MCQ Questions

Rise Of Marathas 7th Social Science Lesson 11 Questions in English

7th Social Science Lesson 11 Questions in English

11. Rise Of Marathas

1) The Rise of Maratha empire Posed threat to which empire?

a) Vijayanagar

b) Mughal

c) Bahmani

d) Gurkhas

Explanation: The rising power of the Marathas in the south-west posed the real danger to the Mughal Empire.

2) Who was the father of Shivaji?

a) Shahji Bhonsle

b) Tukka Ram

c) Shahji Golkhar

d) None of above

Explanation: Shahji Bhonsle, Shivaji’s father, an officer of the Ahmednagar State and later Bijapur, proved to be a thorn in the flesh of the Mughals, even in Shah Jahan’s period.

3) The prime minister of Maratha rulers, called as

a) Schindia

b) Golkhars

c) Bhonsle

d) Peshwas

Explanation: The prime minister of Maratha rulers, called the Peshwas from the time of Shahu, held real power.

4) How long the Maratha supremacy lasted under Peshwas?

a) 1679

b) 1700

c) 1761

d) 1812

Explanation: Under the aegis of Maratha power, the Peshwas continued their supremacy until 1761.

5) Which Proved to be the advantage for Marathas during war by invaders?

a) Knowledge of Terrains

b) Rocky mountains

c) Both A and B

d) B only

Explanation: The rocky and mountainous terrain gave protection to the Marathas from invaders. It proved to be advantageous in guerrilla warfare for Marathas.

6) Which of the following people had considerable influence on the life of Shivaji?

a) Guru Nanak

b) Tukka Ram

c) Ramanujar

d) Kabir

Explanation: Eknath, Tukaram and Ramdas were the noted Bhakti saints. Tukaram and Ramdas had considerable influence on the life of Shivaji.

7) Who influenced Shivaji with stories from the Hindu epics, Ramayana and the Mahabharata?

a) Tukka Ram

b) Dadaji Konda dev

c) Shahji Bhonsle

d) Jijabai

Explanation: Shivaji, born in 1627, grew up under the care of his mother, Jijabai, who influenced him with stories from the Hindu epics, Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

8) Who Trained Shivaji in the art of horse riding, warfare and state administration?

a) Ramdas

b) Shahji Bhonsle

c) Dadaji Kondadev

d) Jijabai

Explanation: Shivaji’s teacher and guardian, Dadaji Kondadev, trained him in the art of horse riding, warfare and state administration.

9) Shivaji Captured the Fort of Kondana in the Year

a) 1675

b) 1645

c) 1664

d) 1684

Explanation: At the age of eighteen in 1645, when he had just entered the military career, he successfully captured Kondana, a fort near Poona. The following year, he took the fort of Torna. Then he succeeded in conquering Raigarh, which was rebuilt by him.

10) Shivaji became totally independent in the year

a) 1647

b) 1649

c) 1653

d) 1660

Explanation: Shivaji became totally independent after the death of his guardian Kondadev (1649). He also got his father’s jagir transferred to him, which was earlier looked after by Kondadev.

11) Which Fort was captured by Shivaji from the Mughals?

a) Purandhar

b) Agra

c) Torna

d) Kondana

Explanation: Shivaji captured Puranthar from the Mughals.

12) Which ruler held Shivaji’s father as captive?

a) Humayun

b) Aurangazeb

c) Sultan of Bijapur

d) Nawab of Hyderabad

Explanation: Shivaji’s military raids angered the Sultan of Bijapur. He held Shivaji’s father captive and released him only after Shivaji promised to suspend his military raids. Shivaji kept his word and remained at peace with Bijapur from then on till his father Shahji’s death. During this period he toned up his administration.

13) Shivaji Conquered Javali after the death of his Father in the year?

a) 1661

b) 1656

c) 1666

d) 1670

Explanation: Shivaji resumed his raids after his father’s death and conquered Javali (1656) from the Maratha chief Chandra Rao More. He also reduced all the lesser Maratha chiefs around Pune to subordination.

14) Shivaji Killed a General of Bijapur named

a) Afzal Haq

b) Afzal Khan

c) Shaheed Khan

d) None of above

Explanation: In 1659 Shivaji killed Afzal Khan, a notable general of Bijapur.

15) Who was wounded and chased by Shivaji away in 1663?

a) Aurangazeb

b) Shaeed khan

c) Shahista khan

d) Raja Jai Singh

Explanation: In 1663 he wounded and chased away the Mughal general and Aurangzeb’s uncle Shahista Khan.

16) Surat was plundered by Shivaji in the year

a) 1664

b) 1665

c) 1667

d) 1669

Explanation: To cap his bold acts, Shivaji audaciously directed his soldiers to plunder Surat (1664), the major Mughal port on the Arabian Sea.

17) Aurangazeb sent an army under whom to destroy Shivaji and annex Bijapur?

a) Shahista Khan

b) Shaid Khan

c) Raja Jai Singh

d) Todar Mal

Explanation: After Shivaji plundered Surat, Aurangzeb swung into action. An army under the command of a Rajput general, Raja Jai Singh, was ordered to destroy Shivaji and annex Bijapur. Shivaji finally sought peace, yielded the fortresses he had seized and accepted service as a Mansabdar in the Mughal service for the conquest of Bijapur.

18) Shivaji crowned himself by assuming the title of Chhatrapati in the year

a) 1671

b) 1673

c) 1674

d) 1680

Explanation: In 1674, Shivaji crowned himself by assuming the title of Chhatrapati and the coronation of Shivaji was celebrated with great splendour at Raigarh, as the occasion was the founding of a new kingdom and a new dynasty.

19) Shivaji died in the year

a) 1679

b) 1680

c) 1692

d) 1691

Explanation: Shivaji spent his last years trying to bring his son Shambuji into his ways as he had defected to the Mughals. He fell ill with fever and dysentery and died in 1680.

20) Shivaji’s political system consisted of how many circles?

a) 2

b) 1

c) 3

d) 4

Explanation: Shivaji’s political system consisted of three circles. At the center was the swaraj. Shivaji was caring and would not allow the people to be harassed in any way.

21) Shivaji claimed suzerainty in which of his Political Circle

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Explanation: In Second Circle Shivaji claimed suzerainty, but he did not administer them himself. He protected the people from loot and plunder for which they were required to pay Chauth (one-fourth of the revenue as protection money) and Sardeshmukhi (an extra one-tenth, as the chieftain’s due). In the third circle, Shivaji’s only objective was plunder.

22) Who held sway over rural regions and their control was over between twenty and hundred villages?

a) Peshwa

b) Desmukhs

c) Holkar’s

d) Patils

Explanation: Deshmukhs held sway over rural regions and their control was over between twenty and hundred villages.

23) Each Village had Headmen called

a) Peshwa

b) Patil

c) Schindia

d) None

Explanation: Each village had a powerful headman (Patil), who was assisted by a village accountant of a keeper of records (Kulkarni).

24) Shivaji designated eight ministers each holding important portfolio and called as

a) Astadiggajas

b) Ashtapradhan

c) Navaratnas

d) None of above

Explanation: Shivaji designated eight ministers as the Ashtapradhan, each holding an important portfolio.

25) Who was the equivalent of a modern prime minister in the Maratha Empire?

a) Desmukh

b) Peshwas

c) Kulkarni

d) Patil

Explanation: Peshwa was the equivalent of a modern prime minister in the Maratha Empire.

26) Which of the following are matched correctly?

1) Peshwa – Secretary

2) Mazumdar – Finance Minister

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


• Pantpradhan / Peshwa – Prime Minister

• Amatya / Mazumdar – Finance Minister

• Shurunavis/Sacheev – Secretary

27) Panditrao means_______

a) Commander-in-Chief

b) Foreign Minister

c) High Priest

d) Chief Justice


• Waqia-Navis Interior Minister

• Sar-i-Naubat / Senapati Commander-in-Chief

• Sumant / Dubeer Foreign Minister

• Nyayadhish Chief Justice

• Panditrao High Priest

28) Which of the following are correctly matched?

1) Waqia-Navis – Interior Minister

2) Sumant / Dubeer – Foreign Minister

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


• Waqia-Navis Interior Minister

• Sar-i-Naubat / Senapati Commander-in-Chief

• Sumant / Dubeer Foreign Minister

• Nyayadhish Chief Justice

• Panditrao High Priest

29) ______succeeded Shivaji after a succession tussle with Anaji Datto

a) Sarfoiji

b) Shambuji

c) Hyder Ali

d) Tipu Sultan


Shambuji succeeded Shivaji after a succession tussle with Anaji Datto. There were family feuds splintering the Maratha kingdom. Durgadas of Rathore Marwar and Aurangzeb’s rebel son Akbar arrived in Maharashtra and took shelter in Shambhuji’s court.

30) Aurangzeb himself arrived in the Deccan in______

a) 1891

b) 1681

c) 1861

d) 1620


Aurangzeb viewed these developments very seriously and took all out efforts to finish off Shambuji. Marathas under Shambuji were in no position to resist the Mughals. Aurangzeb himself arrived in the Deccan in 1681.

31) Aurangzeb’s main goal was the annexation of_____

a) Bijapur and Golconda

b) Madurai and Travancore

c) Mysore and Golconda

d) None


Aurangzeb’s main goal was the annexation of Bijapur and Golconda. These two sultanates fell to Aurangzeb by 1687. In little over a year, Shambuji was captured by the Mughals and, after torture, put to death.

32) In which year Bijapur and Golconda fell to Aurangzeb?

a) 1687

b) 1691

c) 1681

d) 1661


Aurangzeb himself arrived in the Deccan in 1681. Aurangzeb’s main goal was the annexation of Bijapur and Golconda. These two sultanates fell to Aurangzeb by 1687. In little over a year, Shambuji was captured by the Mughals and, after torture, put to death.

33) Shambuji was under the wicked influence of his family priest______

a) Kautaliya

b) Chanayka

c) Hsien Tsang

d) Kavi Kalash


Shambuji was under the wicked influence of his family priest Kavi Kalash. Kavi Kalash was the caretaker of Shambuji in Varanasi during Shivaji’s flight from Agra. He later brought Shambuji safely to Raigarh.

34) Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Shivaji’s grandson Shahu means honest, originally a name given by Aurangzeb to contrast his character with that of Shivaji ruled from 1708 to 1749.

2) During the first half of the eighteenth century, consolidation of royal power was achieved through conferment of royal entitlements upon those who served Shahu.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Shivaji’s grandson Shahu means honest, originally a name given by Aurangzeb to contrast his character with that of Shivaji ruled from 1708 to 1749. During the first half of the eighteenth century, consolidation of royal power was achieved through conferment of royal entitlements upon those who served Shahu.

35) In which year Balaji Vishwanath became a Peshwa?

a) 1713

b) 1683

c) 1687

d) 1700


Balaji Vishwanath (1713–1720) began his career as a small revenue official and became Peshwa in 1713. Much against the advice from his close circles, Shahu appointed 20-year-old Viswanath’s eldest son Bajirao to occupy the office of Peshwa.

36) Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Bajirao decided to launch a major Maratha onslaught against the Mughals and the Nizam of Hyderabad.

2) He was wise in his choice of commanders for these campaigns.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Bajirao decided to launch a major Maratha onslaught against the Mughals and the Nizam of Hyderabad. He assumed the powers of the commander-in-chief. He was wise in his choice of commanders for these campaigns. Instead of relying on the traditional elite group, namely Deshmukhs, he gave commands to the Gaikwad, Holkar and Shinde or Scindhia families who had been loyal to the emperor Shahu, his father Balaji Viswanath and to him.

37) Which of the following are correctly matched?

1) Gaikwad at Baroda

2) Holkar at Indore

3) Peshwa at Pune

a) 1, 2

b) 2, 3

c) 1, 3

d) 1, 2, 3


The Prominent Maratha families • Gaikwad at Baroda • Bhonsle at Nagpur • Holkar at Indore • Shinde or Scindhia at Gwalior • Peshwa at Pune.

38) Bajirao succeeded in getting the recognition of Shahu as the king of______

a) Maharashtra

b) Tamil Nadu

c) Kerala

d) Karnataka


Bajirao proclaimed wars against Malwa and Gujarat and freed them from Mughal domination. The Mughal army and the troops of the Nizam that intervened on behalf of the Mughals were defeated. Bajirao succeeded in getting the recognition of Shahu as the king of Maharashtra and overlord of the rest of the Deccan, from which the tribute of Chauth and Sardeshmukhi could be legally collected by the Maratha officials.

39) Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The Maratha army, which consisted of no more than 5000 horsemen and no artillery, had by 1920 had doubled in its size.

2) The success of Marathas against the Mughals was mainly due to the weakness of the latter.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The Maratha army, which consisted of no more than 5000 horsemen and no artillery had by 1720 had doubled in its size. Yet they were no match for the Mughals and the Nizam. The success of Marathas against the Mughals was mainly due to the weakness of the latter. The Maratha dominance in the Deccan is also attributed to the qualities of Maratha officials and generals who grew up under Shahu and the Peshwas.

40) Emperor Shahu died in_____

a) 1749

b) 1790

c) 1739

d) 1746


When Balaji Bajirao was the Peshwa, Emperor Shahu died (1749). A possible succession struggle among factions of the royal family was averted, thanks to the timely intervention of Balaji Bajirao.

41) During the period of the Peshwa Balaji Bajirao, the northern frontiers of the Maratha state were rapidly touching______

1) Rajasthan

2) Delhi

3) Punjab

a) 1, 2

b) 1, 2, 3

c) 2, 3

d) 1, 3


During the period of the Peshwa Balaji Bajirao, the northern frontiers of the Maratha state were rapidly touching Rajasthan, Delhi and the Punjab. At some point, the Maratha tributary regime extended itself to within fifty miles of Delhi.

42) Between___ and___ plundering expeditions were launched yearly by the Maratha chieftain Rahuji Bhonsle.

a) 1745, 1751

b) 1751, 1754

c) 1754, 1769

d) 1769, 1770


Between 1745 and 1751 plundering expeditions were launched yearly by the Maratha chieftain Rahuji Bhonsle.

43) The revenue administration of Peshwas was headed by a key official called_____

a) Kamavisdar

b) Narishko

c) Jashidam

d) Damkingo


The revenue administration of Peshwas was headed by a key official called the Kamavisdar. He was appointed by the Peshwa.

44) Which of the following statement is correct?

1) A small staff of clerks and servants were employed to maintain the revenue records.

2) A prospective tax or revenue collector who won the contract was expected to have a reputation for wealth and probity

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


A small staff of clerks and servants were employed to maintain the revenue records. These records were randomly checked by the office of the Peshwa. The contracts for revenue collection was auctioned annually after the revenue for a particular place was estimated by the Peshwa’s civil servants, based on previous years’ yields. A prospective tax or revenue collector who won the contract was expected to have a reputation for wealth and probity.

45) Abdali invaded____ times before finally marching onto Delhi.

a) 9

b) 3

c) 8

d) 12


Abdali invaded eight times before finally marching onto Delhi. The Marathas were now divided among several commanders, who approached the battle with different tactics. Artillery decided the battle in January 1761.

46) The imperial moment of the Marathas sadly ended at______

a) Jaisalmer

b) Panipat

c) Plassey

d) Buxar


The imperial moment of the Marathas sadly ended at Panipat near Delhi in 1761. The Marathas’ attempt to extend their domain beyond Punjab was checked by the king of the Afghans, Ahmad Shah Abdali.

47) The imperial moment of the Marathas sadly ended in____

a) 1526

b) 1556

c) 1671

d) 1761


The imperial moment of the Marathas sadly ended at Panipat near Delhi in 1761. The Marathas’ attempt to extend their domain beyond Punjab was checked by the king of the Afghans, Ahmad Shah Abdali.

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