TnpscTnpsc Current Affairs

Tnpsc Current Affairs in English – 7th June 2024

1. National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC) is chaired by which authority?

A. Defence Minister of India

B. Cabinet Secretary of India

C. Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare

D. President of India

  • The Union Cabinet Secretary chaired a National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC) meeting to review preparedness for heat waves and forest fires. NCMC, a key national-level decision-making body for disaster management, coordinates relief efforts, provides support to state governments, and ensures preventive measures. Chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, it includes Secretaries from relevant ministries and agencies.

2. Which organization recently released the ‘Child Nutrition Report 2024’?




D. World Bank

  • UNICEF’s “Child Nutrition Report, 2024” highlights severe child food poverty (CFP) affecting 27% of children globally. In India, 40% suffer from severe CFP, the second highest in South Asia. Key issues include the prevalence of unhealthy foods. Contributing factors are inequities, conflict, climate crises, and food marketing. Recommendations include improving data systems, transforming food systems, and enhancing health services for child nutrition.

3. What is the primary objective of the ‘TRISHNA mission’?

A. Exploring outer space

B. Monitoring surface temperature and water management at regional to global scale

C. Studying ocean currents

D. Mapping the moon’s surface

  • The TRISHNA mission, a collaboration between ISRO and CNES, aims to monitor surface temperature and water management globally. Its objectives include detailed monitoring of energy and water budgets, assessing urban heat islands, and detecting thermal anomalies. The mission features two primary payloads: CNES’s Thermal Infra-Red sensor and ISRO’s VNIR-SWIR payload. Operating in a sun-synchronous orbit, TRISHNA will significantly enhance climate monitoring and urban planning over its 5-year operational life.

4. Recently, which countries were elected as non-permanent members of the UNSC for the 2025-26 term?

A. Ukraine, Israel, Somalia and Maldives

B. Uganda, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan

C. Pakistan, Somalia, Denmark, Greece and Panama

D. Peru and Chile

  • Pakistan, Somalia, Denmark, Greece, and Panama were elected as non-permanent members of the UNSC for a two-year term via secret ballot, requiring two-thirds of the 193-member General Assembly. Pakistan marks its 8th term. The 1963 UN Charter amendment increased non-permanent members from 6 to 10.

5. Recently, which state government inaugurated plastic waste management and recycling plant?

A. Assam

B. Sikkim

C. Manipur

D. Mizoram

  • The Trishakti Corps of the Indian Army marked World Environment Day with “Go Green Initiatives” in North Bengal and Sikkim, including the launch of a plastic waste management plant in East Sikkim. Part of the Sadbhavana initiative, the project aims to promote sustainability and local economic development by recycling plastic waste into road materials and bricks. This effort creates jobs for villagers and aligns with the Army’s commitment to environmental sustainability, aiming to eliminate landfills by 2027.

6. Recently, where was the first meeting of the Joint Task Force on Investment (JTFI) between India and Qatar held?

A. New Delhi

B. Doha

C. Chennai

D. Kanyakumari

  • The inaugural meeting of the Joint Task Force on Investment (JTFI) between India and Qatar took place in New Delhi, co-chaired by officials from both nations. The JTFI aims to enhance investment cooperation and bilateral relations, focusing on sectors like infrastructure, energy, and technology. It highlights the shared commitment to inclusive development and mutual growth, reinforcing the strong economic ties between India and Qatar based on shared values and common objectives.

7. How many women have won the recently Lok Sabha elections?

A. 67

B. 74

C. 79

D. 97

  • In the recent Lok Sabha elections, 74 women were elected, a slight decrease from 78 in 2019. These 74 women MPs constitute 13.63% of the Lower House, still far from the desired 33% representation. Despite progress over the years, women’s representation in the Lok Sabha remains slow and inconsistent. However, this number marks a significant increase from the first elections in 1952, where only 22 women were elected.

8. What is the theme of ‘World Oceans Day 2024’?

A. Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing

B. Awaken New Depth

C. Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean

D. The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods

  • World Oceans Day 2024, celebrated on June 8th, aims to raise awareness about the importance of oceans and their conservation. The theme, “Awaken New Depths,” focuses on the impact of human activity on marine environments and promotes sustainable ocean management. Events and campaigns worldwide support this cause, with the United Nations hosting the main celebration at its New York Headquarters.

9. A J T Johnsingh, who recently passed away, belonged to which field?

A. Wildlife conservationist

B. Entertainer

C. Poet

D. Politician

  • Distinguished Indian wildlife conservationist and biologist A J T Johnsingh passed away at 78 in Bengaluru on June 7, 2024. Born in Tamil Nadu’s Western Ghats, he was influenced by Jim Corbett’s tales. Johnsingh joined the Wildlife Institute of India and played key roles in tiger conservation and various organizations. His research focused on diverse species, and he authored over 70 scientific papers and 80 popular articles on wildlife conservation.

10. Recently, who won the gold medal in the men’s 10m air pistol event at the ISSF World Cup 2024 in Munich, Germany?

A. Saurabh Chaudhary

B. Divyansh Singh

C. Sarabjot Singh

D. Abhishek Verma

  • Sarabjot Singh won India’s first medal at the ISSF World Cup in Munich, Germany, held from May 31 to June 8, 2024. He scored 242.7 points to win gold in the men’s 10-meter air pistol event. Shuaihang Bu of China won silver, and Germany’s Robin Walter took bronze. Sift Kaur Samra secured a bronze in the women’s 50-meter rifle event. India is third in the medal tally with two medals.

11. Mongla Port is located in which country?

A. Bangladesh

B. Myanmar

C. Sri Lanka

D. India

  • India aims to operate Mongla Port in Bangladesh and build a new terminal to counter China’s regional influence. Mongla, the second largest seaport in Bangladesh, is strategically located 62 km from the Bay of Bengal, protected by the Sundarban forest. India’s interest in Mongla will improve access and reduce transportation costs to northeastern states like Assam and Tripura. India Ports Global Limited has expressed interest, following the 2015 MoU for transit.

12. Which organization recently launched new initiatives for “greening education” in classrooms?

A. World Bank




  • UNESCO has launched new tools under the Greening Education Partnership: The Greening Curriculum Guidance (GCG) and Green School Quality Standards (GSQS). The GCG offers a practical manual for mainstreaming environmental topics in curricula, detailing expected learning outcomes. The GSQS sets minimum requirements for creating green schools with an action-oriented approach. This initiative, involving 80 member states, aims to equip learners with the skills to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development.

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