
SOP and Other Documents : MS In Germany

SOP and Other Documents : MS In Germany

So you are ready with all the pre-requisite documents and now waiting to apply for the course of your choice? If yes, then read this article and go ahead with the application. Hurray!!!!

CV/ Resume:

The first and foremost document you must prepare is your Curriculum Vitae or Resume as it is called. This CV (I will be using this abbreviation throughout this article) will be asked to submit irrespective of the course. It is important to include all your academic as well as work experience without any gap in your profile. Some universities may also ask for the reason if there is any gap.

Format for CV:

Most of the German universities accept Tabular CV with the exact date information mentioned. All the details are to be in ascending order till date. There are some formats that the university itself provides that you can follow for applying the specific course.

Some universities require a CV with photo. In that case you need to carefully note the specifications for the photo also. Be aware that the photo specifications are different in India and in Germany.

If there is no specific format and requirement to be followed for CV, you can always create yours using Europass resume creator. This resume is accepted everywhere if there is no specification. You can find the website of it by clicking the following link. Europass home page for curriculum vitae. Fill all the details that apply to you.


 Statement of Purpose or Letter of Motivation will be the biggest head ache for all MS aspirants. You have to carefully write your SOP that it shows your motivation for the particular course and university. Your SOP must justify your purpose and convince the admission committee that you are qualified for the course.

SOP format:

The below are the things you should keep in mind before writing the SOP

The content should be written in focus to the specific course. You can write information such as what motivated you, what is your achievements/progress in the filed and what are the steps you have taken to achieve them and what you learnt.

The number of words, font size and the no of pages- It is advisable to write a SOP not more than 500 words but you can also confirm the word limit by reading the application information in the university website. Please keep it short and to the point. SOP more than one page makes the reader bored and not interested.


 We have completed all difficult documents and now let me tell you about ‘Letter of Reference’. This letter can be obtained from you college (under-graduate) professors and company Managers (if you have work experience).

LOR format:

Again this reference letter can be written in various formats. It is important to know how your university expects you to send the letter.

Usually you will have to upload the scanned copy and send the hard copy along with the application.

Some universities ask to send a sealed LOR. In this case it must be confidential and you must get your Letter of Reference in a sealed envelope.

Unlike USA where most of the universities require the professor to upload the e-mail the Letter of Reference for you, the German universities hardly have this requirement.

So read the application procedure in the university and course website to avoid mistake.

Hope we have given enough information regarding the most important documents that every Masters aspirant would need to prepare. Await our next article and keep preparing all your documents.

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