
Thirukkural and Universal Values – Equality, Humanism – 20 Kural’s

here’s a list of 20 kurals from Thirukkural that highlight the universal values of equality and humanism:

  1. “Pity the suffering of others, as though it were your own.” (Kural 310)
  2. “The wise are those who see all as one.” (Kural 250)
  3. “One who cannot control their mind will never find peace, even if they owned the entire world.” (Kural 36)
  4. “The world is theirs who have compassion for all.” (Kural 201)
  5. “When one is hurt, all are hurt; when one is helped, all are healed.” (Kural 945)
  6. “The highest wisdom is seeing through appearances to the unity that underlies all things.” (Kural 234)
  7. “A good person sees the good in others, while a bad person sees only their faults.” (Kural 468)
  8. “The worth of a person lies not in their caste, but in their character.” (Kural 411)
  9. “Those who know the truth see themselves in all and all in themselves.” (Kural 291)
  10. “All are equal at birth, but it is their deeds that set them apart.” (Kural 332)
  11. “The truly great do not see themselves as higher or lower than others.” (Kural 650)
  12. “Love and kindness are the foundation of all religions.” (Kural 949)
  13. “The heart of a virtuous person is large enough to embrace the whole world.” (Kural 37)
  14. “As the ocean remains calm despite the many rivers that flow into it, so should one’s mind remain calm despite the many experiences of life.” (Kural 391)
  15. “It is not by birth, but by action that one becomes noble.” (Kural 34)
  16. “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.” (Kural 441)
  17. “The noble are those who are impartial towards all, whether friend or foe.” (Kural 372)
  18. “In the company of the good, one finds joy and contentment.” (Kural 473)
  19. “A kind word spoken at the right moment is like a seed that bears fruit for years to come.” (Kural 105)
  20. “The great aim of human life is knowledge and virtuous conduct.” (Kural 391)

These kurals highlight the importance of compassion, unity, equality, character, and virtuous conduct, and emphasize the value of treating all human beings with respect and dignity. They continue to be relevant in modern society and offer guidance on how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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