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The Age of Revolutions Book Back Questions 9th Social Science Lesson 9

9th Social Science Lesson 9

9] The Age of Revolutions

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

Reformers who led a religious movement to reform the Church of England dispensing with the teachings and practices of Roman Catholic Church were known as Puritans. The Stuart kings, James I and Charles I, did not tolerate their attempts to reform the Church of England. The persecution of Puritans prompted many to leave England and settle. In the colonies they founded they organized a Puritan way of life.

Quakers were members of a Christian group called the Society of Friends who, while laying emphasis on the Holy Spirit, rejected outward rites and an ordained ministry. George Fox was the founder of the society in England. Quakers have the reputation of actively working for peace and opposing war.

Even before the arrival of Europeans in America, there was an indigenous population, called Native Americans (they used to be referred to as “Red Indians”; it is now considered demeaning, and historians do not use this term any more) , spread over the vast American continent. They belonged to various tribes and many of them were at war with each other. Besides they refused to work under conditions of slavery. Through a combination of violence and diplomacy Europeans conquered and defeated many of these tribes. Greatly reduced in numbers today they live in various reserves.

Cornwallis: Born into an aristocratic family and educated at Eton and Cambridge, Cornwallis joined the army in 1757. Upon his father’s death in 1762 he became Earl Cornwallis and entered the House of Lords, the upper house of Britain. His military action in the American War of Independence was praiseworthy, inflicting defeats on the American army in a few battles though finally he had to surrender his army at Yorktown. Despite this defeat, Cornwallis retained the confidence of successive British governments and continued to enjoy an active career. Knighted in 1786, he was appointed Governor General by the East India Company government in British India.

Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen: This declaration was drafted by Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson and Mirabeau. Based on Natural Law, that asserts that certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature, the rights of humans were declared universal… and valid at all times and in every place. Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers, the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a major impact on the development of freedom and democracy worldwide.

Choose the best answers:

1. The first British colony in America was _______________

(a) New York

(b) Philadelphia

(c) Jamestown

(d) Amsterdam

2. The pioneer of French Revolution who fought on the side of Washington against the British was _____________

(a) Mirabeau

(b) Lafayette

(c) Napoleon

(d) Danton

3. Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson and Mirabeau wrote the _____________

(a) Declaration of Independence

(b) Declaration of Pilnitz

(c) Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

(d) Human Rights Charter

4. The defeat of British at _______________ paved the way for the friendship between France and America.

(a) Trenton

(b) Saratoga

(c) Pennsylvania

(d) New York

5. ____________ was the symbol of “Royal Despotism” in France.

(a) Versailles Palace

(b) Prison of Bastille

(c) Paris Commune

(d) Estates General

6. The forces of Austria and Prussia were defeated by the French Revolutionary forces at ______________

(a) Verna

(b) Versailles

(c) Pilnitz

(d) Valmy

7. Candide was written by _____________

(a) Voltaire

(b) Rousseau

(c) Montesquieu

(d) Danton

8. The moderate liberals who wanted to retain Louis XVI as a limited monarchy were called _______________

(a) Girondins

(b) Jacobins

(c) Emigres

(d) Royalists

9. American War of Independence was ended with the Peace of Paris in the year ___________

(a) 1776

(b) 1779

(c) 1781

(d) 1783

10. Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet was ____________

(a) Common Sense

(b) Rights of Man

(c) Bill of rights

(d) Abolition of Slavery

Fill in the blanks:

1. The Postmaster General of the Postal Department of the government of second Continental Congress was ___________

2. The battle of Bunker Hill was fought on ___________

3. The ____________ Act insisted on repaying the debt in gold or silver.

4. The leader of National Assembly of France was ___________

5. _______________ was guillotined for organizing a Festival of Liberty and Reason.

6. Louis XVI was arrested at _____________ with his family when he tried to escape from France.

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. i) The Portuguese were the pioneers of naval expeditions.

ii) New Plymouth was named after the Quaker Penn.

iii) Quakers have the reputation of encouraging wars.

iv) The English changed the name of New Amsterdam to New York.

(a) i and ii are correct

(b) iii is correct

(c) iv are correct

(d) i and iv are correct

2. i) The American war of Independence was as much a civil war as a war against the British.

ii) The British forces emerged victorious in York Town.

iii) The nobles in France were supportive of the rising middle class.

iv) The British Parliament repealed the Townshend Act except the tax on paper.

(a) i and ii are correct

(b) iii is correct

(c) iv is correct

(d) i and iv are correct

3. Assertion (A): Merchants of Boston boycotted the British goods.

Reason (R): The British Finance Minister introduced new duties on imports into American colonies.

(a) A is correct and R is not the explanation of A

(b) A is incorrect and R is not the explanation of A

(c) A is correct and R is the explanation of A

(d) Both A and R is incorrect

4. Assertion (A): There was a massive peasant revolt in the Vendee against conscriptions.

Reason (R): The peasants as supporters of the king did not like to fight against him.

(a) Both A and R is incorrect

(b) Both A and R are correct

(c) A is correct and R is incorrect

(d) A is incorrect and R is correct

Match the following:

1. John Winthrop – France Finance minister

2. Turgot – July 4

3. The Spirit of Laws – Britain and France

4. Marie Antoinette – Massachusetts bay

5. Seven-year war – Louis XVI

6. American Independence Day – Montesquieu


Choose the correct answers:

1. Jamestown 2. Lafayette 3. Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen 4. Saratoga 5. Versailles Palace 6. Valmy 7. Voltaire 8. Girondins 9. 1783 10. Common Sense

Fill in the blanks:

1. Benjamin Franklin 2. 17th June 1775 3. Currency 4. Mirabeau 5. Herbert 6.Varennes

Consider the following statements and choose the correct answers:

1. Statement i and iv are correct 2. Statement i and iv are correct 3. A and R is correct and R is the correct explanation of R. 4. A is correct and R is incorrect.

Match the following:

1. Massachusetts bay 2. France Finance Minister 3. Montesquieu 4. LouisXVI 5. Britain and France 6. July 4

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