MCQ Questions

The Human Evolution 6th Social Science Lesson 2 Questions in English

11] Pre historic Rock arts were found in Tamil Nadu at

A] Keelvalai – Villupuram

B] Usilampatti – Madurai

C] Mavadaippu – Coimbatore

D] All the above

Answer & Explanation

D] All the above

  • Pre historic rock arts are found in places such as Keelvalai – Villupuram , Usilampatti – Madurai , Mavadaippu – Coimbatore and Porivarai cave-karikaiyur Nilgris.

12] Evidences for Neanderthal man were seen in

A] France

B] Germany

C] India

D] Africa

Answer & Explanation

B] Germany

  • Evidences for Neanderthal man can be seen in Germany.

13] Which stage of human evolution man started first to bury the dead ?

A] Neanderthal man

B] Homo erectus

C] Homo sapiens

D] Cromagons

Answer & Explanation

A] Neanderthal man

14] Which stage of Men started migrating from Africa and settled in parts of Europe and Asia ?

A] Neanderthal man

B] Homo erectus

C] Homo sapiens

D] Homo habilis.

Answer & Explanation

C] Homo sapiens

  • Homo sapiens Began to Migrate from Parts of Africa and settled in different parts of Europe and Asia.

15] At The first stage of human Evolution the beings are Named to be

A] Australopithecus

B] Neanderthal man

C] Homo sapiens

D] Homo erectus.

Answer & Explanation

A] Australopithecus

  • Australopithecus is a mix of being with human and ape traits started walking on two legs.

16] Which of the following Man first began to walk straight and erect ?

A] Australopithecus

B] Neanderthal man

C] Homo sapiens

D] Homo erectus.

Answer & Explanation

D] Homo erectus.

  • Homo erectus were the ones who started walking Straight position first.

17] Which is the Main source of Archaeological studies ?

A] Caves and edicts

B] Literary sources

C] Excavated material remains

D] Accounts by travelers.

Answer & Explanation

C] Excavated material remains

  • Excavated material remains are the main source for archaeological studies.

18] Match the following

A] Cromagons – China

B] Peking – France

C] Heidelbergs – London

D] Homo nerectus – Africa and Asia.





Answer & Explanation


19] The word Anthropology is derived from the Greek words.

A] Anthra and Polo

B] Anthrpos and Logos

C] Anthracia and Logia

D] Anthrapol and Logos

Answer & Explanation

B] Anthrpos and Logos

  • The word anthropology is derived from two Greek words: anthropos meaning “man” or “human” and logos, meaning “thought” or “reason.”

20] Which Method is used to ascertain the period of the Fossils Found ?

A] Laboratory method

B] Radio carbon dating

C] Redbook Method

D] Fossil test.

Answer & Explanation

B] Radio carbon dating

  • Radio carbon dating Method is used to ascertain the period of Archaelogical Evidences Found.
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