MCQ Questions

State Government 7th Social Science Lesson 14 Questions in English

7th Social Science Lesson 14 Questions in English

14. State Government

1. Which of the following fort was built 1st in India by British?

a) Fort St. George

b) Fort St. Williams

c) Fort St. Joseph

d) Fort St. Mathew


Fort St. George is a fort in Chennai. First English fortress in India. The fort currently houses the Tamil Nadu legislative assembly and Secretariat of Tamil Nadu.

2. The system of administration in India is___ types

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 1


The system of administration in India is 3 types. India has separate system of administration for the Union, States and Union territories.

3. Which of the following is the system of administration in India?

1) Union

2) States

3) Union territories

a) 1 alone

b) 1, 2

c) 1, 2, 3

d) 2, 3


The system of administration in India is 3 types. India has separate system of administration for the Union, States and Union territories.

4. Power in center and separate government for states is_______ system

a) Unitary

b) Federal

c) Quasi Unitary

d) Quasi Federal


Power in India is divided between two sets of governments one at the central in Delhi and separate governments for all the states. This is called as federal system.

5. Who among the following is the head of the Indian union?

a) President

b) Prime minister

c) Chief Justice

d) Governor


India is a Parliamentary democratic republic where the President of India is the Head of Indian Union and the Prime Minister and all the Ministers are responsible for smooth running of the government. This is called central government.

6. Who among the following is responsible for smooth running of government?

a) President

b) Prime Minister

c) Council of Ministers

d) Both b and c


India is a Parliamentary democratic republic where the President of India is the Head of Indian Union and the Prime Minister and all the Ministers are responsible for smooth running of the government. This is called central government.

7. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) All the states and union territories have separate governments to run its own administration

2) Governor, Chief Minister and all the ministers constitute the Central Government.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


All the states and union territories have separate governments to run its own administration. Governor, Chief Minister and all the ministers constitute the State Government.

8. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The member of the Parliament is called MP whereas the member of the Legislative Assembly is called MLA

2) Both the Central and State Governments work according to our constitution

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The member of the Parliament is called MP whereas the member of the Legislative Assembly is called MLA. Both the Central and State Governments work according to our constitution.

9. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) For election, the entire state is divided into several constituencies on the basis of the population

2) They are elected by the people through general election

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


MLAs are not appointed. They are elected by the people through general election. These political parties play a vital role in election. For election, the entire state is divided into several constituencies on the basis of the population.

10. People residing in that constituency who has completed____ years of age cast their vote.

a) 21

b) 20

c) 18

d) 16


Political parties nominate their candidates to each constituency. All the people residing in that constituency who has completed 18 years of age cast their vote.

11.Who among the following conducts and monitors state election?

a) State election commissioner

b) Election Commission of India

c) CJI

d) Governor


The candidate who gets more number of votes is declared as elected and becomes MLA. The Election Commission of India conducts and monitors the elections.

12. ______ calls the leader of the majority party to form the state government

a) President

b) Governor

c) Assembly Speaker

d) State Election commissioner


After the election the party which gets the more number of MLAs is declared as the majority party. The Governor calls the leader of the majority party to form the state government.

13. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) Party which gets the total number of seats next to the majority party, acts as an opposition party in the legislature

2) But all the MLAs of other political parties who do not belong to the ruling party are called opposition party

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Party which gets the total number of seats next to the majority party, acts as an opposition party in the legislature. But all the MLAs of other political parties who do not belong to the ruling party are called opposition party.

14. Which of the following statement is correct?

a) Party whose MLAs has won more than half the number of constituencies in the state are called ruling party

b) Party whose MLAs has won 1/4th of constituencies in the state are called ruling party

c) Party whose MLAs has won 1/3rd number of constituencies in the state are called ruling party

d) None


The Governor calls the leader of the majority party to form the state government. In simple words a party whose MLAs has won more than half the number of constituencies in the state are called ruling party.

15. Who among the following appoints Governor?

a) President

b) Chief Justice

c) Prime Minister

d) None


The Governor, the Chief Minister, Council of Ministers. The Governor is appointed by the president of India for the term of five years.

16. What is the term of office of Governor?

a) 3 years

b) 5 years

c) 6 years

d) 4 years


The Governor, the Chief Minister, Council of Ministers. The Governor is appointed by the president of India for the term of five years.

17. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The leader of the majority party is appointed as the Chief Minister by the Governor

2) The Chief minister in consultation with the Governor, constitutes a cabinet which includes members of his party as ministers

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The Chief minister in consultation with the Governor, constitutes a cabinet which includes members of his party as ministers. The term of the office is five years.

18. What is the minimum age for MLC and MLA?

a) 21, 25

b) 25, 30

c) 30, 25

d) 25, 21


To become a Chief Minister, you should have completed 25 years of age and should be an MLA or in case of an MLC should have completed 30 years of age.

19. What is the minimum age for Governor?

a) 25

b) 30

c) 35

d) 45


To become a Governor, one should be the citizen of India and should have completed 35 years of age and should have sound mind. And should not hold any public office of profit.

20. How many houses is/are there in state Legislature?

a) 1

b) 4

c) 3

d) 2


Usually a state Legislature has two houses. Upper House and Lower House. This is called Bi-cameral Legislature

21. Upper House is called as______

a) Legislative Council

b) Legislative Assembly

c) Lok Sabha

d) None


Usually a state Legislature has two houses. Upper House and Lower House. This is called Bi-cameral Legislature. Upper House is called Legislative Council.

22. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The members are called MLCs and they are not elected directly by the people.

2) The Lower House is called Legislative Assembly. The members are called MLAs.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Usually a state Legislature has two houses. Upper House and Lower House. This is called Bi-cameral Legislature. Upper House is called Legislative Council. The members are called MLCs and they are not elected directly by the people. The Lower House is called Legislative Assembly. The members are called MLAs.

23. How many House are there in Tamil Nadu state legislature?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 1

d) 4


In India some of the states have two houses in their state legislature. But in Tamil Nadu we have Lower House only. This is called unicameral Legislature.

24. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The Governor is an integral part of the State Legislature.

2) Governor is the head of the state executive and he has enormous powers.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The Governor is an integral part of the State Legislature. Governor is the head of the state executive and he has enormous powers. All the administration is carried on in his name.

25. Who is the chancellor of Government universities in the state?

a) President

b) Governor

c) Chief Minister

d) Home minister


The Governor is an integral part of the State Legislature. Governor is the head of the state executive and he has enormous powers. All the administration is carried on in his name. He is the chancellor of Government universities in the state. All bills become law only after his assent.

26. Who among the following is appointed by Governor?

a) Chairman and members of State Public Service Commission

b) State Election Commissioner

c) Vice chancellors of state universities

d) All the above


The Governor appoints important officials of the state government such as advocate General, Chairman and members of State Public Service Commission, State Election Commissioner, Vice chancellors of state universities etc.

27. Who among the following is not appointed by Governor?

a) CJI of Supreme court

b) Advocate General

c) State Election Commissioner

d) Vice chancellors of state universities


The Governor appoints important officials of the state government such as advocate General, Chairman and members of State Public Service Commission, State Election Commissioner, Vice chancellors of state universities etc.

28. ______ is the real executive head of the state administration

a) Governor

b) Chief Minister

c) President

d) CJI of High Court


The Chief Minister is the real executive head of the state administration. He allocates the portfolios among the ministers.

29. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Governor allocates the portfolios among the ministers

2) The Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to the State Legislature

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The Chief Minister is the real executive head of the state administration. He allocates the portfolios among the ministers. The Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to the State Legislature. All the ministers work as a team under the Chief Minister.

30. ______ formulates programmes and policies for the welfare of the people of the state

a) Chief Minister

b) Home Minister

c) Education Minister

d) Governor


The Chief Minister formulates programmes and policies for the welfare of the people of the state. The council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly of the state.

31. Which of the following is/are main organ of government?

a) Legislative

b) Executive

c) Judiciary

d) All the above


The three main organs of government are the legislative, executive and judiciary. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judiciary interprets the laws.

32. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The High courts are the highest judicial organ at the State level.

2) It is an independent body

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The High courts are the highest judicial organ at the State level. It is an independent. body. As per the constitution there shall be a High Court in each state.

33. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The state high court consists of a Chief Justice and other judges.

2) The number of Judges in the high court is uniform and fixed.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The state high court consists of a Chief Justice and other judges. The number of Judges in the high court is not uniform and fixed.

34. Who appoints the Chief Justice of High Court?

a) Governor

b) President

c) Prime Minister

d) Chief Justice of India


The state high court consists of a Chief Justice and other judges. The number of Judges in the high court is not uniform and fixed. President appoints the Chief Justice and can hold the office until he completes the age of 62 years.

35. What is the maximum age of Chief Justice of high court?

a) 65

b) 62

c) 58

d) 60


The state high court consists of a Chief Justice and other judges. The number of Judges in the high court is not uniform and fixed. President appoints the Chief Justice and can hold the office until he completes the age of 62 years.

36. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Apart from High court there are district courts and tribunals. They ensure justice to the people without any bias.

2) Lok Adalat (people’s court) also have been established by the Government of India to settle dispute through conciliation and compromise

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Apart from High court there are district courts and tribunals. They ensure justice to the people without any bias. Apart from this, Family Courts are established to settle the disputes relating to marriages and family affairs. Lok Adalat (people’s court) also have been established by the Government of India to settle dispute through conciliation and compromise.

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