MCQ Questions

How the State Government Works? 8th Social Science Lesson 8 Questions in English

8th Social Science Lesson 8 Questions in English

8. How the State Government Works?

1. Choose the correct statements below

A) There are 28 state Governments in India.

B) Every state has a government for its own administration.

C) The states have a common Judiciary

D) The states have a common Legislature

a) A only

b) A ,B,D

c) D only

d) B only


There are 29 state Governments in India which have its own administration. Every state government has its own judiciary, executive and Legislature.

2. The state executive consists of

a) Governor, Council of ministers headed by Chief minister

b) Governor, Council of ministers

c) Chief minister, Council of ministers

d) Governor, Legislature


The State executive consists of the Governor and the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister.

3. How many set of Governments are available in India?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four


In India there are two sets of Government is followed. The Central Government and the State Government.

4. Who is an integral part of State Legislature?

a) Judiciary

b) People

c) The Governor

d) The Prime Minister


The Governor is an integral part of the State legislature. The state government includes the Governor and the council of ministers.

5. Assertion (A): Governor is the constitutional head of a state in India.

Reasoning(R): State Governor is appointed by the Council of Ministers.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False

d) Both A and R are False


The Governor is the Head of states in India; he is the constitutional head of a State. The Governor is appointed by the President of India.

6. Choose the incorrect statements given below regarding the office tenure of the Governor.

A. The Governor is appointed for a term of Five years.

B. After the expiry of his full term only the President can dismiss a State Governor.

C. The State Governor cannot resign on his own interest.

a) A only

b) A and B

c) C only

d) B and C


The Governor of a State is appointed for a term of five years. Before the expiry of his full term, the President can dismiss him from Office. His term can be extended or transferred to another state. He can also resign on his own interest. The Office term of the Governor may be extended and he may be transferred to another State.

7. A State Governor

a) May be a citizen of India

b) Have Completed 30 years of age.

c) Cannot be a member of state legislature.

d) Can hold any office of profit.


To be a Governor of a State, a person must be a Citizen of India and should have completed 35 years of age. And he cannot be a member of the Parliament or the State legislature. He should not hold any office of profit also.

8. A State Governor is the _______ Head of a State.

a) Legislative

b) Constitutional

c) People

d) Elected


The Constitution provides for the post of the Governor as the Head of a State in India. He is the Constitutional Head of a state.

9. To whom the President of India seeks advice in appointing the State governor?

a) Union Cabinet

b) Supreme Court

c) High court

d) The Prime minister


While appointing the Governor, the President acts as per the advice of the Union Cabinet.

In general a person is not appointed as The Governor in his own state.

10. Assertion (A): The Governor is the chief executive in a state.

Reasoning (R): The Governor vests all the executive powers of the state.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False

d) Both A and R are False


The Governor is the chief Executive in a State. All the executive powers of the state are vested upon him and decisions are taken in his name.

11. Who appoints the Chief Minister and the Council of ministers of a state?

a) The President of India

b) The Chief Justice

c) The Governor

d) The Prime Minister


The Governor has the executive powers of the state. He appoints the Chief Ministers and the Council of Ministers.

12. Which type of emergency is suggested by the State Governor?

a) Article 356

b) Article 352

c) Article 360

d) Article 370


The President imposes emergency in a State under Article 356 on the basis of the report of the Governor.

13. Assertion(A): The State Governor summons and prorogues the sessions of the state legislature.

Reasoning (R): The Governor can dissolve the Legislative assembly of a State.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False

d) Both A and R are False


The Governor summons and prorogues the sessions of the State Legislature and he have the rights to dissolve the Legislative assembly.

14. Choose the correct statements below.

A. The Governor can nominate two members from the Anglo-India community.

B. The State Governor may nominate 1/6 members of the Legislative council.

C. Money bills of the state legislative assembly are approved by the Governor.

a) A only

b) A and B

c) B only

d) B and C


The Governor may nominate one member from the Anglo-India community to the legislative Assembly. He may also nominate 1/6 members of the legislature council from the fields of science, Literature, Arts, Social Services and Co-operative movement. The Money Bills can be introduced in the State Assembly only after the approval of the Governor.

15. The Governor of a state is compared to the ________ of India.

a) The Prime Minister

b) The Chief Justice

c) The President

d) The people


The Position of the State Governor is compared to the President of India as a nominal executive. But he can exercise his powers in the real sense on some occasions.

16. Who is responsible for the Central-State relationship?

a) The Prime minister

b) The President

c) The Chief Minister

d) The State Governor


The Governor of a State acts as an agent of the Central Government in a state. He is responsible for maintaining the relation between the Central Government and the State Government.

17. Assertion (A): The Leader of the majority party in State legislature assembly is appointed as the Chief Minister of a State.

Reasoning (R): The Chief Minister is only a part of the State Council of Ministers.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False

d) Both A and R are False


The Governor appoints the Leader of the majority party in the State legislative assembly as the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister is the Head of State Council of Ministers.

18. The office term of the Chief Minister of a state is

a) Four years

b) Five years

c) No fixed term

d) Till the support of the state people.


The Chief Minister has no fixed term of office. He remains in the office so long as he gets support from the members of the Legislative Assembly.

19. The resignation of the Chief Minister means

a) Resignation of Chief minister only

b) Resignation of whole Legislative assembly

c) Resignation of the whole Council of ministers of the state.

d) Resignation of the State Government


The Resignation of the Chief Minister actually means the resignation of the whole Council of Ministers in the State.

20. Who is the Chief administrator of the State?

a) The President

b) The Governor

c) The Chief Minister

d) The Chief Justice of High court


The Chief Minister is the chief administrator of the state. All major decisions of the state are taken under his leadership.

21. Who suggests the appointments of the Council of ministers?

a) The Governor

b) The Chief Minister

c) The Chief Justice of India

d) The Prime Minister


The Chief Minister plays an important role in the formation of the council of Ministers. On the advice of the Chief Minister, the Governor appoints the other Ministers.

22. Assertion (A): The Chief Minister plays a key role in making State policies of the State Government.

Reasoning (R): The voice of the Chief Minister is final in the policy decisions of the state government.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False

d) Both A and R are False


The Chief Minister of a State plays an important role in making policies of the State government. He has to ensure that the policies of the government are not against Public interest. His voice is final in policy decisions of the State Government.

23. How many number of council may the State legislature be able to have?

a) Only one

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four


In India the State Legislature consists of the Governor and one or two houses. The upper house is called as the Legislative Council and the lower house is called the Legislative Assembly.

24. How Many number of states has two types of houses in India?

a) 7

b) 5

c) 6

d) 8


At present only seven states in India have two houses in their Legislature. They are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Karnataka, Jammu& Kashmir. The constitution provides that the total strength of the legislative council must not be less than 40 and not more than 1/3 of the total strength of the state Legislative assembly.

25. Choose the correct statements regarding the Legislative Council of the state.

A. The Members are elected directly.

B. 1/3 of members are elected by local government.

C. 1/12 of members are elected by the graduates of the constituency.

D. 1/10 of members by the teachers of various institutions.

a) A & D only

b) C only

c) B & C only

d) D only.


The members of the Legislative Council are elected indirectly. 1/3rd of the members are elected by Local Government bodies. Another 1/3rd by the elected members of the legislative assembly. 1/12th is by graduates and another 1/12th by teachers of secondary schools, colleges and universities.

26. One third of the legislative council members retired every ___ years.

a) 1

b) 3

c) 2

d) 4


The legislative Council is a permanent house. 1/3rd of its members retire every two years and elections are held to fill the vacant seats.

27. The Member of the Legislative council

a) Elected for a term of six years.

b) Must be a citizen of India.

c) Have Completed 30 years of age.

d) All the above


The members of a Legislative Council must be a citizen of India and should have completed 30 years of age. They are elected for a term of six years.

28. Who will preside the Legislative council in the absence of the Chairman?

a) The Governor

b) The Chief Minister

c) The Chief Justice

d) The Deputy Chairman


The Chairman is the presiding officer of the Legislative Council, in his absence the Deputy Chairman presides over the meetings. They are elected from among the members of that house.

29. The MLA stands for

a) Ministers of the Legislative assembly

b) Members of the Legislative Assembly

c) Ministers of the Legislative Council

d) Members of the Legislative Assembly


The people who make the laws of a State Government are called ‘Members of the Legislative Assembly’ (MLA).

30. The MLA represent the

a) Legislative Constituency

b) Council of Ministers

c) State Government

d) None of the above


MLA’s are chosen from different constituencies. One MLA is chosen from each legislative constituency.

31. From where the member of legislative assemblies are elected?

a) Districts

b) State Constituencies

c) Local Bodies

d) Cities


For the member of legislative elections the state is divided into different constituencies. One Legislative constituency may have one lakh or even more people.

32. What are the qualifications needed for a person to stand in an election for a legislative assembly?

A. Must possess a bachelor’s degree

B. At least 25 years old

C. Must belong to a political party

a) B only

b) A and B only

c) C only

d) None of the above


A person has to be at least 25 years old to contest for election to the legislative assembly. Even if a person does not belongs to apolitical party can contest election.

33. Choose the correct statements given below.

A. Every party has its own symbol.

B. Independent candidates cannot stand in state elections

C. Members are elected directly by the people.

D. People above 21 years can vote in the assembly elections.

a) A, B, C

b) C only

c) A and C

d) D only


Every political party which contests for the Elections has its own Symbol, Independent candidates who does not belong to any political parties can also contest in the elections. These Members are elected directly by the people. All people who are 18 years of age can cast a vote in the legislative assembly elections. According to the constitution, a legislative assembly cannot have more than 500 members and not less than 60 members.

34. The reserved seats in the assembly elections are for

a) Scheduled Castes

b) Scheduled Tribes

c) Anglo Indian

d) All the above


Some seats in the Legislative Assembly are reserved for Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes. The Governor can nominate one member from the Anglo-Indian community.

35. Assertion (A): Members of the Legislative assembly are elected for a term of five years.

Reasoning (R): The Governor of a State can dissolve the house before the expiry term.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False

d) Both A and R are False


The members of the Legislative Assembly are elected for a term of five years. But the Governor can dissolve the house before the expiry of its term and can call for fresh elections.

36. Who presides over the Legislative assembly?

a) The Chief Minister

b) Leader of Opposition party

c) The Governor

d) The Speaker


The Meetings of the Assembly are presided over the speaker who is elected from among the members of the Assembly. In his absence, the Deputy Speaker conducts its meetings.

37. How many legislative constituencies are there in Tamil Nadu?

a) 232

b) 234

c) 235

d) 240


The Leader of the majority party in the elections is chosen as Chief Minister. In Tamil Nadu there are 234 Legislative Constituencies. The party with more than 118 elected candidates is invited by the Governor to form the Government.

38. Who forms the State government?

a) Only Chief minister

b) Party with majority in state elections

c) Party chosen by Governor

d) Council of Ministers


Ministers for various departments headed by the Chief Minister are called the State Government. The Party which got majority seats in the elections forms the Government.

39. From which of the lists the State Assembly can make laws?

a) Only State lists

b) State and concurrent lists

c) Union lists only

d) Concurrent lists only


The main duty of the Legislative Assembly is to make laws for the state. It can make law on the subjects mentioned in the State List and the Concurrent List. During State emergency it cannot exercise its legislative power.

40. Who is responsible for passing a No confidence motion against the Council of Ministers?

a) The State Assembly

b) The Governor

c) The People of the State

d) The President


The State Assembly may pass No confidence motion against the Council of ministers and bring its downfall if it is not satisfied with the performance of the Council of Ministers.

41. What are the three basic functions of the State Government?

a) Making Laws

b) Executing Law

c) Ensuring Justice

d) All the above


The Assembly also takes part in the Amendment of the constitution on certain matters. The Government has three basic functions: Making Laws, Executing Laws and Ensuring Justice.

42. Which house is more powerful in the State legislature?

a) Legislative Assembly

b) Legislative Council

c) Both are equal

d) None of the above


The State legislature follows the same procedure for passing an ordinary or a money bill like that of the parliament. In State Legislatures the Legislative Assembly which is the Lower house is more powerful than the Legislative Council which is the Upper House.

43. State the correct order of an Act.

A. The Bill needs to get assent of the governor to become an Act.

B. Debates and Discussions take place on the Bill.

C. A Bill is presented in the legislative Assembly.

D. If more than half of the MLA’s vote in favor of the bill, it is said to be passed.

E. Changes can be made in the bill.






A Bill is presented in the Legislative Assembly then Debates and discussions are made on the possibilities of the Bill and if any changes needed for the benefits of the people it is done with consideration. If more than half of the MLA’s vote in favor of the bill it is said to be passed. The Bill needs to get assent of the Governor to become an Act.

44. Where will be the State’s legislative place is located?

a) Only in major City

b) State’s Capital

c) Anywhere in the State

d) Corporation’s


The Place where a State’s legislative Assembly is located and where its council of ministers functions is called the Capital of that state.

45. State the people who are not involved in execution of laws in a State?

a) Tahsildar

b) Village administrative officer

c) Revenue officers

d) Union Ministers


The State Government has several employees to execute the laws made by the Legislative Assembly. Collectors, Tahsildars, Block development officers, Revenue Officers , Policemen, Teachers and Doctors.

46. Who appoints the Chief justice of a state high court?

a) Chief Justice of India

b) The President

c) The Prime Minister

d) The Chief minister


The State High court consists of a Chief Justice and other Judges who are appointed by the President from time to time it necessary.

47. Choose the correct statements below.

A. A state can have only one high Court.

B. Common high court is not possible for UT and a state.

C. The Number of judges in the high court is Uniform and fixed.

a) A Only

b) B Only

c) C only

d) None of the above


As per the Constitution there shall be a High Court for two or more States and UT’s. The number of Judges in the High Court is not Uniform and fixed. The President appoints the Chief Justice of High Court in consultation with the Chief Justice of India and the Governor of the State.

48. What is the qualification of the High Court Judge?

a) Must be a citizen of India.

b) 10 years of experience as judicial Head in India.

c) Ten years of experience as an Advocate in High courts.

d) All the above


The Judge of High Court must be citizen of India; He must have at least ten years’ experience as head of the judicial office in India. He must have at least ten years’ experience as an advocate in one or more High Courts.

49. A Judge of an High court can hold the office until

a) Completes the age of 62 years.

b) Completes the age of 60 years.

c) Proven misbehavior or incapacity

d) a and c


A Judge of High Court holds the Office until he completes the age of 62 years. A judge can be removed from office only for proven misbehavior or incapacity.

50. State the enforcements of the High court of a state?

a) Habeas Corpus

b) Mandamus

c) Prohibition

d) Quo Warranto

e) All the above


The High Court has been empowered to issue writs of Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo warranto for the enforcement of the fundamental rights and for other purposes.

51. The High court of the state is responsible to

a) Lower courts only

b) Lower courts and tribunals

c) Military courts only

d) Military courts and tribunals


The High Court has a general power of superintendence over all the lower courts and tribunals within its jurisdiction except military courts and tribunals.

52. The High court of the state acts as a _________.

a) Court of record

b) Court of Law

c) Court of people

d) Court of Amendments


The High Court controls all the subordinate courts in the state. Like the supreme court, the High court also acts as a Court of Record.

53. Who appoints the District court Judges?

a) The President

b) The Governor

c) The Legislative Assembly

d) The Chief Minister


For the purpose of judicial Administration each state is divided into a number of districts, each under a District Judge. The district court Judges were appointed by the Governor.

54. Who is responsible for the Fundamental Rights in the state Level?

a) The Governor

b) The Chief Minister

c) The High court

d) The Legislative Council


The High court is responsible for the enforcement of the fundamental rights in the state level and for other purposes.

55. To whom the Member of the Legislative assembly can asks the questions to know about their activity?

a) The Governor

b) The Speaker

c) The Council of Ministers

d) The Prime Minister


In the Legislative Assembly meetings, MLA’s discuss a number of topics like Public works, Education, law and order and various problems to know the activities of ministries. The MLA can ask questions to know the activities of ministries.

56. The Chief minister of the state

a) Should be an MLA

b) Chooses his ministers

c) Heads the State Government

d) All the above


The Chief Minister must be a member of the State Legislature. He chooses Council of the Minister’s from the elected MLA’s. He is The Head of the State Government.

57. How many times a year does the Legislative Assembly meets?

a) 2 or 3 times

b) Only one time

c) Based on the situation

d) Time of the appointment


The Legislative assembly meets 2 or 3 times in a year. The Main duty of the Legislative Assembly is to make Laws. The Legislative Assembly has control over the Finances of the state. The state Government cannot impose, increase, lower or withdraw any tax without the approval of the Assembly.

58. Who can call out for fresh elections before the expiry of the term of Legislative assembly?

a) The Chief Justice of Supreme Court

b) The President

c) The Governor

d) The Attorney General


The Legislative Assembly members are elected for the terms of Five years. But the Governor can dissolve the house before the expiry of its term and cam call for fresh Elections.

59. The Governor of the state has the power to appoint

A. The High Court Judges

B. State Public service Commission members

C. State Finance Commission members

D. The Accountant General

a) A and B

b) B and C

c) A, C and D

d) All the above


The Governor makes some important appointments in the State Government such as The Advocate General, Chairman and Members of State Public service Commissions.

60. Which one of the Constitutional Amendments made it possible to appoint one person to hold office of the Governor in two or more states simultaneously?

a) 7th Amendment, 1956

b) 42nd Amendment, 1976

c) 43rd Amendment, 1977

d) 44th Amendment, 1978


The Article 153 under the Seventh Amendment, 1956 provides that there shall be a Governor foe each state. In certain circumstances the Governor is appointed for two or more states simultaneously.

61. The Chief minister of the state has the power to,

A. Appoint Ministers

B. Presiding the Legislative Assembly meetings

C. Resolve Conflicts between Ministers

D. Communicating with Governor

a) A only

b) A and C

c) D only

d) C and D


The Chief Minister is the chief administrator of the State Government. He suggests the council of Ministers who is appointed by the Governor. The Chief Minister coordinates the activities of Different Ministers and their Ministries. He is the responsible person of the State Government to communicate the major issues with the Governor.

62. What is the time limit within which a Non-money bill has to be sent to the Governor for reconsideration?

a) 15 days

b) 2 month

c) 3 months

d) 4 months


The Time limit to pass an Ordinary Bill with the council is three months. In case of no approval by the legislative council within 3 months, the assembly may pass the bill again with or without any amendments. It takes another one month to pass the bill. As the Legislative Assembly cannot reject a bill it can delay up to 4 months for approval.

63. Within which period the Chief Minister must be a member of State legislature if he is not at the time of his taking charge?

a) 3 months

b) 1 month

c) 2 month

d) 6 months


The Chief Minister must be a member of the State Legislature. If he is not a member of the legislature at the time of his swearing he must be within a period of six months. The Annual Budget of the state Government is laid before the Legislature with the approval of the Governor of the State.


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