JSSC CGL Mains Admit Card 2016
JSSC CGL Mains Admit Card 2016
Congratulations to the guys who score qualify marks in JSSC CGL Prelims Results 2016. Jharkhand CGSCE Preliminary Exam Result was declared on 26th October 2016. JSSC Combined Graduate Level Exam Notification was declared in June 2016 to fill 1150 various posts. As the first stage of selection process Prelims was organized by the organization of JSSC on 21st August 2016. Within a gap of two months results are declared and released Jharkhand CGSCE Mains 2016 Schedule. Whose roll numbers of the aspirants available in JSSC CGL Merit List 2016 are only invite for Mains. JSSC CGL Mains Admit Card 2016 will release soon. Aspirants who are declared qualified need to submit the information of application number to download JSSC CGSCE Mains Hall Ticket 2016. Are you in search of the direct link to get Jharkhand JSSC CGL Main Exam 2016 Call Letter? Log on to the official website jssc.in
Jharkhand CGSCE Mains 2016 Schedule
Jharkhand is a state located in Eastern India bifurcated from Bihar state in the year 2000. Government of Jharkhand has established Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission and Jharkhand Public Service Commission to create more employment opportunities. JPSC and JSSC Conducts various competitive examinations every year to fill empty vacancies. JSSCcame in to force in the year 2008 and since its existence it releases notifications and conducts recruitment tests as per the schedule. Recently JSSC CGL Exam Notification 2016 to fill 1150 various posts has released. Interested seekers of latest Graduation Jobs have participated in the registration process and cleared Prelims. Latest news delivered by the authorities is, soon they will release JSSC CGL Mains Admit Card 2016 and invite aspirants to appear in Mains.
Name of the Organization: Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission
Name of the Exam: Combined Graduate Level (Mains)
Official website: jssc.in
Number of Posts: 1150
Category: admit card
JSSC CGSCE Mains Hall Ticket 2016
JSSC is the government agency which conducts various numbers of competitive examinations every year. JSSC CGL Notification 2016 has released to fill Block Supply Officer, Block Welfare Officer, Fishery Extension officer, Industry Extension officer and other posts. Without any disturbance JSSC CGL Prelims are conducted earlier in August 2016 and recently declared results. Candidates who scored maximum marks in Jharkhand CGSCE Preliminary Results are enthusiastically waiting for JSSC CGL Mains Admit Card 2016. Don’t get tense guys we will intimate you the release date of JSSC CGSCE Mains Hall Ticket 2016 soon. Click on the link provided below to get Jharkhand JSSC CGL Main Exam 2016 Call Letter. Exam dates will be given in detail on Jharkhand SSC CGSCE Mains Admit Card.
Jharkhand JSSC CGL Main Exam 2016 Call Letter
JSSC CGL Mains Admit Card 2016 will available at the official website jssc.in before 10-15 days of the Exam. Don’t get relax guys, JSSC CGSCE Main Examination will be tougher than Preliminary Exam. Candidates need to do more hard work to get latest Jharkhand Govt jobs. Don’t think of Jharkhand CGSCE Mains 2016 Schedule and without any tension prepare well to secure good marks in Mains Too. We will soon provide the link to get JSSC CGSCE Mains Hall Ticket 2016. Hope you all have known the things that are need to be carrying along with Jharkhand SSC CGSCE Mains Admit Card. Large number of aspirants has qualified in Prelims and have already started preparation to overcome the tough competition.
How to download Jharkhand SSC CGSCE Mains Admit Card?
- Visit official website jssc.in
- In the home page itself link has available to download CGL Mains Hall Ticket
- Click on the link and submit your basic details
- Wait for a few while
- Download and carry exam admit card to the examination center
Jharkhand CGSCE Mains 2016 Admit Card