MCQ Questions

The Judiciary 8th Social Science Lesson 22 Questions in English

8th Social Science Lesson 22 Questions in English

22. The Judiciary

1. State the main objective of a judicial system for a country?

a) Dispute settlements

b) Law interpretation

c) State Governance

d) Ensuring justice to all


The Judicial system of a country needs to be efficient in order to ensure proper justice to all the citizens equally. Judiciary plays an important role as an organ of the government.

2. Which of the following is not involved with the administer powers of a Judicial System?

a) Collecting people opinion

b) Dispute settlement

c) Protecting Fundamental Rights

d) Law interpretation


The Judicial system of a country mainly administers Justice, Settles disputes, interprets laws, protects Fundamental Rights and acts as a Guardian of the constitution.

3. Name the system of rules imposed through a Government or by an institution?

a) Judiciary

b) Ministries

c) Law

d) Constitution


Law is a system of rules imposed for all citizens of a particular nation. These laws can be executed through a government or an Institution to govern people.

4. Judiciary system is a system of ______ which administers justice in the name of the State.

a) Law

b) Court

c) Rights

d) Duties


In law, the judicial system or a Judiciary system is the system of courts which administers Justice in the name of the State.

5. By which factor the Justice system of ancient India was connected to?

a) King

b) Law

c) Religion

d) Society


In the Evolution of judiciary systems, ancient Indian concept of justice was linked with religion. The King was regarded as the Head of justice.

6. Assertion (A): Most of the ancient Indian King’s courts dispensed justice according to Dharma.

Reasoning (R): Dharma laws governed not only the individual also the society.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


In ancient times the Head of Indian Judiciary was the King. Most of the King’s courts dispensed justice according to Dharma which is the righteousness and duty as a set of conventional laws. These laws are concerned for the individual and also for the whole society.

7. In ancient India Smiriti’s define the _______ for the individual.

a) Social Right’s

b) Social duties

c) Social law’s

d) None of the above


Smiritis of ancient India defines the social duties for the individuals of the society. There are Manusmriti, Naradasmiriti, Yajnavalkya smiriti etc.

8. For which cases the Vajjis used the Kulika court?

a) Criminal cases

b) Civil cases

c) Political Disputes

d) None of the above


The Existence of Kulika Courts among the Vajji’s in ancient India. There was a board of eight Kulika’s for the investigation of Criminal Cases. Appeals were preceded from Kula courts to Gana courts.

9. To which dynasty does the Fiqha-e-feroze Shahi belongs?

a) Lodi Dynasty

b) Tughlaq Dynasty

c) Mamaluk Dynasty

d) Mughal Empire


The period of Tughlaq saw the compilation of the code of civil procedure. It was called as Fiqha-e- Feroze Shahi. These codes prescribed the details of the procedure and law in several issues.

10. Fatawa-i-Alamgiri was written in ______ and belongs to ________ reign.

a) 1675, Akbar

b) 1670, Sher shah

c) 1670, Aurangazeb

d) 1672, Humayun


Fiqha-e-Feroze shahi was set of codes for civil procedure. This was followed till the reign of Aurangazeb when it was replaced by Fatawa-i-Alamgiri written in 1670.

11. By which charter Act the Indian codified common law was framed?

a) Charter act of 1726

b) Charter Act of 1793

c) Charter Act of 1833

d) Charter Act of 1813


The Indian Judicial system and laws was formed by the British during the colonial rule. The beginning of Indian codified law is traced back under the charter Act of 1726.

12. Where the first Supreme Court of India did was established?

a) Bombay

b) Madras

c) Calcutta

d) New Delhi


The Regulating Act of 1773 made provision for the formation of Supreme Court. A Supreme Court was established for the first time at Fort Williams in Calcutta.

13. Match

A. Madras 1. 1824

B. Bombay 2. 1774

C. Calcutta 3. 1801

a) 312

b) 132

c) 231

d) 123


The East India Company established Supreme Court under the charter Act 1773. The First Supreme Court was established in Fort Williams, Calcutta in the year 1774. The Supreme Court in Madras and Bombay were established in the year 1801 and 1824.

14. When the Supreme Courts of India was replaced by the High Courts?

a) 1861

b) 1862

c) 1863

d) 1865


The Supreme Courts of India which was established by the East Indian Company were replaced by the High courts at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1862.

15. Match

A. Sadar Diwani Adalat 1. Criminal Disputes

B. Mofussil Fauzdari Adalat 2. Criminal Court of Appeal

C. Sadar Nizamat Adalat 3. Civil disputes

D. Mofussil Diwani Adalat 4. Civil court of Appeal

a) 4123

b) 2341

c) 4321

d) 1324


Warren hasting established Mofussil Diwani Adalat to resolve Civil Disputes and mofussil fauzdari Adalat to resolve criminal Cases. The Appeal from these courts could be taken to Sadar Diwani Adalat( Civil court of appeal) and Sadar Nizamat Adalat( Criminal court of Appeal).

16. Who abolished the District Fauzdari Court?

a) Lord Irwin

b) Warren Hasting

c) Lord Macaulay

d) Lord Cornwallis


Lord Cornwallis reorganized the civil and criminal judicial system. He abolished the District Fauzdari court and setup the Circuit courts.

17. Which place does not have a Circuit court?

a) Pune

b) Dacca

c) Murshidabad

d) Bihar


Lord Cornwallis established the Circuit courts at Calcutta, Pune, Dacca, Murshidabad and Patna.

18. Choose the Correct statements

A. During the period of Cornwallis Four Circuit courts was abolished.

B. The Calcutta High Court is the Oldest High court.

C. The Calcutta High court is the largest court.

D. Sadar Nizamat Adalat was established at Allahabad.

a) A, B, D only

b) B and D only

c) B, C , D only

d) A , D only


During the period of William Bentinck four circuit courts were abolished. The Calcutta high Court is the oldest high court in the country. The Allahabad high Court is the largest courts where Sadar Diwani Adalat and Sadar Nizamat Adalat were established.

19. Which of these were the results of the Macaulay Law commission?

a) A Civil procedure Code , 1859

b) An Indian penal Code, 1860

c) A Criminal Procedure Code,1861

d) All the above


A law commission was setup by Macaulay which codified the Indian Laws. On the basis of this commission, A civil procedure code of 1859, An Indian penal code of 1860, and a Criminal procedure Code 1861 were prepared.

20. Assertion (A): The Federal Court was established by the Government of India Act, 1919.

Reasoning (R): The Federal Court was not the highest court in certain situation.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


The Government of India Act, 1935 created Federal Court. It was not the highest court as appeals could lie in certain situation to the Privy Council in England.

21. In which year the Privy Council Jurisdiction Act was abolished?

a) 1948

b) 1949

c) 1945

d) 1947


The Federal Court of India was created by the Government of India Act, 1935. It was not the highest court as appeals could lie in certain situation to the Privy Council in England. The Jurisdiction of Privy Council was abolished by the Abolition of Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1949.

22. The Supreme Court of India was inaugurated on ________.

a) 28 Jan , 1950

b) 26 Jan, 1950

c) 26 Jan, 1951

d) 28 Jan, 1952


The Supreme Court of India is the Highest Judicial Court under the constitution of India; it was established on 28th January 1950.

23. By which Article of the Indian constitution the establishment of Supreme Court is stated?

a) Article 125

b) Article 124

c) Article 126

d) Article 123


The Article 124 of Chapter IV of the Indian Constitution states that there shall be a Supreme Court of India consisting of a Chief Justice of India.

24. Who was the first person to propose the idea of an Independent Judiciary?

a) Montesquieu

b) Aristotle

c) Confucius

d) Benjamin Constant


The First person who propounded the idea of an independent Judiciary was Montesquieu. He was a French Judge, man of letters and political philosopher.

25. According to Montesquieu theory what are the three branches of the government?

a) Legislature, Executive and Judiciary

b) Judiciary, Law and Executive

c) Constitution, Legislature and Union

d) Legislature, Constitution and Directive policy


Montesquieu, the French political Philosopher believed in the theory of separation of powers of the three branches of the Government as Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.

26. Which Article of the Indian Constitution state that the appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from the High Court?

a) Article 132

b) Article 130

c) Article 125

d) Article 127


As per the Article 132 of the Indian Constitution an Appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court from any Judgment, decree of final order of a High court in the territory of India if the Hugh court certifies it under the Article 134A.

27. Which power is exercised by the Supreme Court of India under the Article 139A?

a) High Court judges transfer

b) Moving cases from any court to itself.

c) Transfer cases from one High court to another.

d) Ancillary powers of Supreme Court


According to Article 139A of the Indian Constitution, the Supreme court may if it deems it expedient so to do for the ends of justice, transfer any case, appeal or other proceedings pending before any High court to any other High court.

28. By Which Article the Supreme Court to be considered as a Court of record?

a) Article 128

b) Article 129

c) Article 131

d) Article 126


The Supreme Court of India shall be a court of record and shall have all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself.

29. The Provisions of High Courts of India is dealt with which of these Articles in the constitution?

a) Articles 214-235

b) Articles 212-232

c) Articles 214-232

d) Articles 214-231


According to the Indian Constitution Articles 214-231 deals with the provisions of High Courts in India. It provides for separate High courts for separate states in India.

30. Assertion (A): The President may transfer a Judge from one High court to any High court.

Reasoning (R): Appointment of acting Chief Justice when the office of Chief justice is vacant.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


The Article 223 of the Indian Constitution appointment of acting chief justice when the office is vacant or when any such chief justice is, by reason of absence or otherwise, unable to perform the duties of his office, this shall be performed by such other Judges of the Court as the President may appoint for the above purposes.

31. Which of the courts are included under a High Court?

a) District Courts

b) E-courts

c) District Munsiff courts

d) All the above


The Supreme Court is at the top hierarchy of precedence in Indian Judiciary. The High courts is followed by the Supreme Court in the respective states. The High court includes District courts and Magistrates of Second class and Civil Division at the bottom.

32. Identify the correct match

A. Sessions Court 1. Civil cases

B. Revenue Courts 2. Land records cases

C. Panchayat Courts 3. Criminal Case in Town

D. District Courts 4. Municipality level cases

a) A only

b) A and C only

c) B only

d) None of the above

33. By which amendment the common High court was established for two or more states in India?

a) 7th Amendment

b) 42nd Amendment

c) 32nd Amendment

d) 1st Amendment


The Seventh Amendment of the Indian constitution in the year 1956 empowers the Establishment of High courts for more than one or two states in India.

34. The First Lok Adalat was held in ______ in _____.

a) Gujarat, 1982

b) Rajasthan, 1981

c) Chennai, 1986

d) Calcutta, 1982


Lok Adalat was set up to provide speedy justice. The cases are solved through mutual consents. The first Lok adalat was held on 1982 at Junagadh of Gujarat.

35. Assertion (A): Lok Adalat was setup to provide Speedy Justice.

Reasoning (R): The Cases are put forward without advocates.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


Lok Adalat was set up to provide speedy justice. It hears and settles the disputes in the language of the people in the public presence. These cases are put forward without advocates. It is presided over by a retired judge with a lawyer.

36. When and where the first Fast Track court was established in India?

a) 2000, New Delhi

b) 2000, Mumbai

c) 2002, Chennai

d) 2000, Kolkata


Fast Track courts were established in the year 2000 with an aim to clear the long pending sessions and other lower judicial cases.

37. Which organization involved in initiating Tele Law to the people in rural areas?

a) Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

b) Ministry of Telecommunications

c) Ministry of Rural development

d) Ministry of Home Affairs


To provide legal aid and service to the people in rural areas, the Tele Law initiative was launched by the Ministry of law and Justice in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and information Ministry.

38. Which kinds of issues are handled by the Family Courts?

a) Child custody

b) Divorce

c) Adoption

d) Juvenile issues

e) All the above


Family Courts specifically handle family law matters. They are civil courts and are utilized for various family related claims such as Child custody, Divorce, Adoption, juvenile issues.

39. Assertion (A): Mobile Courts mainly focuses on rural people.

Reasoning(R): It would create great awareness among rural people.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


Mobile courts will be great relief to the rural people. It would create greater awareness about the judicial system among the rural masses, cut costs for them and render justice as their doorsteps.

40. Identify the Incorrect statements.

A. The E-courts project was established in 2005.

B. All Courts will be computerized.

C. Only the Lawyers can ask directly about the case status.

a) A only

b) B only

c) C only

d) None of the above


The E-courts project was established in 2005. According to the project all the courts will get computerized. Judicial service center is the part of e-court. The Public as well as the advocates can ask directly the case status and next hearing dates with free of cost.

41. Under which act the National Legal Service has been constituted in India?

a) The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987

b) State Legal Services Authority

c) Entitlement to Legal services

d) None of the above


NALSA, The National Legal Service Authority has been constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 to provide free legal services to the weaker sections of the society. This will also organize Lok Adalats for amicable settlement of disputes.

42. Assertion (A): The Supreme Court of India is the Guardian of the constitution.

Reasoning (R): This is the highest court of appeal.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


Supreme Court of India is the highest court of India and is located in New Delhi. According to the constitution of India, the Supreme Court is the Guardian of the Constitution and the highest court of appeal.

43. The Judicial system mainly used to resolve the disputes between

a) Citizens only

b) Citizens and Governments only

c) Two state Governments only

d) The Center and State Governments only

e) All the above


The Judicial System in India provides a mechanism for resolving the disputes and conflicts between Citizens, Citizens and the Government, Two State Governments and The center and the State government. Supreme Court of India decisions are binding on all courts.

44. Under which article the Judicial Review of the Supreme Court is declared in the constitution?

a) Article 141

b) Article 134

c) Article 144

d) Article 123


The judicial Review states that only the Supreme Court of India has the power to declare a law unconstitutional for the whole country. Article 141 of the constitution says that the law declared by the Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts within the territory of India.

45. Assertion (A): Article 32 of Indian constitution is the soul of Indian Constitution.

Reasoning (R): Any citizen of India can approach the Supreme Court for the protection of his Fundamental Rights.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


The Article 32 of the Indian Constitution provides the right to constitutional remedies so a person has the right to move to the Supreme Court for getting his Fundamental Rights protected.

46. Under which Article the Supreme Court advisory jurisdiction is described?

a) Article 142

b) Article 143

c) Article 135

d) Article 143A


Article 143 of the Indian Constitution states the Power of the President to consult the Supreme Court about a question of the public importance referred to it by the president.

47. Which Amendment of the Constitution of India is inserted to validate the appointments of district judges in any State?

a) 20th Amendment

b) 32nd Amendment

c) 42nd Amendment

d) 21st Amendment


The 20th Amendment of the Constitution of India, 1966 inserted a new article 233A which validates the appointments, postings, promotions and transfers of and Judgments by District Judges in any State of India.

48. Choose the Incorrect statements

A. Article 226 of the Indian Constitution empowers High Courts to issue directions, order or writs.

B. Article 31 of the Indian Constitution empowers the Supreme Court to issue direction, order and writs.

C. Article 32 is a Fundamental Right.

D. Article 226 is not a Fundamental Right.

a) B only

b) D only

c) C only

d) A only


Article 32 of the Indian constitution empowers the Supreme Court to issue directions, order or Writs whereas the article 226 empowers the same the High courts of India. Article 32 is a fundamental Right. Article 226 is not a Fundamental Right.

49. How many types of sections are practiced in Indian judicial System?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4


There are two types of legal sections are involved in India which are civil and criminal.

50. By which law severe punishments are awarded to the guilty person?

a) Civil Law

b) Criminal Law

c) Both Civil and Criminal law

d) None of the above


Criminal Law deals with conducts or acts that the law defines as offences. Punishment is awarded if proven guilty, the accused is sent to jail.

51. What are all the disputes that are dealt by the Civil Law?

a) Land Disputes

b) Rental disputes

c) Marriage disputes

d) All the above


Civil law deals with the disputes over money property and social matters. For example a dispute relating to land, rent and marriages comes under the Civil law.

52. Assertion (A): The Independence of Judiciary is important for Fair Justice.

Reasoning (R): Judiciary is the custodian of rights of citizens in a Democratic country.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True

d) Both A and R is False.


The Framers of the Indian Constitution established Independent and impartial judiciary for the purpose of fair justice. India is a Democratic country which needs an independent Judiciary as the custodian of rights of citizens.

53. PIL was introduced by,

a) The Supreme Court

b) The Constitution of India

c) The Union Government

d) Parliamentary system


PIL (Public Interest Litigation) is a litigation field in a court of law for the protection of Public interests. The Supreme Court introduced this system which allows a person to approach the court with his case.

54. When a PIL can be filed by a citizen of India?

a) Violation of Human Rights

b) Religious rights

c) Pollution

d) All the above


PIL can be filed for the reasons like violation of basic human rights, Religious rights, pollution and Road safety. This could be done by a written letter stating the case.

55. What is the unique concept of the Indian Judiciary?

a) The Special Powers

b) Independent judiciary

c) Common High courts

d) Public Interest Litigation


The Supreme Court established a unique concept of Indian Judiciary which is PIL. This Public Interest litigation field is for the protection of public interests.

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