RPSC RAS Mains Admit Card 2016 Rajasthan Administrative Service Hall Ticket
RPSC RAS Mains Admit Card 2016 Rajasthan Administrative Service Hall Ticket
RPSC RAS Admit Card 2016
The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has currently issued a notification regarding the releasing of RAS Main Admit Card 2016 after the successful conduction of the RPSC RAS Pre-Exam on the assigned date 28th of August 2016. Rajasthan Administration Services (RAS) is now ready to take the RAS main Exam, whose admit card is going to be uploaded at the official web address i.e. www.rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in. The admit cards will be issued only for those candidates that will get shortlisted in the already conducted RAS Prelims. Rest of the information concerning the RPSC RAS Main exam admit card 2016 can be obtained from this article further.
RPSC RAS Mains Call Letter 2016
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) had called for the applications to fill 737 vacant posts provided by the commission. The RPSC is highly responsive to the Rajasthan state government demands to recruit best employees for the Rajasthan state government jobs. RPSC has always been sensitive in providing the most eligible candidates to run the Administrative Service of the state of Rajasthan. For the same purpose, the RPSC RAS Exams is being conducted for the year of 2016, the first exam of which has already conducted and is looking forward conducting the Main exam for the same recruitment.

rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in hall ticket 2016
- Name of the Commission : Rajasthan Public Service Commission.
- Exam’s Name : RAS Comb. Comp. Main Exam 2016.
- Available Post’s Name: Rajasthan Administration Services.
- Number of Vacancies Available: 725 vacant posts.
- RPSC Pre-Exam Date: 28th August 2016.
- RPSC RAS Mains Exam Date (expected): October 2016.
- RAS Main Exam Admit Card Availability: August 2016.
- Official Site : rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in.
Important Dates:
- online application starts on: 10th May 2016.
- The last date of application: 25th June 2016.
- Deadline for application Payment: 23rd June 2016.
- Correction Date: 26th June 2016 to 25th July 2016.
- RAS Pre examination date: 28th August 2016.
- RAS main examination date: October 2016.
How to Download RAS Main Exam Admit Card 2016
- Go to the official site of RPSC i.e www.rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in.
- Select the given option ‘print admission card’.
- Give your Application ID and Date of Birth and then choose your exam name.
- After the proceeding, your RPSC RAS Main Exam Call Letter 2016 that will be displayed on the computer screen.
- Print the admit card.
- Carry it along with you in the exam center.
RPSC Hall Ticket 2016
RPSC is also known as Rajasthan Public Service Commission and will be organizing the Rajasthan Administrative Service Mains Exam in the month of October 2016. the exam date will be declared very soon by the authority. Till then the candidates are required to prepare hard for the mains exam which is going to be a tough examination. The hall ticket of the Exam will be soon provided to the candidates through online mode. Before that, the results of the pre-exam will be declared only after which the commission will decide whom to call for the Mains exam for the tear 2016. We the winmeen team will be updating all our viewers with the latest result news very soon.
RPSC RAS Main Exam Admit Card 2016
Since, the selection of the candidates for the Administrative Services will be done on the basis of both pre and mains exam, the candidates who have will be qualifying in the pre-exam will be appearing for the mains exam. the admit card for the mains exam will be soon updated on the authorized site. candidates are requested to carry their hall ticket to the examination hall along with an authentic identity proof.
Official Website: www.rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in