MCQ Questions

Local Self Government 9th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

9th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

15. Local Self Government

1. Assertion (A): Local Self-Government is the management of Local affairs.

Reasoning (R): The Local body representatives are nominated members of the local people.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


Local Self-Governments are institutions that look after the administration of an area or a small community such as a village, a town or a city. Local Self-Government is the management of local affairs by such local bodies which have been elected by the local people.

2. Choose the correct Statements

i) Local Self Government idea is a new concept in India.

ii) The Local bodies act as an instrument of Democratic self-government.

a) i only c) both i and ii

b) ii only d) None of the above


The idea of local self-government is a very old concept in India. These local bodies provide services to the local community as well as act as an instrument of democratic self-Government.

3. Which of this ancient Dynasty was pioneer in Local Self-Government?

a) Later Cholas c) Early Chola’s

b) Later Pandya’s d) Pallava’s


The idea of local self-government is a very old concept in India. It was at its peak under the later Cholas or the Imperial Cholas of Tanjore.

4. Which of these was the main reason for the decline of self-government in medieval period of India?

a) European Invasion c) Idea of democracy

b) Feudalism d) All the above


Local self-government existed throughout the country with its own diverse characteristics of ancient India. During the medieval period, local self-governments had somewhat declined due to the onslaught of feudalism.

5. Who laid the foundations for the local government in modern India?

a) Lord Ripon c) Lord Irwin

b) Lord Campbell d) Lord Macaulay


Lord Ripon was known as the ‘Father of Local Government for laying the foundations of local self- governments in modern times.

6. Which year resolution of Lord Ripon was the base od local government in India?

a) 1882 c) 1881

b) 1863 d) 1892


The Idea of Local self-government was revived during the British period in the last quarter of the 19th century, with Western orientation of training in democracy with Lord Ripon’s Resolution in 1882.

7. Under which Act the provincial autonomy was introduced in India?

a) The Charter Act, 1833 c) The Indian Councils Act, 1861

b) The Government of India Act, 1935 d) The Government of India Act, 1858


Under the Government of India Act, 1935 provincial autonomy was introduced. This Act came into force in 1937.

8. What was the key concept of the Congress Government after the 1937 elections?

a) Rural Development c) Industrial Development

b) Agriculture development d) Increasing exports


In the provinces after the first election in the year 1936-37 the Congress formed its Government. Rural development received special attention as it was an essential part of Gandhi’s programme that Panchayat Raj institutions would be built from villages to the highest level.

9. Which of this Gandhi an Idea was greatly influenced by the makers of constitution of India?

a) Poorna Swaraj c) Grama Swaraj

b) Independence of India d) None of the above


After Independence, the Gandhian ideal of Grama Swaraj or Village Republic greatly influenced the constitution makers. India being the land of villages, the creation of village Panchayat became a social movement.

10. The Article 40 of the Indian constitution states that

i) The union government should take steps to organise village Panchayat.

ii) The State Government must endow the Panchayat with all powers and authorities required.

iii) Village Panchayat will be functioning as the units of Self-Governments.

a) i only c) i and iii only

b) ii only d) ii and iii only


The constitution of India, Article 40 was incorporated in the constitution which reads as: “the State should take steps to organise village Panchayat and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as the units of self -Governments.

11. When the great Panchayat Raj act was enacted in India?

a) 1951 c) 1956

b) 1957 d) 1949


The conceptualisation of the system of local self-government in India took place through the formation and effort of four important committees from the year 1957 to 1986 to form the Great Charter on Panchayat Raj in 1957.

12. Which of these was the base for the Panchayat raj act in India?

a) The Community development Programme, 1952 c) Both a and b

b) National extension Service, 1953 d) None of the above


The conceptualisation of the system of local self-government in India took place through the formation and effort of various important committees from the year 1957 to 1986. The Community Development Programme (1952) and National Extension Service (1953) became a basis for ‘The Great Charter on Panchayat Raj’ in 1957.

13. What are the recommendations of the l.M.Singhvi Committee?

a) Protecting and preserving the Local self -Government

b) Non-Involvement of Political parties in Panchayat elections.

c) Introducing a new chapter in constitution to recognize the Local self-government.

d) All the above


A committee led by Laxmi Mall Singhvi was constituted in the 1980s to recommend ways to revitalize PRIs. It recommended the local self-government should be constitutionally recognised, protected and preserved by the inclusion of new chapter in the Constitution, non-involvement of political parties in Panchayat elections.

14. Which of the Amendment Acts recognized and protected the Local governments in India?

a) 72nd and 73rd Amendment Act c) 72nd and 74th Amendment Act

b) 73rd and 74th Amendment Act d) 74th and 75th Amendment Act


Local self-government in India refers to Governmental Jurisdiction below the State level. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments gave recognition and protection to the local governments and in addition each state has its own local government legislation.

15. What are the classifications of the rural local government sectors in India?

a) Zilla parishads, Panchayat samitis, Gram Panchayat

b) Zilla Parishads, Gram Panchayat

c) District level, Town Level, Gram Panchayat

d) District level, Municipality level and Town Level Panchayat


In India the rural local governments are classified as zilla parishads at the district level and Panchayat samitis at the block level and Gram Panchayat at the village level.

16. State the Correct sentences regarding the Panchayat Raj system in India?

i) The Panchayat Raj system is a two-tier system.

ii) This system made to create more participation in local government by people.

a) i only c) Both i and ii

b) ii only d) None of the above


The Panchayat raj system is a three-tier system with elected bodies at the village, Taluk and district levels. The modern system is based in part on traditional part on the vision of Mahatma Gandhi and by the work of various committees. This system intended to create greater participation in local government by people and more effective implementation of rural development programs.

17. Match

A. L.M.Singhvi Committee i) 1957

B. Ashok Meta Committee ii) 1986

C. G V K Rao Committee iii) 1977

D. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee iv) 1985

a) ii, iii, iv, i c) ii, i, iv, iii

b) i, ii, iv, iii d) iii, iv, i, ii


18. What are the recommendations of the Balwant Rai committee for the democratic decentralization?

a) Establishment of a 3-tier Panchayat Raj system.

b) The village Panchayat should be constituted with directly elected representatives.

c) The Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad should be constituted with indirectly elected members.

d) Irrespective of political parties, Elections has to be constituted for every 5 years.

e) All the above


The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was a committee originally appointed by the Government of India in January 16, 1957.

The main recommendations of this committee are

1. Establishment of a 3-tier Panchayat Raj system – Gram Panchayat at the village level, block level, and District level.

2. The village Panchayat should be constituted with directly elected representatives, whereas the Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad should be constituted with indirectly elected members.

3. All planning and developmental activities should be entrusted to these bodies.

4. The Panchayat Samiti should be the executive body while the Zilla Parishad should be the advisory, coordinating and supervisory body.

5. The District Collector should be the Chairman of the Zilla Parishad.

6. There should be a genuine transfer of power and responsibility to these democratic bodies.

7. A system should be evolved to effect further devolution of authority in future.

8. Irrespective of political parties, Elections has to be constituted for every 5 years in a genuine way.

These recommendations were accepted by the National Development Council in January 1958.

19. Which of these committees recommended a two tier system in Panchayat raj system?

a) L.M. Singhvi Committee c) Balwant Rai Mehta committee

b) Ashok Meta Committee d) G V K Rao Committee


The Ashok Mehta committee submitted its report in August 1978 and made 132 recommendations to revive and strengthen the declining Panchayat Raj system in the country. It recommended that the 3-tier system of Panchayat Raj should be replaced by the 2-tier system. Zilla Parishad at the district level, and below it, the Mandala Panchayat consisting of a group of villages covering a population of 15000 to 20000.

20. What is the reservation techniques followed in the Local body elections?

a) 1/3rd of total number of seats for women

b) 1/3rd of seats for SC and ST.

c) 1/3rd of offices of chair persons at all levels for women.

d) All the above


The Seats at all levels Local bodies are filled by direct elections. One-third of the total number of seats reserved for women. One-third of the seats reserved for SCs and STs also reserved for women. One-third offices of chairpersons at all levels reserved for women.

21. Which Part of the constitution deals with the powers and functions of Panchayat Raj?

a) Part VIII c) Part IX

b) Part XI d) Part X


The 73rd and 74th Amendments added Part IX and IX A to the Constitution which deals with the powers and functions of the Panchayat Raj institutions.

22. How many Subjects are added to the Eleventh schedule of the Constitution to review the financial position of the Panchayat?

a) 28 c) 29

b) 21 d) 26


The eleventh schedule of the Indian Constitution added in the year 1992 by the 73rd Amendment Act. This Schedule contains 29 subjects which cover some important topics like Powers and Rural development, Market and Roads etc.

23. Assertion (A): The Article 243B states the Constitution of Panchayat in every State.

Reasoning(R): All the seats should be filled by direct elections.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


With the provisions of the Article 243 B there shall be a constitution of Panchayat in every state in village level and district levels. All the seats in a Panchayat shall be filled by the persons chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies in the Panchayat area.

24. What is the minimum reconstitution period of a Panchayat if it is dissolved before five years?

a) Six months c) Three months

b) Two months d) One year


As per the Article 243E every Panchayat, except in case of dissolution shall continue for Five years. If it is dissolved or dismissed it should be reconstituted within six months.

25. Which Article provides with the disqualification for membership of Panchayat Institutions?

a) 243-F c) 243-G

b) 242-F d) 243-I


A person shall be disqualified under the law for the time being in force for the purpose of elections to the legislature of the concerned state in 243-F in Part IX of the Constitution.

26. Assertion (A): The Legislature of a State cannot assign a Panchayat to levy, collect some taxes.

Reasoning (R): The Article 243-H of the constitution provides of some taxes by or on behalf of the


a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True.

d) Both A and R is False.


The Article 243 H deals with the powers to impose taxes by, and funds of, the Panchayat The Legislature of a State may, by law authorise a Panchayat to levy, collect and appropriate such taxes, duties, tolls and fees in accordance with such procedure and subject to such limits.

27. When was the new Panchayat raj system enacted in Tamil Nadu?

a) 1987 c) 1991

b) 1994 d) 1985


The New Panchayat Raj System came into being in Tamil Nadu after the enactment of a new law for local body institutions in the year 1994.

28. Choose the Important features of the new Panchayat Raj system in Tamil Nadu, 1994?

i) A Two-tier system.

ii) Establishment of Election Commission

iii) Nomination of Chairman and Members

iv) Constitution of Finance Commission

a) i, ii only c) ii, iii, iv only

b) iii only d) ii, iv only


The salient features of the new Act, 1994 in Tamil Nadu as follows:

(a) A three-tier system (b) Gram Sabha (c) Establishment of Election Commission (d) Constitution of Finance Commission (e) Reservation of seats for SC/ST’s proportionate to their population One third reservation of seats for women (g) Constitution of District Planning Committees.

29. Assertion (A): Village Panchayat are local governing bodies of the Villages in India.

Reasoning (R): The Ward members alone are directly elected by the people.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


Local governments which are function in villages are called Village Panchayat. The President and ward members are directly elected by the people those who have attained the age above 18 and their term of office is five years.

30. Who acts as the Inspector of the Village Panchayat?

a) The President of Gram Panchayat c) The Home Minister of the State

b) The Sub-Inspector of Police d) The District Collector


The District Collector act as the Inspector of Village Panchayat.

31. What is the minimum population count for a territory to be considered as a Village?

a) 1000 c) 250

b) 500 d) 5000


The Village Panchayat is constituted in each and every village wherever the population is above 500.

32. Choose the correct statements regarding the functions of the Village Panchayat?

a) Granting permission to housing plots c) Maintenance of Forest area

b) Providing Loan for Farmers d) Providing free and Compulsory Education


33. The ancient Rulers of Cholas reign followed the _______ method to ______ members of the village councils.

a) Election System, Nominate c) Kudavolai, Elect

b) Ballot system, Select d) none of the above


The Village Councils had effective links with the Chola rulers. “Kuda Olai Murai” was the name of the secret ballot method exercised to elect members to the Village Councils.

34. From which of these districts the Uthiramerur stone inscriptions was excavated?

a) Villupuram c) Vellore

b) Kancheepuram d) Tirunelveli


Tamil Nadu has a long history of local self-governance as is evident from the Uthiramerur stone inscriptions in Kancheepuram District.

35. Which of these European rulers revived the local governance in India?

a) The British Government c) The French Government

b) The Portuguese d) The Dutch Governance


With the downfall of Cholas, the state experienced a decline of the village autonomy this continued till British rulers introduced local self-governance. This was introduced and used as an administrative convenience for the colonial British Government.

36. Which was the first act for the democratic decentralization in post independent India?

a) The Madras Village Panchayat Act, 1950 c) The Madras Panchayat Act, 1958

b) Local Administration Reform, 1957 d) None of the above


In the post-independence era, the first enactment in democratic decentralization in the state was the Madras Village Panchayat Act, 1950.

37. What are the Voluntary functions of Local governments as per the 1994 Government Act in Tamil Nadu?

a) Control over places of exhibition c) Maintenance of Markets and fairs

b) Implantation of trees d) All the above


38. Assertion (A): Property Tax can be collected by the Taluk level government body.

Reasoning (R): Village Panchayat is the one of the local government body empowered to levy taxes.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


Village Panchayat was the only local government which was empowered to levy taxes in the three-tier system of Village Panchayat. The Taxes collected by the Village Panchayat are Property Tax, Professional Tax, House Tax, and Taxes for connection of drinking water, Land Tax, Taxes levied on shops.

39. How many times the Grama sabha meetings are conducted in a year?

a) 3 c) 4

b) 2 d) 5


In each and every village, the people living within its jurisdiction will be the members of Panchayat. Meetings of the Grama Sabha are conducted four times a year.

40. The Grama sabha meetings are

i) Conducted four times per year.

ii) The Grama Panchayat president presides over the meeting.

iii) Income and Expenditure of the villages is discussed.

a) i only c) iii only

b) ii only d) All the above


In each and every village, the people living within its jurisdiction will be the members of Panchayat. The President of the Panchayat will preside over its meetings. In the meeting of the Grama Sabha, the income and expenditure and the beneficiary of the schemes in the village are discussed. Meetings of the Grama Sabha are conducted four times a year.

41. Assertion (A): The Panchayat Union is formed by grouping the Taluk.

Reasoning (R): The Chairman of Panchayat union is elected by the people.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


Panchayat Union is formed by grouping of villages. Members of the Panchayat Union are directly elected by the people. The Chairman of the Panchayat Union is chosen from among the members.

42. Find the functions of the Panchayat unions?

a) Maintenance of Social forests c) Establishment of Public fairs

b) Establishment of Maternity Homes d) All the above


43. Who are empowered to supervise the developmental functions of the Panchayat Union?

a) The District Collector c) Planning Officer

b) Block Development Officer d) All the above


The District collector, planning officer, concerned Block Development Officer is empowered to supervise the developmental functions of the Panchayat Union.

44. Choose the Incorrect statements regarding the District Panchayat.

i) Every district has a district Panchayat.

ii) The Chairman is nominated by the people.

iii) The office tenure of a District Panchayat is for five years.

a) i only c) iii only

b) ii only d) None of the above


A District Panchayat is constituted in each district. One district Panchayat is constituted for every 50,000 people and the ward members are directly elected by the people. The Chairman is elected from one among its members and their term is 5 years.

45. What is the minimum population for forming a District Panchayat?

a) 1, 00,000 c) 25,000

b) 50,000 d) 50,000


A District Panchayat is constituted in each district. One district Panchayat is constituted for every 50,000 people.

46. Who is responsible in supervising the functions of District planning Commission?

a) Village Panchayat only c) District Panchayat

b) Panchayat union d) None of the above


The Functions of District Panchayat is to advise the government about the developmental schemes of the Village Panchayat and Panchayat Union and Supervising the functions of District Planning Commission.

47. What are the Basic ideas for Gandhi’s Ideal village?

a) Self-reliant c) Education

b) Sanitation d) All the above


Gandhi’s ideal village should be basically self-reliant, making provision for all necessities of life-food clothing, clean water, sanitation, housing, education, and other requirements, including government and self-defence.

48. State the Minimum population for a territory to be considered as a Town Panchayat?

a) 10,000 c) 5,000

b) 2000 d) 1000


The area where more than 10,000 people live is called a Town Panchayat. Members and President of the town Panchayat are directly elected by the people.

49. Match

A. Panchayat Union i) Gandhi

B. Town Panchayat ii) District Collector

C. Ideal Village iii) The Mayor

D. Corporation iv) Executive Officer

a) iv, iii, i, ii c) ii, iv, i, iii

b) iii, ii, iv, i d) ii, iv, iii, i


The district collector, planning officer, concerned Block Development Officer is empowered to supervise the developmental functions of the Panchayat Union. The Executive Officer looks after the administration of the Town Panchayat. The Mayor the Chairman of the corporation. Gandhi really wanted ‘Swaraj’, the self-rule by the people of India who represent the rural mass. He observed ‘India’s soul lives in the village’.

50. State the Correct sentences related to the Municipality structure of the Administration.

i) The territory or area with above 50,000 people is called as a Municipality.

ii) The Members and the Chairman is directly elected by the people.

iii) The Municipality Commissioner is also elected by the people.

a) i only c) iii only

b) ii only d) All the above


The area where more than 1, 00,000 people live is called a Municipality. The Members and the Chairman of the Municipalities are directly elected by the people and their term of office is five years. A Municipal Commissioner is appointed by the government to administer the Municipality.

51. Who will implement the decisions of the Corporation Council?

a) The Municipal Commissioner c) The Mayor

b) Any IAS officer d) All the above


The Municipal Commissioner will be a person from the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). All the decisions of the Corporation Council will be implemented by him. He will be assisted by the office of the corporation.

52. Name the recently announced Municipal Corporation in Tamil Nadu?

a) Hosur c) Avadi

b) Nagercoil d) Dindigul


Tamil Nadu has 15 Municipal Corporations as of the year 2019. Avadi was upgraded as a Municipal Corporation on 19th June, 2019.

53. What is the name of the Chennai Corporation Building?

a) The Ripon Buildin c) The Secretariat

b) The Ice House d) None of the above


The Chennai Corporation building is named as Ripon Building after Lord Ripon who was the Viceroy of India from 1880n to 1884. He is remembered for introducing the local government reforms.

54. State the Important functions of the Mayor of the Corporation.

a) He is the Chairman of the Corporation.

b) He acts as a link between the Government and the people.

c) He can grant loans for the subsidiaries of the Corporation.

d) He appoints the dignitaries of Foreign Countries.


The Important functions of the Mayor are, He acts as a bridge between the members of the corporation and the government. He presides over the meetings of the Corporation Council. He receives the dignitaries from foreign countries.

55. Match

A. Town Panchayat i) 1, 00,000

B. Municipality ii) 50,000

C. District Panchayat iii) 10,000

a) iii, i, ii c) i, ii, iii

b) ii, i, iii d) iii, ii, i


The area where more than 10,000 people live is called a Town Panchayat. The area where more than 1, 00,000 people live is called a Municipality. One district Panchayat is constituted for every 50,000 people.

56. How many types of Urban Panchayat are available?

a) 5 c) 6

b) 7 d) 4


The Types of other Urban Panchayat are Notified Area Committee, Town Area Committee, Cantonment Board, Township, Port Trust and Special Purpose Agency.

57. Who is responsible for conducting the Local body Election in a State?

a) The Local Government c) The State Government

b) The Election Commission of the State d) The Union Government


The State Election Commission conducts the elections to the local government like general elections. The electoral roll is prepared ward wise. Seats are reserved for the SC & ST and also for the women in proportion to the population by rotation basis.

58. Which of these Articles of the Constitution deals with the Composition of Municipalities?

a) The Article 243-Q c) The Article 243-R

b)The Article 242-E d) The Article 243- ZI


The Article 243R discusses the Composition of Municipalities. All the seats in a Municipality shall be filled by persons chosen by direct election from the territorial constituencies in the Municipal area and for this purpose each Municipal area shall be divided into territorial constituencies to be known as wards. The Legislature of a State may, by law, provide for the representation in a Municipality.

59. The Article 243ZA refers to which of these Functions of the Municipalities?

a) Duration of Municipalities c) Election to the Municipalities

b) Disqualification of Membership d) Powers to impose tax


The Article 243ZA of the Constitution refers to the Elections to the Municipalities. The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections to the Municipalities shall be vested in the State Election Commission referred to in Article 243K.Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the Legislature of a State may, by law, make provision with respect to all matters relating to, or in connection with, elections to the Municipalities.

60. What are the Challenges for the Local Self Governments in India?

a) Lack of demarcation of Powers c) Both a and b

b) Fund Allocation d) Neither a or b


The Local self-governments are the crucial basis for our democracy. The Constitutional status of local self-governments adds more significance to their functioning. There are, however, a few critical concerns in the working of local self-governments in India. Major problems and challenges may be the Lack of clear demarcation of powers and functions of local bodies and allocation of funds and needs assessment are not matched.

61. In which year E.V.Ramasamy became the Chairman of the Erode Municipality?

a) 1917 c) 1915

b) 1912 d) 1910


Periyar E.V.Ramasamy became the Chairman of Erode Municipality in 1917. During his tenure in Erode Municipality, Periyar worked effectively for providing water supply and health facilities to the people.

62. Which scheme of Periyar E.V.Ramasamy was considered as the first kind in Indian Municipal Administration?

a) Providing Elementary Education

b) Providing Mid-day Meals for School children.

c) Providing piped drinking water supply.

d) Providing basic health care centers.


Periyar E.V.Ramasamy became the Chairman of Erode Municipality in 1917. Piped water supply scheme was implemented in 1919 by Periyar. This scheme was said to be first of kind in the history of Indian Municipal administration.

63. What are the significant features of Odanthurai Panchayat in Tamil Nadu?

a) Hut less village c) Continuous water supply

b) Self-reliant energy d) All the above


The Odanthurai Panchayat of Mettupalayam Taluk of Coimbatore District has been a model village in Tamil Nadu. With permanent concrete houses built over a period, the village now has been declared as hut less village which provides continuous water supply, quality road networks to the residents. Solar based streetlight and biogas system connected to houses for cooking purpose are some of the highlights of the self-reliant in energy aspect by this model village Panchayat.

64. Assertion (A): The Article 243-ZE of the constitution provides the Committee for the planning of Metropolitan areas.

Reasoning (R): The Chairman can consider and decide the draft of the development plan on his own.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False


The Article 243ZE refers to the Committee for metropolitan planning. There shall be constituted in every Metropolitan area a Metropolitan Planning Committee to prepare a draft development plan for the Metropolitan area as a whole. The Chairperson of every Metropolitan Planning Committee shall forward the development plan, as recommended by such Committee, to the Government of the State.

65. Which of these articles provided for the Union territories?

a) Article 242-A c) Article 243-ZG

b) Article 243- ZB d) Article-243ZK


The Article 243ZB in Part IX-A refers to the application to Union territories .the provisions of this Part shall apply to the Union territories and shall, in their application to a Union territory, have effect as if the references to the Governor of a State were references to the Administrator of the Union territory.

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