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Road Safety Notes 7th Social Science

Road Safety Notes 7th Social Science

7th Social Science Lesson 22 Notes in English

22. Road Safety


  • The revolutionary invention of the wheel has given rise to modern technologies from transport to machinery.
  • It is one of the most fundamental inventions we use in our daily life.
  • Invention of wheel may be a mystery but the history of vehicles prove the intelligence of man.

Road safety

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  • We have to travel via roads almost every day to go to school, college, office, shops, visit relatives and friends. We need to be safe on the roads.
  • Road safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.

Need for safety on Roads

  • It is a saddening fact that India is the world’s largest contributor to road accidents.
  • India accounts for about 10% of road accident fatalities at worldwide.
  • Road crashes have a threatening impact on Indian lives, growth and economy.

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Causes for Road Accidents

Distracted driving

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  • This is a larger threat and the leading cause for road accidents. It is the distraction of the driver, engaging in any other activity while driving.
  • It may be talking over the mobile phone or texting message or engaging in any activities with attention diverted from driving.

Reckless driving

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  • It is a major traffic violation of rules.
  • It is defined as the mental state in which the driver purposely disregard the rules of the road.

Night driving

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  • An extra alertness is needed while driving at night.
  • The uncontrolled sleep, tiredness due to long drive, poor lighting on the road can cause fatal accidents.


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  • Tailgating refers to a condition where a driver drives behind another vehicle without leaving sufficient distance between them.
  • In this condition, if the vehicle in front of him, stops suddenly, his own vehicle will crash with it.

Heavy Traffic

Increase of vehicles on the road create heavy traffic jam and cause more pollution.

Road conditions

Road expansion is very slow when compared to the expansion of vehicles.

Avoidance of safety gears

Avoiding the use of helmets for two wheelers and seat belts for four wheelers lead to unwanted happenings.

Impatience of Pedestrians

Impatience of Pedestrians and violation of traffic rules result in accidents.

Other causes

  • Drunken driving, jumping red light over speeding and unmanned railway crossings cause great damage to valuable lives.
  • Due to this, many families lose their breadwinners.

Road Safety Rules

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  • Every country has its own road safety rules and regulations for the best interests of its citizens.
  • India also has designed road safety rules for protecting the road users from meeting with accidents and injury.
  • As per the Indian law, one should be eligible to get a driving license at the age of 18.
  • While driving use of mobile phone is prohibited.
  • Sound horn is prohibited near a hospital or a school zone.
  • Use standard helmets while driving two wheeler vehicle and strap it before mounting the vehicle.
  • Fasten the seat belts while driving a car for both the driver and co-passenger.
  • Avoid carrying heavy load while riding a two wheeler.
  • Two wheeler can carry one adult pillion rider and not the whole family.
  • Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of yours. Slow down on bends and turns, especially in hill stations.
  • The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 passed by the Parliament came into force in 1989 and it is applicable to across the country.

Preventive Measures


Through the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India has taken earnest steps for reducing the number of road accidents.

  • Taking steps for the rectification of accident black spots and improvement of road engineering.
  • Ensuring the good functioning of the traffic signals and road signs at busy crossing roads.
  • Constructing proper roads both in urban and rural areas.
  • Installation of CCTV cameras to record high speed offences which can detect the offenders.
  • Prohibiting the act of digging or hoarding soil from roads.
  • Remove encroachments and maintain proper pedestrian ways for ensuring road safety.
  • If the public are violating the traffic rules, it is the duty of government to correct the public and maintain order.
  • Stringent actions are to be taken for the violation of any road safety rules.


  • One who drives a vehicle should have undergone the training and tests to obtain a driving license.
  • It is compulsory to have the following documents – driving license, registration certificate of the vehicle, Insurance certificate, Taxation certificate, fitness certificate and permit. Brake failure can result in crucial collisions.
  • So the vehicle should be in good condition and serviced at regular intervals.
  • To avoid accidents because of potholes and road humps, users can opt to use the Raksha safe drive device.
  • It is attached with velcro to the car and alerts the driver about road humps, bad roads and on crossing the speed limits.
  • Carpooling will reduce the number of vehicles on the road.
  • Many people use one vehicle and so fuel, money and time are saved. It will pave way for a cordial relationship and better understanding among the fellowmen.


Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in car, and prevents the need for more cars to the same location.

Raksha safe drive.

It is devices capable of automatic crash detection, two – way call connectivity, GPS tracking, engine health monitoring and smart panic button.

Parents and Teachers

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  • Parents and Teachers play a vital role in imparting road safety Education to young ones.
  • If a child’s parent violates the traffic rules, the child too will initiate the same in future.
  • So the elders have to set an example for them in adhering to the safety rules and regulations.
  • Video and computer games that simulate driving should be banned by the government or discouraged by parents as it will develop racing habit in children.
  • Help your children learn about the traffic signals and rules.
  • Instruct them to wait for the right signal and to use the zebra crossing while crossing the road.
  • Warn them not to run across or along the road.
  • Teach them to use the footpath, while walking on the road.
  • Provide Road Safety education since childhood.
  • It has to be made a part of school curriculum, syllabus, text book and included in competition on road safety.
  • Activities like writing of slogans, essays and paintings on this theme should be conducted for reinforcement.


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Media like radio, TV, films and advertisement could take up this responsibility of creating awareness of road safety.

  • On Sachin Tendulkar’s 45th birthday, Mumbai police has released his video to create awareness among the motorists.
  • “The little master set great records wearing a helmet! How about simply following his footsteps”.

Traffic Signs

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  • Traffic signs act as silent conductors of the traffic on the road.
  • Some traffic signs are mandatory like stop, speed limit, turn right, no left turn etc.
  • Some signs are cautionary, which warn the driver about the danger ahead like steep ascent or descent, narrow bend.
  • Some signs are informatory providing information about hospital, petrol pump, resting place, parking or no parking area.

Road Safety Week

  • This is a national event which aims at promoting public awareness about traffic rules and to reduce causalities due to road accidents.
  • It is observed annually. It is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm.
  • A variety of programmes related to road safety is conducted.
  • Educational banners, safety posters, leaflets, and pocket guides related to road safety are distributed to the public.
  • The Government of India observes ‘Road Safety Week’ awareness during January, every year.


  • Walking is a good alternative and cycling is a good exercise for a distance of 1 to 2 kms.
  • Use eco-friendly vehicles.
  • Implement the idea of installing bollards near unmanned railway crossings.
  • A separate unhindered passage for cyclists would yield many benefits and also reducing road crashes.
  • Cycling is a healthy habit and reduces pollution.
  • Motorcycle manufacturers should be asked to design two wheelers with a designed maximum speed of 50 km ph.
  • An awareness programme can be used by narrating live examples and also projecting videos.

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