MCQ Questions

Resources 6th Social Science Lesson 12 Questions in English

6th Social Science Lesson 12 Questions in English

12. Resources

1. Based on value resource can be classified into____ types

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) None


Resource is anything that full-fills human needs. When anything is of some use it becomes valuable. All resources have value. Based on value can be into two: either commercial or non-commercial. Commercial resources.

2. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Anything becomes a resource only when its use is discovered.

2) Time and Technology are two important factors that determine whether a substance is a resource or not.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Anything becomes a resource only when its use is discovered. The needs of human beings are ever changing. According to the ever-changing needs, resources keep changing. Time and Technology are two important factors that determine whether a substance is a resource or not.

3. On which basis resources can be classified into biotic and abiotic?

a) Origin

b) Ownership

c) Renewability

d) Distribution


Natural resources can be classified into different groups depending on origin, development, renewability, distribution, ownership etc. On the basis of origin, resources can be classified into biotic and abiotic resources.

4. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) All living resources are abiotic resources

2) Land, water, air and minerals are abiotic resources

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


All living resources are biotic resources, plants, animals and other micro-organisms are biotic resources. Abiotic resources are non-living things. Land, water, air and minerals are abiotic resources.

5. Which of the following is primary activity?

a) Hunting

b) Fishing

c) Forestry

d) All the above


Human collected things through primary activities such as hunting, food gathering, fishing and forestry. Later when food became scarce, they had to cultivate and that became agriculture and the cattle were also reared on their farms to full-fill their basic needs.

6. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The biotic resources were mere substances till they were recognized by humans.

2) In the beginning, man had only three basic needs food, clothing and shelter.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The biotic resources were mere substances till they were recognized by humans. According to the human needs the substances were collected by the ancient men and preserved for use. In the beginning, man had only three basic needs food, clothing and shelter.

7. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Primarily the tools were only made of stones.

2) Later man dug the earth for better abiotic resources and found Iron first.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Primarily the tools were only made of stones. Later man dug the earth for better abiotic resources and found copper first and iron later. He also mined precious metals simultaneously for making ornaments.

8. Which of the following is a potential resource?

a) Marine yeast

b) Coal

c) Nuclear energy

d) Solar Panel


Potential resources are resources that are not being used in the present and its quantity and location are not known. The technology to extract such resources is also yet to be developed. (e.g.) Marine yeast found in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.

9. Which of the following statement is true?

1) Marine yeast is lesser potential than the terrestrial yeast.

2) They can be used in baking, brewing, wine, bio-ethanol and pharmaceutical protein production.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Marine yeast has greater potential than the terrestrial yeast. They can be used in baking, brewing, wine, bio-ethanol and pharmaceutical protein production.

10. Which of the following is renewable resource?

a) Air

b) Water

c) Sunlight

d) All the above


Resources once consumed can be renewed with the passage of time are called renewable resources. (e.g.) Air, Water, Sunlight. Misuse of such resources can also limit its available quantity. So, they have to be used wisely.

11. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) Natural resources which are limited can be called non-renewable resources.

2) Renewable become exhausted after use and the time they take to replace does not match the life cycle.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Natural resources which are limited can be called non-renewable resources. They become exhausted after use and the time they take to replace does not match the life cycle. (e.g.) Coal, petroleum, natural gas and other minerals.

12. Which of the following is a potential energy?

a) Solar energy

b) Wind Energy

c) Nuclear energy

d) Hydro-Electric energy


Man tries to harness it and also searches the regions where it may be found in. They are potential resources. Wind energy is one such example. The places where the wind energy can be utilized are still unknown.

13. Which of the following is localized resources?

a) Sunlight

b) Air

c) Minerals

d) All the above


When resources are present in specific regions they are called localized resources. (e.g.) Minerals. Some resources are present everywhere Such resources are called universal resources. (e.g.) Sunlight and air.

14. Which of the following is International resources?

a) Tropical forest regions

b) Public parks

c) Apartments

d) Ambergris


International resources are all oceanic resources found in the open ocean. Resources found in this region can be utilized only after an international agreement. (e.g.) Ambergris.

15. One Pound of Ambergris costs_______

a) $63,000(US)

b) $6,30,000(US)

c) $6,300(US)

d) $63 (US)


A pound (0.454kg) of sweet – smelling ambergris is worth US $63,000 and used in perfume industries. Ambergris is an International – resources.

16. Ambergris is an extract from_________

a) Whale

b) Sperm whale

c) Shark

d) Dolphin


Ambergris is an extract from the sperm whale. A pound (0.454kg) of sweet – smelling ambergris is worth US $63,000 and used in perfume industries.

17. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) This transforming of raw materials into finished goods is called Tertiary Activities

2) All structures built by man can also be called man-made resources.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Natural resources are modified or processed by technology into man-made resources. (e.g.) sugarcane processed to get sugar. All structures built by man can also be called man-made resources. (e.g.) Bridges, Houses, Roads. This transforming of raw materials into finished goods is called Secondary Activities. Man’s skills and ideas are the basic requirements for these activities.

18. Which of the following made human resource a valuable resource?

a) Knowledge

b) Health

c) Skill

d) All the above


Human resources are groups of individuals who use nature to create more resources. Though human beings are basically natural resources, we classify human beings separately. Education health, knowledge and skill have made them a valuable resource. (e.g.) Doctors, Teachers, Scientists.

19. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Human resources are groups of individuals who use nature to create more resources.

2) Primary activities are basically concerned with the distribution of primary and secondary products through a system of transport and trade.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Human resources are groups of individuals who use nature to create more resources. Tertiary activities are basically concerned with the distribution of primary and secondary products through a system of transport and trade (e.g.) Banking, Trade and Communications.

20. Who blamed “human beings” for depletion of resources?

a) Mahatma Gandhi

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Subash Chandra Bose

d) B. R. Ambedkar


There is enough for everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed. Mahatma Gandhi blamed “human beings” for depletion of resources.

21. According to Gandhi which of the following is reason for depletion of resource?

1) Over exploitation of resources

2) Unlimited needs of human beings

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


There is enough for everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed. Mahatma Gandhi blamed “human beings” for depletion of resources because of

(i) over exploitation of resources

(ii) Unlimited needs of human beings.

So, conservation is very important.

22. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Resources are limited

2) Resources are not only limited, but they are unevenly distributed over the different parts of the World

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Resources are limited, their planning is quite necessary so that we can use them properly and at the same time we can save them for our future generation. Resources are not only limited but they are unevenly distributed over the different parts of the World.

23.______ is essential for the production of resource to protect them from over exploitation.

a) Resource planning

b) Resource usage limitation

c) Resource Banning

d) All the above


Resource planning is a technique or skill of proper utilization of resources. Resource planning is necessary because it is essential for the production of resource to protect them from over exploitation.

24. Which of the following is called as conservation of resources?

a) Careful use of resources

b) Surplus use of resources

c) Banning use of resources

d) None


Careful use of resources is called conservation of resources. Resources are being used at a very fast rate due to the rapid increase in population.

25. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Development is necessary without affecting the needs of the future generations

2) Natural resources are depleting fast; wisely using resources can control the depleting ratios.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Natural resources are depleting fast; wisely using resources can control the depleting ratios. Development is necessary without affecting the needs of the future generations.

26. Which of the following is called as sustainable development?

a) When present needs of resources are met

b) Conserving of resources for the future

c) Balancing a and b

d) None


If the present needs of resources are met and the conserving of resources for the future are balanced, we call it sustainable development.

27. What are the 3 types of R?

a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

b) Reduce, Ref-use, Recycle

c) Reduce, Reuse, Reject

d) Reduce, Refuse, Reject


The easiest way to conserve resources is to follow the ‘3R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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