Book Back QuestionsTnpsc

Human Rights and UNO Book Back Questions 8th Social Science Lesson 20

8th Social Science Lesson 20

20] Human Rights and UNO

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

The Cyrus Cylinder 539 BC (BCE): Cyrus the Great, the first king of ancient Persia, Freed the slaves and declared that all people had the right to choose their own religion and established racial equality. These and other decrees were recorded on a baked-clay cylinder in the Akkadian language in cuneiform script. It is translated into all six official languages of the United Nations and its provisions parallel the first four Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Preamble of UDHR: All men are born free and all are equal in status and rights. They are endowed with intelligence and conscience and obliged to promote the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all men.

Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on 10th December every year. It is to honour the United Nations General Assembly for declaring the human rights universally.

UNO has declared: 1978 as International year of women; 1979 as the International year of children.

Indian Constitution Article: 24 – Prohibits child labour. 39 (f) – Provides for children to develop in healthy manner. 45 – Provides that the state shall endeavour to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years.

1098 Child Line: This is India’s first 24 hour’s free emergency phone service for children in need of assistance. Special care is given for vulnerable children those affected by child labour, child marriage and children affected by any abuse.

Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act 2007: This Act makes it legal obligation for children and heirs to provide maintenance to senior citizens and parents. Protection and support during old age are envisaged as human rights.

Choose the best answers:

1. After the Second World War _______________ has taken several measures to protect the human rights.

(a) UNO

(b) Supreme Court

(c) International Court of Justice

(d) None

2. In 1995 women from all over the world gathered at ______________

(a) Beijing

(b) New York

(c) Delhi

(d) None

3. The National Human Rights Commission was constituted in ____________

(a) 1990

(b) 1993

(c) 1978

(d) 1979

4. The UNO declared 1979 as the International Year of ______________

(a) Girl Child

(b) Children

(c) Women

(d) None

5 When is Human Rights Day observed?

(a) 9th December

(b) 10th December

(c) 11th December

(d) 12th December

6. Which one is known as modern International Magna Carta of Human rights?


(b) NHRC

(c) SHRC

(d) International year for women

7. Who can be appointed as the chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission?

(a) Retired judge of high court

(b) Any retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

(c) Any person appointed by the president

(d) Retired Chief Judge of any court

8. How many articles does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights contain?

(a) 20

(b) 30

(c) 40

(d) 50

9. What is the tenure of the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission?

(a) 5 Years or upto 62 years of age

(b) 5 years or upto 65 years of age

(c) 6 years or upto 65 years of age

(d) 5 years or upto 70 years of age

10. Where is the headquarters of the National Human Rights Commission?

(a) New Delhi

(b) Mumbai

(c) Ahmedabad

(d) Kolkata

Fill in the blanks:

1. Each individual has ______________ to lead a dignified life.

2. Human Rights are ____________ rights.

3. The State Human Rights Commission was formed on _____________

4. Article 24 of Indian Constitution prohibits ______________

5. United Nations Organisation was established in the year ______________

Match the following:

1. Eleanor Roosevelt – World’s first charter of human rights

2. The Cyrus Cylinder – 1997

3. Eve Teasing Act – Freedom from slavery

4. Child help line – Human rights commission

5. Civil right – Right to vote

6. Political right – 1098

State true or false. If false, correct the statement:

1. Human rights and civil rights are the same.

2. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was proclaimed in India.

3. The Human Rights Act of 1993 provides the creation of National Human Rights Commission.

4. National Human Rights Commission has empowered to give punishment to the victims.

5. Human Rights Commission was empowered to setup commission for the promotion of Human Rights at National and State Level.

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. Find the wrong statement.

(a) National Human Rights Commission is a statutory body.

(b) National Human Rights Commission is a constitutional body.

(c) National Human Rights Commission is an independent body.

(d) National Human Rights Commission is a multilateral institution.

2. Which of the following statement is not correct about the National Human Rights Commission?

(a) It was established in 1993.

(b) In the cases of human rights violation, the Commission has no rights to punish the culprit.

(c) The Chairperson and members are of this Commission are appointed by the Supreme Court of India.

(d) The Commission sends its annual report to the Central Government and State Government.

3. Assertion: Human Rights Day is observed on 10th December.

Reason: It commemorates Eleanor Roosevel’s birthday.

(a) A is correct but R does not explain A

(b) A is correct but R explains A

(c) A and R are correct

(d) A and R are wrong

4. Consider the following statements.

1. The State Human Rights Commission is a multi-member body.

2. The State Human Rights Commission consists of a chairperson and three members.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) None


Choose the best answers:

1. UNO 2. Beijing 3. 1993 4. Women 5. 10th December 6. UDHRC

7. Any person appointed by the president. 8. 30 9. 5 years or up to 70 years of age 10. Delhi

Fill in the blanks:

1. Right 2. Fundamental 3. 17th April 1997 4. Child Labour 5. 24th October 1945

Match the following:

1.Eleanor Roosevelt – Human Rights Commission

2.The Cyrus Cylinder – world’s first charter of human rights

3.Eve Teasing Act – 1997

4.Child help line – 1098

5.Civil right – Freedom from Slavery

6.Political right – Right to vote

State true or false. If false, correct the statement:






Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

1. National Human Rights Commission is a constitutional body

2. The Chairperson and members are of this Commission are appointed by the Supreme Court of India

3. A is correct but R does not explain A

4. 1 only

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