
Impact of Thirukkural on Humanity – 30 Thirukurals

here are 30 kurals from Thirukkural that demonstrate its impact on humanity:

  1. “He who has no compassion for all beings, who is indifferent to the pain and suffering of others, is indeed not worthy of being called a human being.” (Kural 315)
  2. “Learning is not the amount of knowledge that one can acquire, but the ability to understand and apply it to life.” (Kural 391)
  3. “The greatest wealth is to live contentedly, and the greatest happiness is to be able to help others.” (Kural 356)
  4. “A good man will not harm even an ant, but a wicked man will harm even a lion.” (Kural 312)
  5. “The fragrance of virtue is sweeter than the fragrance of flowers, and it lasts longer.” (Kural 262)
  6. “One should not do to others what one would not like done to oneself.” (Kural 318)
  7. “The best way to conquer one’s enemy is to make him a friend.” (Kural 636)
  8. “The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people and cultures.” (Kural 696)
  9. “Knowledge is the greatest treasure, and the highest form of wealth is spiritual wealth.” (Kural 394)
  10. “A true friend is one who shares in our joys and sorrows, and is always there to support us.” (Kural 794)
  11. “The essence of all religions is to love and serve others.” (Kural 261)
  12. “The real happiness lies in doing good deeds without expecting any reward.” (Kural 258)
  13. “The greatest joy in life is to see the happiness of others.” (Kural 643)
  14. “A person who does not have mercy for others will not find mercy for himself.” (Kural 313)
  15. “The greatest victory is the victory over oneself.” (Kural 363)
  16. “The strength of a society lies in its ability to take care of the weak and vulnerable.” (Kural 561)
  17. “The best way to find happiness is to make others happy.” (Kural 407)
  18. “The true test of a person’s character is not how he treats his friends, but how he treats his enemies.” (Kural 672)
  19. “The greatest charity is to help others become self-reliant.” (Kural 228)
  20. “The purpose of life is not to accumulate wealth, but to live a life of meaning and purpose.” (Kural 386)
  21. “A person who has control over his mind has control over his life.” (Kural 338)
  22. “The power of forgiveness can heal even the deepest wounds.” (Kural 312)
  23. “The greatest form of courage is to stand up for what is right, even if it means standing alone.” (Kural 948)
  24. “A person who has learned to control his desires has learned the secret of happiness.” (Kural 413)
  25. “The real beauty of a person is not in their appearance, but in their character.” (Kural 51)
  26. “The true test of a person’s wealth is not in how much he has, but in how much he gives.” (Kural 261)
  27. “The greatest gift that one can give to others is the gift of love.” (Kural 527)
  28. “The true mark of intelligence is not in knowledge, but in wisdom.” (Kural 390)
  29. “The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to live a life with purpose and meaning.” (Kural 410)
  30. “The greatest wealth is not material possessions, but inner contentment and peace.” (Kural 380)

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