MCQ Questions

The Universe and Solar System 6th Social Science Lesson 5 Questions in English

31. Venus means______

a) Roman goddess of love and beauty = Answer

b) Roman goddess of love

c) Roman goddess of beauty

d) None


Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

32. Which of the following is called as Morning and evening star?

a) Mercury

b) Venus = Answer

c) Sun

d) Moon


Venus is often visible in the mornings and the evenings and so it is frequently called as the Morning Star and the Evening Star. After the Moon, it is the brightest natural object in the night sky.

33. ______ of earth is covered with water

a) 2/3rd

b) 3/4th = Answer

c) 4/5th

d) 1/2nd


The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system. It is called ‘blue planet’ or ‘watery planet’ because three-fourth of the Earth is covered by water.

34. The polar diameter of earth is______ Kms

a) 12, 714 = Answer

b) 12, 756

c) 12, 614

d) 12, 765


Life is possible on Earth because of the presence of land, air and water. The polar diameter of the Earth is 12, 714 km and the equatorial diameter is 12, 756 km.

35. The Earth revolves around the Sun at a speed of about______ Km/s

a) 100

b) 130

c) 30 = Answer

d) 300


The Earth revolves around the Sun at a speed of about 30 km per second. The only natural satellite of the Earth is the Moon.

36. The distance between Earth and sun is_______ kilometre

a) 150 million = Answer

b) 100 million

c) 150 billion

d) 100 billion


The distance between the Sun and the Earth is about 150 million kilometres. A flight flying at a speed of 800 km per hour from the Earth would take 21 years to reach the Sun.

37. The second smallest planet in the solar system is_______

a) Earth

b) Mars = Answer

c) Jupiter

d) Saturn


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the solar system, after Mercury.

38. Which among the following is the only planet not named after Greek or Roman god?

a) Mercury

b) Mars

c) Earth = Answer

d) Saturn


The Earth is the only planet in the solar system which is not named after any Greek or Roman deity. It is the only planet known to support life.

39. The red colour of mars is due to_____

a) iron oxide = Answer

b) copper oxide

c) Sulphur oxide

d) Magnus oxide


Mars is named after the Roman God of war. It appears red in colour due to the presence of iron oxide on its surface. So, it is often described as The Red Planet.

40. Which of the following planet has polar ice caps like earth?

a) Mercury

b) Venus

c) Mars = Answer

d) None


Mars has a thin atmosphere. It also has polar ice caps like the Earth. Mars has two natural satellites namely Phobos and Deimos. Many orbiters and rovers have been launched to explore this planet.

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