SSC CGL Result 2016 Merit List Combined Graduate Level Tier I Cut Off Marks
SSC CGL Result 2016 Merit List Combined Graduate Level Tier I Cut Off Marks
SSC CGL Cut off 2016
Staff Selection Commission is going to declare Combined Graduate Level Examination cut off marks along with list of selected candidates and merit list very soon in the upcoming days for tier 1 exam very soon on its official website and the cut off marks for the tier 2 exam will be declared in the month of January 2017. Therefore, the candidates who have appeared in this examination will soon be able to check out their cut off marks from the official website The examination was held on 27 August to 11 September 2016, it was held at the various examination centers all over the country. SSC CGL Result 2016 Merit List Combined Graduate Level Tier I Cut Off Marks available at Official Website.
ssc cgl tier 1 cut off
The Staff Selection Commission is functioning under the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India. It was set up on 1 July 1976 primarily to make recruitment on zonal basis for non-technical Group C posts under the Central Government. The main functions are to conduct examinations and interviews, wherever required, for recruitment to the posts within our purview. The examinations are held as far as possible at different centers and successful candidates posted, to the extent possible, to their home state/ region.

ssc cgl merit list 2016
Staff Selection Commission conducts different recruitment exams for the organization to select qualified people in various required posts and each year, lot of interested people appear at the exams to get job in Government sector of the state. SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam is such a much anticipated exam among the applicants. cgl tier 1 cut off 2016
- Name of the organization: Staff Selection Commission
- Name of the Exam: SSC Common Graduation Level Tier-2 examination
- Exam date: 27 August 2016 to 11 September 2016
- Answer Key: Available
- Exam Type: Multiple Choice Objective Type
- Exam full mark: 600
- Exam Subject: Statistics, Quantitative Abilities and English Language & Comprehension
- Result date: Available Soon
- Further Process: Interview or Personality Test
- Website:
ssc cgl tier 1 result 2016 expected date
The result of the written test will be made available on the website: Candidates will be able to access SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2016 by using their roll number of the test. Merit list, as well as mark obtained, will be published simultaneously. The authority is nearing the end of script checking process. As soon as all the necessary process is completed, the result of the written test will be published in due time.
SSC CGL Result 2016
The test was taken at various exam centers. The written exam was a multiple choice based one. The question paper was divided into three segments. Questions were set on Statistics, Quantitative Abilities, and English Language & Comprehension. So, the total mark of the exam was 400. Exam duration was 120 minutes.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off Marks 2016
Cut off marks (Tier I + Tier II) for all interview posts (Other than Statistical Investigator / Compiler) | ||||
Category | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
SC | 281.25 | 284 | 359.25 | 365.5 |
ST | 295.75 | 282 | 345.75 | 349.75 |
OBC | 323.75 | 319 | 395.75 | 398.75 |
Ex.S | 293 | 308 | 345 | 361 |
OH | 246 | 274 | 345 | 340 |
HH | 200 | 191 | 228 | 231 |
VH | 246 | 261 | 315.25 | 359 |
UR | 354.75 | 349 | 424.5 | 426 |
Cut off marks (Tier I + Tier II) for all non interview posts only | ||||
Category | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
SC | 247.25 | 251 | 334 | 331.5 |
ST | 251.75 | 242 | 314 | 308.5 |
OBC | 283.75 | 281.5 | 368.5 | 365 |
Ex.S | 180 | 211 | 226 | 288 |
OH | 208 | 227 | 305.75 | 307 |
HH | 150 | 123 | 201.5 | 182 |
VH | 150 | 225 | 300.25 | 307 |
UR | 315.25 | 313 | 401 | 397.25 |
ssc cgl selection procedure 2016
- Tier 1: First of all CGL tier 1 exam will be organized for all candidates. Tier 1 will be organized for the sake of larger no of applicants.
- Tier 2: Graduate level mains exam is also known as TIER II exam.
- Tier 3: This tier is also called personality test or interview test i.e. CPT test/ skill test/ document verification, and other tests will be organized as per as demand of various post.
After the declaration of SSC CGL tier 1 result, those candidates who will qualify in the exam will have to appear for CGL 2016 Tier 1 exam. Aspirants who clear tier 1 will have to appear for the interview. Those who will qualify the interview will be selected based on the cut off marks. Those who have fewer marks but qualify will be selected for non-interview posts based on their post preference.
SSC CGL Tier 1 Merit List 2016
SSC CGL Tier 1 Merit List 2016 will be published based on the number of marks obtained in the written test. Only the candidate will be selected who will secure cut off marks or higher. Minimum mark required to pass the exam for general candidate is 55%, 53% for OBC candidate, 48% for SC candidate and 47% for ST applicant. Those who will be selected in the merit list will be called for interview. Candidates will be notified of the viva schedule after written result.
Check SSC CGL Tier I Cut off Marks 2016