A General TopicsSSC CGL Exam

SSC CGL Exam Pattern and Syllabus

SSC CGL Exam Pattern and Syllabus

SSC CGL Exam Pattern and Syllabus : The Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) Exam is a national-level competitive examination conducted to recruit eligible candidates for various posts in different government departments and ministries. The SSC CGL exam is divided into four tiers – Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, and Tier IV. In this article, we will discuss the detailed SSC CGL Exam Pattern and Syllabus for each tier.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus For SSC CGL Tier I

  • The Tier I Exam is a computer-based test that consists of four sections – General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension.
  • The exam is conducted for a total of 200 marks and consists of 100 objective-type multiple-choice questions.
  • Each section contains 25 questions, and the time duration for the Tier I exam is 60 minutes.
  • The marking scheme for the exam is as follows: For every correct answer, candidates will be awarded 2 marks. For every wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be deducted.

Section-wise syllabus for Tier I

A. General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section is designed to test a candidate’s ability to solve problems and think critically. The topics covered under this section are analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, etc.

B. General Awareness: This section aims to test a candidate’s knowledge about current events and general awareness of the environment around him/her. The topics covered under this section are questions related to current events, history, culture, geography, economics, general policy, scientific research, etc.

C. Quantitative Aptitude: This section is designed to test a candidate’s ability to solve numerical problems. The topics covered under this section are Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Time and Work, etc.

D. English Comprehension: This section is designed to test a candidate’s ability to understand and use the English language. The topics covered under this section are Spotting the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting, Misspelled words, Idioms & Phrases, One-word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage, etc.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus For SSC CGL Tier II

  • The Tier II Exam is also a computer-based test that is conducted in four separate papers – Quantitative Abilities, English Language and Comprehension, Statistics, and General Studies (Finance and Economics).
  • The exam is conducted for a total of 800 marks, and each paper is conducted for 2 hours.
  • The marking scheme for the exam is as follows: For every correct answer, candidates will be awarded 2 marks. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

Section-wise syllabus for Tier II

A. Quantitative Abilities: Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistical Charts, etc.

B. English Language and Comprehension: Spotting the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting Misspelled words, Idioms & Phrases, One-word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage, etc.

C. Statistics: Collection and Representation of Data, Measure of Central Tendency, Measure of Dispersion, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis, Correlation and Regression, Probability Theory, Random Variable and Probability Distributions, Sampling Theory, Statistical Inference, Analysis of Variance, Time Series Analysis, etc.

D. General Studies (Finance and Economics): Fundamental principles and basic concept of Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation, Financial Accounting, Basic concept of Economics and introduction to Micro Economics, Theory of Production and Cost, Forms of Market and Price Determination in different markets, Money and Banking, Role of Information Technology in Governance, etc.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus For SSC CGL Tier III

The Tier III exam consists of a single paper that requires the candidates to write an essay, letter, or application on any given topic. The topics for the essay may be related to current affairs, social issues, or any other topic of general interest. The letter/application can be formal or informal, and the candidates need to follow the correct format for writing them.

  • Mode of Exam: Pen and Paper mode
  • The Tier-III exam is a descriptive exam and is conducted in pen and paper mode. The exam comprises essay writing, letter writing, and prĂ©cis writing. The exam is of 100 marks and is conducted for a duration of 60 minutes.

The SSC CGL Tier III exam is a descriptive paper that is designed to test the candidate’s writing skills in English or Hindi. The paper is conducted for a total of 100 marks, and the time duration for the exam is 60 minutes. The candidates have to choose between the two languages while appearing for the exam.

Section-wise syllabus for SSC CGL Tier III

A. Essay Writing: Candidates need to write an essay on a given topic, and the essay can be written in either English or Hindi. The topics can be related to current affairs, social issues, or any other topic of general interest.

B. Letter/Application Writing: Candidates need to write a letter or an application in either English or Hindi, and the format of the letter/application should be appropriate. The topics can be formal or informal, and the candidates need to follow the correct format for writing them.

The candidates need to ensure that they use proper grammar and vocabulary while writing the essay or letter/application. The essay or letter/application should be coherent and should have a proper structure. The candidates need to ensure that they stick to the word limit and do not exceed it. The content should be relevant, and the language should be clear and concise.

The SSC CGL Tier III exam is a test of the candidate’s writing skills and ability to express their thoughts and ideas in English or Hindi. The candidates need to ensure that they practice writing essays and letters/applications regularly to prepare for this exam.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus For SSC CGL Tier IV

The Tier-IV exam is a skill test or computer proficiency test, depending on the post applied for. The SSC CGL Tier IV exam is a computer proficiency test (CPT) or a data entry speed test (DEST), depending on the post applied for. The CPT is conducted for the candidates who have applied for the posts of Assistant Section Officer of CSS, MEA, AFHQ, and GSI. The DEST is conducted for the candidates who have applied for the post of Tax Assistant in CBDT and CBEC. The Tier IV exam is of qualifying nature, and the marks obtained in this exam are not counted for the final selection. However, the candidates need to qualify this exam to be considered for the final selection.

Section-wise syllabus for SSC CGL Tier IV

A. Computer Proficiency Test (CPT): The CPT is conducted for the candidates who have applied for the posts of Assistant Section Officer of CSS, MEA, AFHQ, and GSI. The CPT consists of the following two modules:

Word Processing: In this module, the candidates are tested for their proficiency in using word processing software like Microsoft Word. The candidates need to type a given text in a specified format with correct spellings, punctuation, and formatting.

Spread Sheet: In this module, the candidates are tested for their proficiency in using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel. The candidates need to prepare a spreadsheet based on the data given and perform calculations on the same.

B. Data Entry Speed Test (DEST): The DEST is conducted for the candidates who have applied for the post of Tax Assistant in CBDT and CBEC. The candidates need to have a data entry speed of 8,000 key depressions per hour on a computer. The test is conducted for 15 minutes, and the candidates need to enter the given data in a software provided by SSC.

The SSC CGL Tier IV exam is a computer proficiency test or a data entry speed test, depending on the post applied for. The candidates need to be proficient in using word processing and spreadsheet software for the CPT and have a data entry speed of 8,000 key depressions per hour for the DEST. The Tier IV exam is of qualifying nature, and the marks obtained in this exam are not counted for the final selection.

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