Transportation In Plants And Circulation In Animals Book Back Questions 10th Science Lesson 14
10th Science Lesson 14
14] Transportation In Plants And Circulation In Animals
Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content
Do You Know?
Dews like water droplets on the leaves of grass seen in the early mornings, when the climate is humid and excess of water is present in the plants, the excess water is exudated in the form of liquid. This is due to root pressure. This phenomenon is called Guttation which takes place through specialized cells called Hydathodes.
Why does mammalian RBC lack cell organelles and nucleus? Mammalian RBC lack nucleus and makes the cells biconcave and increase surface area for oxygen binding, loss of mitochondria allows the RBC to transport all the oxygen to tissues, and loss of endoplasmic reticulum allows more flexibility for RBC to move through the narrow capillaries.
Anaemia: Decrease in number of erythrocytes.
Leucocytosis: Increase in the number of leukocytes.
Leukopenia: Decrease in the number of leukocytes.
Thrombocytopenia: Decreases in the number of thrombocytes.
Closed circulatory system was discovered by William Harvey (1628) who is regarded the Father of Modern Physiology.
Heart chambers in vertebrate animals:
Two chambered: Fishes
Three chambered: Amphibians
Incomplete four chambered: Reptiles
Four chambered: Aves, Mammals and Crocodiles (Reptile)
Neurogenic and Myogenic Heart Beat: Neurogenic heart beat is initiated by a nerve impulse caused from a nerve ganglion situated near the heart. E.g. Annelids, most arthropods; Myogenic heart beat is initiated by a specialized group of modified heart muscle fibres. E.g. Mollusca and Vertebrates
Atrioventricular bundle was discovered by His (1893). So is called Bundle of His.
Choose the best answers:
1. Active transport involves
(a) Movement of molecules from lower to higher concentration
(b) Expenditure of energy
(c) It is an uphill task
(d) All of the above
2. Water which is absorbed by roots is transported to aerial parts of the plant through
(a) Cortex
(b) Epidermis
(c) Phloem
(d) Xylem
3. During transpiration there is loss of
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Oxygen
(c) Water
(d) None of the above
4. Root hairs are
(a) Cortical cell
(b) projection of epidermal cell
(c) Unicellular
(d) Both b and c
5. Which of the following process requires energy?
(a) Active transport
(b) Diffusion
(c) Osmosis
(d) All of them
6. The wall of human heart is made of
(a) Endocardium
(b) Epicardium
(c) Myocardium
(d) All of the above
7. Which is the correct sequence of blood flow
(a) Ventricle ???? atrium ???? vein ???? arteries
(b) atrium ???? ventricle ???? veins ???? arteries
(c) Atrium ???? ventricle ???? arteries ???? vein
(d) Ventricles ???? vein ???? atrium ???? arteries
8. A patient with blood group O was injured in an accident and has blood loss. Which group of blood should be used by doctor for transfusion?
(a) O group
(b) AB group
(c) A or B group
(d) all blood groups
9. ‘Hear of heart’ is called
(a) SA node
(b) AV node
(c) Purkinje fibres
(d) Bundle of Hits
10. Which one of the following shows correct composition of blood
(a) Plasma – Blood + Lymphocyte
(b) Serum- Blood + Fibrinogen
(c) Lymph – Plasma + RBC + WBC
(d) Blood – Plasma + RBC + WBC + Platelets
Fill in the blanks:
1. ________________ involves evaporation loss of water from aerial parts.
- Transportation
- Transmigration
- Transpiration
- None of the above
2. Water enters into the root hair cell through _________________ plasma membrane.
- Osmosis
- Reverse osmosis
- Capillary
- None of the above
3. Part of the root that absorbs water from the soil is ______________.
- Root nodules
- Root hairs
- Root cells
- None of the above
4. Normal blood pressure is ______________
- 120mm/80mm Hg
- 120mm/90mm Hg
- 130mm/80mm Hg
- 130mm/90mm Hg
5. The normal human heartbeat rate is about ________________ timer per minute.
- 72-75
- 75-78
- 76- 79
- 79-82
Match the following:
Section I
1. Symplastic pathway – Leaf
2. Transpiration – Plasmodesmata
3. Osmosis – Pressure in xylem
4. Root Pressure – Pressure gradient
Section II
1. Leukemia – Thrombocytes
2. Platelets – Phagocyte
3. Monocytes – Decrease in leucocytes
4. Leucopenia – Blood Cancer
5. AB blood group – Allergic condition
6. O blood group – Inflammation
7. Eosinophil – Absence of antigen
8. Neutrophils – Absence of antibody
State true or false. If false, correct the statement:
1. The phloem is responsible for the translocation of food.
2. Plants lose water by the process of transpiration.
3. The form of sugar transported through the phloem is glucose.
4. In apoplastic movement the water travels through the cell membrane and enter the cell.
5. When guard cells lose water the stoma opens.
6. Initiation and stimulation of heart beat take place by nerves.
7. All veins carry deoxygenated blood.
8. WBC defined the body from bacterial and viral infections.
9. The closure of the mitral and tricuspid values at the start of the ventricular systole produces the first sound ‘LUBB’.
Choose the best answers:
1. Movement of molecules from lower to higher concentration 2. Xylem 3. Water 4. Both (b) and (c) 5. Active transport
6. All the above 7. atrium – ventricle – arteries – vein 8. O group 9. SA node 10. Blood – Plasma + RBC + WBC + Platelets
Fill in the blanks:
1.Transpiration 2. Osmosis 3. Root hairs 4. 120mm/80 mm Hg 5. 72-75
Match the following:
Section I
1. Plasmodesmata 2. Leaf 3. Pressure gradient
4. Pressure in xylem
Section II
1. Blood Cancer 2. Thrombocytes 3. Phagocyte 4. Decrease in leucocytes 5. Absence of antibody 6. Absence of antigen 7. Allergic condition 8. Inflammation
State true or false. If false, correct the statement:
3.False – The form of sugar transported through the phloem is sucrose.
4.False – In apoplastic movement the water travels through the inter-cellular spaces and walls of the cells.
5.False – When guard cells become turgid the stoma opens.
6.False – Initiation and stimulation of heart beat take place by muscles.
7.False – All veins carry deoxygenated blood except pulmonary vein which carries oxygenated blood.