance and removed the Jizya tax for non Muslims.

19. By which Akbar expressed his Religious tolerance policy?

a) Din-i-Ilahi

b) Sulh-e-Kul

c) a and b

d) None of the above


Akbar formed a new concept as Din-i-Ilahi, Divine Faith for discussing various religious concepts to promote religious tolerance among people. Sulh-e-Kul , peace and harmony among religions were advocated for religious toleration.

20. When was the word Secularism added in the Indian Constitution?

a) 1978

b) 1976

c) 1974

d) 1977


The word Secularism was not mentioned in Indian Constitution when it was adopted in 1950. Later in 1976 the word secular was incorporated in the Preamble of our Constitution.

21. State the correct order

a) Democratic, Secular, Sovereign, Republic, Socialist

b) Sovereign, Secular, Democratic, Socialist, Democratic

c) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic

d) Secular, Socialist, Sovereign, Democratic, Republic


India is a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic country.

22. What are the basic aim of Indian constitution?

a) Unity

b) Integrity

c) Individual Dignity

d) All the above


The Indian Constitution provides various Fundamental Rights for all citizens. The basic aim of the constitution is to promote unity and integrity of the nation along with the individual dignity.

23. By which amendment the word Secular was incorporated in Indian Constitution?

a) 42nd Amendment

b) 40th Amendment

c) 41st Amendment

d) 76th Amendment


In 1976 the 42nd Amendment changed the description of India to Sovereign, Socialist, Secular , Democratic, Republic . It is also called as mini constitution.

24. Assertion (A): Ratilal panchand Vs State of Bombay, 1954 case was under Article 25 and 26 of Indian Constitution.

Reasoning (R): Freedom of conscience is not meant for followers of one particular religion but extends to all.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R are False.


According to the 1954 judgement of Ratilal panchand Gandhi vs Sate of Bombay, the court held that the freedom of conscience, the right to believe in ones faith is not merely meant for followers of one particular religion but extends to all.

25. Which of the features of Khajuraho , Hindu temple are the examples of secularism?

a) Jain cupola

b) Muslim styled Dome

c) Buddhist Stupa

d) All the above


A 19th century Hindu temple Khajuraho, India incorporates a Hindu spire , a Jain Cupola and a Buddhist Stupa also with a Muslim style dome in place of usual shikara.

26. What are the various discrimination prohibited by Article 15 of the Constitution?

a) Religion

b) Caste

c) Sex

d) Place of birth

e) All the above


Social equality and equal access to public areas is guaranteed by Article 15 of Indian Constitution. It states that no citizen of India shall be discriminated on the basis of religion, caste, race, sex and place of birth.

27. Which Article gives the equal opportunity in public Employment for all citizens in India?

a) Article 13

b) Article 15

c) Article 16

d) Article 17


Article 16 of the Indian Constitution clause 1 states the general rule that there shall be equal opportunity for citizens in matters related to employment or appointment to any office under the state.

28. State the Article which does not related to the concept of Secularism or Equality?

a) Article 47

b) Article 26

c) Article 25

d) Article 28


Freedom of religion in India is a Fundamental Right which is guaranteed by Article 25-28 of the constitution.

29. Assertion ( A) : Article 29 relates to admission into educational institutions maintained and aided by state funds.

Reasoning (R): No citizens shall be denied admissions in such institutions on basis of religion, caste, language, race.

a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R are False.


Article 29 of Indian Constitution clause (2) relates to admission into educational institutions which are maintained or aided by state funds. None of the citizen is prohibited for admissions in such institutions on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.

Article 26 of Indian Constitution gives every religious group a right to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes, manage it’s affairs and properties as per the law.

30. Choose the correct statements

A. Secular Education is needed to train youth to be patriotic.

B. Khajuraho , Hindu temple belongs to 6th century.

C. Secularism is non-interference of the state in religious affairs.

D. Akbar’s tomb is situated at sikandara.

E. Indian Constitution guarantees Fundamental Rights based on secular principles.

a) A, D only

b) B, D, E only

c) C, D, E only

d) All the above


Secular education is needed to train the youth to be good citizens. Kajuraho temple which is an example of Secularity concept belongs to 19th century.

31. Secularism is used to develop the spirit of

a) Tolerance

b) Equality

c) Sympathy

d) All the above


Secularism is used to develop an attitude of appreciation and understanding others point of view and to develop the spirit of love, tolerance, co-operation, equality and sympathy.

32. In which of the structures of Akbar incorporates elements from different religions?

a) Tajmahal

b) Agra Fort

c) Akbar’s Tomb

d) Red Fort


Akbar’s tomb is situated near Agra, India. He instructed for his mausoleum to be incorporated elements from different religions including Islam and Hinduism.

33. What does the Secularism in Education means?

a) Public Education free from religious dominance.

b) Providing religious related Education.

c) Various Religious concepts taught equally.

d) Education system for Religious based Institutions.


Secularism in education means making public education free from any religious dominance. It gives wider vision towards life.

34. Akbar’s Tomb is situated at,

a) Sikandara

b) Lahore

c) New Delhi

d) Jaipur


Akbar’s Mausoleum is located at Sikandara near Agra, India.

35. Which Article of Indian Constitution deals with the religious factors of an Educational institutions?

a) Article 25

b) Article 26

c) Article 27

d) Article 28


Article 28 states that no religious instruction shall be provided in any educational institution. It is adopted in Indian constitution in 1949.

36. Which of these articles are against discrimination among the citizens of India?

a) Article 11- 15

b) Article 14-17

c) Article 15-23

d) Article 19- 30


In Indian Constitution Article 14 deals with equality and Article 15 discusses about discrimination cannot be done by the state. Article 16 about the equal opportunity in employment and Article 17 about the untouchability is forbidden in any form.

37. Which of these Articles of Indian Constitution deals with religious rights?

A. Article 26

B. Article 23

C. Article 30

D. Article 32

a) A ,C only

b) B, C only

c) C, D only

d) All the above


In Indian Constitution Right to Freedom of Religion is assured by Article 25 to Article 28. Cultural and Educational Rights deals with protection of interests of Minorities in Article 29 and 30.

38. Article 27 in Indian constitution provides the freedom

a) To manage religious affairs.

b) To practice any religion.

c) To practice religious worship in certain educational institutions.

d) To payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion.


The freedom as to payment of taxes for promoting any particular religion is discussed in Article 27 of Indian Constitution.

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