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Interior of the Earth Book Back Questions 7th Social Science Lesson 5

7th Social Science Lesson 5

5] Interior of the Earth

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

Earth is called as blue Planet. 71% of the earth is covered by water.

The crust forms only 1 per cent of the volume of the earth, 84% consists of the mantle and 15% makes the core. The radius of the earth is 6371 km.

Asthenosphere: The asthenosphere is the part of the mantle that flows and moves the plates of the earth.

An earthquake of 2.0 o Richter scale or less can be felt only a little. An earthquake over 5.0 on Richter scale can cause damage from things falling. A 6.0 on Richter scale or higher magnitude is considered very strong and 7.0 on Richter scale is classified as a major earthquake.

On 26th Dec. 2004 Tsunami in the Indian Ocean swept coastal area of Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand etc., they caused immense damage to life and property in the coastal area.

There are three types of earthquake waves: (1) P waves or longitudinal waves; (2) S waves or transverse waves; (3) L waves or surface waves.

Fact: The scientific study of volcanoes is called volcanology. People who study volcanoes are called volcanologists.

Barren Island is situated in the Andaman Sea, and lies about 138 km northeast of the territory’s capital. It is only in active volcano along the chain from Sumatra to Myanmar. Last eruption occurred in 2017.

Stramboli is known as the “light house of Mediterranean Sea”.

Choose the best answers:

1. Nife is made up of _______________

(a) Nickle and ferrous

(b) Silica and aluminium

(c) Silica and Magnesium

(d) Iron and magnesium

2 Earthquake and volcanic eruption occur near the edges of _______________

(a) Mountain

(b) Plains

(c) Plates

(d) Plateaus

3. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by _____________

(a) Seismograph

(b) Richter scale

(c) Ammeter

(d) Rotameter

4. The narrow pipe through which magma flow out is called a _____________

(a) Vent

(b) Crater

(c) Focus

(d) Caldera

5. Lava cones are _______________

(a) Mountains of accumulation

(b) Mountains of deformation

(c) Relicit Mountains

(d) Fold Mountains

6. The top of the cone of a volcanic mountain has a depression known as the ______________

(a) Crater

(b) Lopith

(c) Caldera

(d) Sill

7. _____________ belt is known as the “Ring of Fire”.

(a) Pacific

(b) Atlantic

(c) Arctic

(d) Antarctic

Fill in the blanks:

1. The core is separated from the mantle by a boundary called ___________

2. The earthquake waves are recorded by an instrument known as _______________

3. Magma rises to the surface and spread over a vast area is known as ______________

4. An example for active volcano ______________

5. Seismology is the study of _______________

Find the odd one out:

1. Crust, magma, core, mantle.

2. Focus, epicentre, vent, seismic waves.

3. Uttar Kasha, Chamoli, Koyna, Krakatoa.

4. Lava, caldera, silica, crater.

5. Stromboli, Helens, Hawaii, Fujiyama.

Match the following:

1. Earth Quake – Japanese term

2. Sima – Africa

3. Pacific Ring of Fire – Sudden movement

4. Tsunami – Silica and magnesium

5. Mt. Kenya – World volcanoes

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. Assertion (A): There structure of the earth may be compared to that of an Apple.

Reason (R): The interior of the earth consists of crust, mantle and core.

(a) A and R are correct and A explains R

(b) A and R are correct but A does not explain R

(c) A is incorrect but R is correct

(d) Both A and R are incorrect

2. Assertion (A): The Pacific Oceans includes two thirds of the world’s volcanoes.

Reason (R): The boundary along the Eastern and Western coast areas of the Pacific Ocean is known as the Pacific Ring of Fire.

(a) A and R are correct and A explains R

(b) A and R are correct but A does not explain R

(c) A is incorrect but R is correct

(d) Both A and R are incorrect


Choose the best answers:

1. Nickel and Ferrous 2. Plates 3. Richter scale 4. Vent 5. Mountains of accumulation 6. Crater 7. Pacific

Fill in the blanks:

1. Guttenberg 2. Seismograph 3. Magma 4. St. Andes 5. Volcanos

Find the odd one out:

1. Magma 2. Vent 3. Krakatoa 4. Silica 5. Fujiyama

Match the following:

1. Sudden movement 2. Silica and magnesium 3. World Volcanoes 4. Japanese Term 5. Africa

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

  1. A and R are correct and A explains R
  2. A and R are correct and A explains R

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