MCQ Questions

The Human Evolution 6th Social Science Lesson 2 Questions in English

21] Archaeology is the study of

A] Pre historic Remains and Materials

B] Evolution

C] Temple history

D] Caves and Excavation.

Answer & Explanation

A] Pre historic Remains and Materials

  • Archaeology is the study of Pre historic Human Remains and Materials used by Pre-historic humans.

22] Anthropologists unearthed the footprints of humans in a country called Tanzania, eastern Africa which were.

A] 2 million years old

B] 3.5 million years old

C] 5 million years old.

D] 2.5 million years old

Answer & Explanation

B] 3.5 million years old

  • Anthropologists unearthed the footprints of humans in a country called Tanzania, which is in eastern Africa using radio carbon dating which were 3.5 million years old.

23] Which of the following is not a Pre historic art site in Tamil Nadu ?

A] Keelvalavai

B] Porivarai cave

C] Kumuthipathi

D] Ulavi

Answer & Explanation

D] Ulavi

  • Ulavi cave is in Karanataka, Keelvalavai, porivarai and Kumuthipathi are the caves in Tamilnadu with rock paintings.

24] The Art of sharpening the stone with other stone is known as

A] Flaking

B] Sharpening

C] Fire whirling

D] Stone sharpening.

Answer & Explanation

A] Flaking

  • Keeping a stone in the bottom and sharpening it with another stone is called as Art of flaking.

25] The modern human beings or the Present man is Called as

A] Homo habilis

B] Cromagons

C] Homo sapiens

D] None of the above

Answer & Explanation

B] Cromagons

  • Cromagons are Modern humans or the present men.
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