MCQ Questions

Media and Democracy 7th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

7th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

15. Media and Democracy

1. Which of the following is traditional religious media?

1) Harikatha

2) Koothu

3) Radio

a) 1, 3

b) 1, 2

c) 1, 2, 3

d) 2, 3


Traditionally, India has many folk forms of communicating with people in rural areas. Harikatha, and koothu are originally a religious media from in which the stories were propagated.

2. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Religious media is a collective form of music, dance, speech, storytelling with comic interludes.

2) It has tremendous effect in communicating the messages straight into the hearts of the people

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Harikatha, and koothu are originally a religious media from in which the stories were propagated. It is a collective form of music, dance, speech, storytelling with comic interludes. It has tremendous effect in communicating the messages straight into the hearts of the people.

3. Modern methods to address small and medium gatherings include_______

a) Seminars

b) Workshops

c) Public meetings

d) All the above


Modern methods to address small and medium gatherings include seminars, dramas, public meetings and workshops etc.

4. Which of the following has been referred to as Peoples University?

a) Seminars

b) Dramas

c) Print media

d) All the above


Print media has been referred to as Peoples University because they perform the role of public informer, educate and custodian of public interest.

5. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) An individual interacts through the media to reach other individual and institutions.

2) Media is generally the agency for inter-personal communication.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Every individual person is a medium of expression. An individual interacts through the media to reach other individual and institutions. Media is generally the agency for inter-personal communication.

6. Which of the following is/are included in media?

1) Broadcasting

2) Narrowcasting

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium. Media is the plural of the word medium. Such a medium or media allows to communicate messages, thoughts, ideas, views, etc.

7. Which of the following are matched correctly?

1) Web Media – Twitter

2) Social Media – Google website

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Web Media – Google website and Blogs

Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

8. Which of the following are included in Broadcast Media?

a) Television

b) Direct mail

c) Seminar

d) Books


Narrowcast – Media Cable Television, Direct mail, Seminar

Broadcast Media – Films, Television, Radio

Print – Media Newspapers, Magazine, Journals, Books, Posters, Reports

9. Which of the following is incorrect statement?

1) Personal communication – these are meant for personal use, like letters, telephone, cell phone, E-mail and fax

2) Mass communication –these are used for communicating with the masses. Newspapers, Radio, TV Collectively they are termed as media.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Personal communication – these are meant for personal use, like letters, telephone, cell phone, E-mail and fax

Mass communication –these are used for communicating with the masses. Newspapers, Radio, TV Collectively they are termed as media.

10. In which year printing press was invented?

a) 1453

b) 1543

c) 1354

d) 1435


Printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1453

Print Media – Newspapers, Magazine, Journals, Books, Posters, Reports

11. Which of the following are the pillars of democracy?

1) Legislature

2) Executive

3) Judiciary

4) Media

a) 1, 2, 3

b) 2, 3, 4

c) 1, 2, 4

d) 1, 2, 3, 4


The four pillars of democracy are Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, and Media. Media ensures the transparency in the working of all the above three systems.

12. Which of the following is the fourth pillar of the constitution?

a) Legislature

b) Executive

c) Judiciary

d) Media


Media ensures the transparency in the working of all the above three systems. This fourth pillar of democracy ensures that all people living in far off areas of country are aware of what’s happening in rest of the country.

13. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Media is very powerful entity on the earth.

2) It is a mirror which shows various social, political and economic activities around us.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Media is very powerful entity on the earth. It is a mirror which shows various social, political and economic activities around us. People depend on the media for various needs including entertainment and information.

14. Which among the following is/are the role of media?

a) Media keeps the people awakened and it has become one of the major instruments of social change

b) Media not only bring out the day to day happenings in the world, but also exposes the strength and weakness of the government

c) It also advertises the various products produced by the private companies.

d) All the above


Media keeps the people awakened and it has become one of the major instruments of social change. Media not only bring out the day to day happenings in the world, but also exposes the strength and weakness of the government. It also advertises the various products produced by the private companies. It creates the awareness.

15. Which of the following statement is correct regarding media?

1) Media provide a balanced report on any matters.

2) It fights against the socio-political evils and injustice in our society while bringing empowerment to the masses and facilitating development

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


All the TV channels broadcasts national and international news. Social problems are portrayed in many cinemas. Media provide a balanced report on any matters. It fights against the socio-political evils and injustice in our society while bringing empowerment to the masses and facilitating development.

16. All in Radio was launched in____

a) 1956

b) 1936

c) 1947

d) 1950


All India Radio (AIR) Officially known as Akashvani since 1956 (voice from the sky) is the radio broadcaster of the Government of India launched in 1936.

17. From Which year All India Radio is known as Akashvani?

a) 1956

b) 1936

c) 1947

d) 1950


All India Radio (AIR) Officially known as Akashvani since 1956 (voice from the sky) is the radio broadcaster of the Government of India launched in 1936.

18. Which of the following is incorrect related to Media and public opinion?

1) The newspaper reflects the response of the people to the government policies.

2) Print media and electronic media helps the people to express their opinion on important social issues

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The mass media play a significant role in providing honest, intelligent and usually unbiased accounts of events. The newspaper reflects the response of the people to the government policies. Thus, print media and electronic media helps the people to express their opinion on important social issues.

19. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Ethics is a code of values which govern our lives.

2) In the context of media ethics may be described as a set of moral principles.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Ethics is a code of values which govern our lives. So they are very essential for moral and healthy life. In the context of media ethics may be described as a set of moral principles.

20. Democracy means_____

a) Rule by people

b) Rule by king

c) Rule by minister

d) None


Democracy means rule by the people. It combines two Greek words. Demos refers to citizen. Kratos means either power or rule.

21. Why is it necessary for media to be independent?

a) To earn money

b) To encourage company

c) To write balanced report

d) All the above


The media should be independent in showing their views of public opinion and things happening in and around the country to the people and also to write a balanced report.

22. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The media, in the contemporary world of information and technology plays a very significant role in educating masses.

2) The media should always keep in mind, that it should not publish anything which corrupts the public mind and disturbs social peace.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The media, in the contemporary world of information and technology plays a very significant role in educating masses. The media should always keep in mind, that it should not publish anything which corrupts the public mind and disturbs social peace. For healthy society sharing of views, free flow of information, free communication and expression plays a crucial role.

23. _____ have made the world smaller and closer

a) Mass media

b) Drama

c) Workshop

d) All the above


Media, being powerful and important instruments of expression have got lot to contribute. Mass media have made the world smaller and closer.

24. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Media not only reports but acts as a bridge between the state and public.

2) The media acts as a watch day of the democratic government

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Media not only reports but acts as a bridge between the state and public. Thus the media acts as a watch day of the democratic government.

25. Which form of government can flourish only under the watchful eyes of media?

a) Parliamentary democracy

b) Presidential democracy

c) Monarchy

d) None


Parliamentary democracy can flourish only under the watchful eyes of media. Media not only reports but acts as a bridge between the state and public.

26. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) A democracy without media is like vehicle without wheel.

2) Media educates masses in rural areas

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Media reminds the government of its unfulfilled promises to the public. It educates masses in rural areas. A democracy without media is like vehicle without wheel.

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