


Hello All!!!! Today we will look at a very important topic. You are ready with your certificates, prepared Statement of Purpose, Letter and Reference, Curriculum Vitae and selected your course as well. So what next? You are asking the correct question now. Don’t worry; we will help you with that.

There are some exams you have write and show your course to enter in to any course. IELTS/TOFEL is very important irrespective of the course you choose. GRE is must and it helps to improve your profile. GATE is accepted and mandatory for some universities. In this article, we will see how to prepare for them and the importance of the examinations.

GRE- Graduate Record Examination:

This is one of the scariest exams every MS aspirants will come across. But it is not as difficult as you think. With a proper practice of 3 months you can easily get good score in GRE. First know why the exam is conducted. This exam is conducted to test your analytical skills. Be it verbal section or Quant analysis, your thinking ability is what tested.

I will brief about the exam below. There are three sections with a total of 346.

  • Verbal Section
  • Math Section
  • Analytical Writing

The first two sections have a score band between 130 and 170. And the last section has a total score of 6.

University requirement:

Most of the universities that GRE expect an applicant with a minimum score of 157 in Math and 150 in Verbal and 3 in Analytical Writing. Be mind that, this is just a basic score if your GRE must be considered. All the top universities have heavy competition and people with a minimum of 310 gets preference. For more information, I would like to request you to read the application requirement of a particular university.


This exam is conducted to test purely your English skills. Unlike the GRE exam you do not need to stress yourself and prepare for the exam. I will explain about the exams below.

IELTS exam pattern:

It contains four sections namely Writing, Speaking, Listening and Regarding. You need to get a minimum of 5.5 in every section. The more you get the safer side you are in.

TOFEL exam pattern:

TOFEL exam is an objective type exam. You have to select one or all the answer choices that is applicable for the question. Almost all universities in Germany accept IELTS as well as TOFEL. My suggestion would be to read the exam pattern of both the exams and decide which exam you are confident in. By the end of the day, your English skills are what tested. So you can count on this.

GATE exam:

This would be the most difficult exam among all the three. You have to select you core subject and prepare very hard for this. And yeah this is an exception if you are very good at your studies and enjoy solving problems.

GATE requirements:

Very few universities demand GATE score and they all are top notches. Some universities even accept GATE when it is not mandatory in the application documents. And the score you need to gain is to have Top 10% mark. Yes!! This is the competitiveness for the courses.  These GATE scores are asked for some core majors such as Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and Mechatornics Engineering.  Read the requirements for the course you apply and aim for a better score than required.

We will meet you with another one interesting article next time.

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