MCQ Questions

The Human Evolution 6th Social Science Lesson 2 Questions in English

6th Social Science Lesson 2 Questions in English

2. The Human Evolution

1] Anthropology is the study of

A] Fossils

B] Excavation sites

C] Humans and Evolutionary history

D] Caves and Temples

Answer & Explanation

C] Humans and Evolutionary history

  • Anthropology is the study of Humans and Evolutionary history. The word anthropology is derived from two Greek words: anthropos meaning “man” or “human”; and logos, meaning “thought” or “reason.” Multiple Choice Questions

2] Neanderthal Men were said to be Lived approximately about

A] 300,000 Years ago

B] Between 130,000 and 40,000 years ago

C] 1.8 Million years ago

D] Between 4-2 million years ago.

Answer & Explanation

B] Between 130,000 and 40,000 years ago

Neanderthal Man were said to be lived between 130,000 to 40,000 years ago. Their Tools were crude and their hunting skills were poor, There were evidences of Burying the dead. Evidences are seen in Germany.

3] Which caves in France is the evidence for cave living of Cromagnons.

A] Ellora

B] Lascaus

C] Niaux

D] Bhimbetka

Answer & Explanation

B] Lascaus

  • Lascaus caves in France is the evidence for cave living of Cromagnons.

4] Homo sapiens Migrated to all parts of the world from Which region ?

A] Central Africa

B] Central Asia

C] East Africa

D] South America

Answer & Explanation

C] East Africa

Homo sapiens are found to be migrated from east Africa to different parts of the world.

5] Choose the correct pair from the following.

A] Homo habilis – 300,000 years ago

B] Homo sapiens – 4- 2 millions ago

C] Homo erectus – 2.3 -1.4 million years ago

D] Australopithecus – 1.8 million years ago





Answer & Explanation


6] Which was considered to be the main occupation of humans in the past?

A] Farming

B] Hunting

C] Trading

D] None of the above.

Answer & Explanation

B] Hunting

  • Hunting was considered to be the main occupation of humans in the past.

7] The first and foremost invention by Humans is

A] Fire

B] Wheel

C] Cart

D] Hunting knife.

Answer & Explanation

B] Wheel

  • Wheels are considered to be the first and foremost invention by humans.

8] The Ancient man used what kind of stone to make weapons ?

A] Sand stone

B] Lime stone

C] Flint stone

D] Normal rock stones.

Answer & Explanation

C] Flint stone

  • The best stone for the making weapons was chikki – mukki kal (flint). It is known for its strength and durability. Humans spent many hours in search of a flint stone.

9] The colour dyes made from the extracts of roots, leaves or bark were used in

A] Wheels

B] Ornaments

C] Rock Paintings

D] Hair

Answer & Explanation

C] Rock Paintings

  • The colour dyes were made from the extracts of roots, leaves or barks. These natural dyes were used in Rock paintings.

10] In India Approximately how many caves are Present with Paintings ?

A] 800

B] 760

C] 500

D] 750

Answer & Explanation

C] 500

  • In India, we can see many paintings in rocks and caves. The rock paintings give some information about the past. Approximately there are 750 caves, in which 500 caves have paintings.
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