TNUSRB Police Constable Results 2017 Tamil Nadu Police Constable Result Cut Off
TNUSRB Police Constable Results 2017 Tamil Nadu Police Constable Result Cut Off
Tamil Nadu Uniform Service Recruitment Board has released a notification for the recruitment of Police Constable with a total of 15711 posts. More number of eligible and interested candidates has applied for the above mentioned posts. Then the organization has conducted the exam for the recruitment and now they are going to announce the results for the written exam in the month of June 2017 (expected). Candidates can view their TNUSRB Police Constable Results 2017 in the official website /
TNUSRB Recruitment 2017
The Tamil Nadu government has decided to fill the vacancy post in the Police Department. Hence, they have advertised for recruiting the aspirants for 15711 numbers of posts. Candidates who are curious to get the government job in police department have applied for the post of Constable, Jail Warder, Firemen and many others. The organization has released the date of the written exam for the posts in various centers. Now, the aspirants are waiting for the results and the cut off mark to attend the second round conducted by the department. TNUSRB Police Constable Results 2017 Direct Link is provided below.

Name of the Organization: Tamil Nadu Uniform Service Recruitment Board
Employment category: State Government Job
Post Name:
- Constable
- Jail Warder
- Firemen
Total number of posts: 15711 posts
Important Dates:
- Date of Exam: 21 May 2017
- Date of results: June 2017 (expected)
Official website: /
Selection Procedure:
- Written exam
- Physical test
- Medical test
- Interview
Tamil Nadu Constable Result & Cut off Marks 2017
The aspirants have attended the exam conducted by the organization and waiting for the TNUSRB results. Already the government has released the answer key for the exam and candidates can check and guess their results. Currently, the Tn Govt has decided to announce the result for the exam in the month of June 2017. Candidates can check their results in the official website. Along with the result, the organization will release the merit list for the above mentioned posts. Candidates who are there in the list can further go with the procedure for the recruitment. Aspirants must undergo the written test, physical test, medical test and interview. Finally they will be called for the certificate verification.
Important Update Tamilnadu Police Result Released 2017
TNUSRB Police Constable Cut off Marks 2017

How to view TNUSRB Police Constable Results 2017
- Candidates must go to the official webpage /
- Search for the TNUSRB Results 2017 and click on the page
- Enter the registration number and the Date of birth and check the Login details
- Then click on the submit button and enter view results
- Results appear on the screen, recheck the registration number and the details in the result page
- Take the print out of the result for further use and check the merit list.
Important Update Tamilnadu Police Result Released 2017
Note to Aspirants:
Candidates must be patient to check the result as the server may go busy.
Candidates must have the necessary documents for the original verification in the interview round.
Good police jobs Tamilnadu.paplicsarwar
Police job is very good
how to check the police exam result website is not avilable the result
Result vathuruchu friends eppdi pakaradhu
Police life is very good my life la aim is police