Book Back QuestionsTnpsc

Globe Book Back Questions 6th Social Science Lesson 21

6th Social Science Lesson 21

21] Globe

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

The surface area of the Earth is 510.1 million square kilometres.

Ptolemy, a Greco – Roman mathematician, astronomer and geographer, was the first person to draw the lines of latitude and longitude on a map.

In this book, ‘Geographia’ is a detailed description about the Earth’s surface, its size and circumference and many locations based on the lines of latitude and longitude are given.

The first globe was created by the Greeks in the year 150 AD (CE) . The Indian astronomer Aryabhatta – I has mentioned in his book. ‘Aryabhatta Sidhantha’. ‘The stars in the sky seem to move towards the West because of the Earth’s rotation on its axis’.

The Equator is the longest of all lines of latitude. Hence, it is also known as ‘The Great Circle’.

0oN and S – 23½oN and S lines of latitudes are called – Low latitudes. 23½oN and S – 66½oN and S lines of latitudes are called – Middle Latitudes. 66½oN and S – 90oN and S lines of latitudes are called – High Latitudes.

Some lines of latitude are also called by the following names in Tamil.

Latitude – ahalangu

Longitude – nettangu

Equator – nilanaduvarai

Tropic of Cancer – kadagavarai

Tropic of Capricorn – magaravarai

The lines of longitude are found as semi circles covering 111 km at the Equator, 79 km at 45o latitude and no space between the lines at the poles.

The International Date Line is not straight. If the line is drawn straight, two places in the same country would have different dates. So the International Date Line is found zigzag in certain places to avoid confusion.

The Earth takes one day to rotate on its axis. 1 day = 24 hours. 1 hour = 60 minutes. 24 hours = 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes. The angle of the earth = 360o. 360o = 360 Longitudes. 360o = 1440 minutes. So 1o = 1440/360 = 4 minutes. In 4 minutes = 1o rotation. In 60 minutes = 60/4 = 15o rotation. So, in an hour (60 minutes) the earth rotates 15o.

1. The word meridian is derived from the Latin word ‘Meridianus’. It means mid-day. (Medius – Middle, dies – day) . So, meridian means the position of the Sun found overhead at a place at noon.

2. a.m. means ‘anti Meridiem’ (anti – before) – Before Noon.

3. p.m. means ‘post Meridiem’ (Post – after/later) – After noon.

The 82½o E line of longitude passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. This is located at an equal distance from Ghuar Mota in Gujarat and Kibithu in Arunachal Pradesh.

Choose the best answers:

1. The shape of the Earth is ___________

(a) Square

(b) Rectangle

(c) Geoid

(d) Circle

2. The North Pole is

(a) 90oN Latitude

(b) 90oS latitude

(c) 90oW longitude

(d) 90oE longitude

3. The area found between 0o and 180o E lines of longitude is called

(a) Southern Hemisphere

(b) Western Hemisphere

(c) Northern Hemisphere

(d) Eastern Hemisphere

4. The 23½o N line of latitude is called _______________

(a) Tropic of Capricorn

(b) Tropic of Cancer

(c) Arctic Circle

(d) Antarctic Circle

5. 180o line of longitude is

(a) Equator

(b) International Date Line

(c) Prime Meridian

(d) North Pole

6. The Sun is found overhead the Greenwich Meridian at

(a) 12 midnight

(b) 12 noon

(c) 1 p.m.

(d) 11 a.m.

7. A day has ________

(a) 1240 minutes

(b) 1340 minutes

(c) 1440 minutes

(d) 1140 minutes

8. Which of the following lines of longitude is considered for the Indian Standard Time?

(a) 82½o E

(b) 82½o W

(c) 81½o E

(d) 81½o W

9. The total number of lines of latitude are

(a) 171

(b) 161

(c) 181

(d) 191

10. The total number of lines of longitude are

(a) 370

(b) 380

(c) 360

(d) 390

Fill in the blanks:

1. The line of latitude which is known as the Great Circle is _____________

2. The imaginary lines drawn horizontally on Earth from the West to East are called _____________

3. The 90o lines of latitude on the Earth are called _____________

4. The Prime Meridian is also called _______________

5. The world is divided into _______________ time zones.

Circle the odd one:

1. North Pole, South Pole, Equator, International Date Line.

2. Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Prime Meridian.

3. Torrid Zone, Time Zone, Temperate Zone, Frigid Zone.

4. Royal Astronomical observatory, Prime Meridian, Greenwich Meridian, International Date Line.

5. 10o North, 20o South, 30o North, 40o West.

Match the following:


1. 0o line of latitude – Pole

2. 0o line of longitude – International Date Line

3. 180o line of longitude – Greenwich

4. 90o line of latitude – Equator

Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

A. 1. The Earth is spherical in shape.

2. The shape of the Earth is called a geoid.

3. The Earth is flat.

Look at the options given below and choose the correct answer:

(a) 1 and 3 are correct

(b) 2 and 3 are correct

(c) 1 and 2 are correct

(d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct

B. Statement I: The lines of latitude on Earth are used to find the location of a place and define the heat zones on Earth.

Statement II: The lines of longitudes on Earth are used to find the location of a place and to calculate times.

Choose the correct option:

(a) Statement I is correct; II is wrong (b) Statement I is wrong; II correct

(c) Both the statements are correct (d) Both the statements are wrong

Name the following:

1. The imaginary lines drawn horizontally on Earth.

2. The imaginary line drawn vertically on Earth.

3. The three dimensional model of the Earth.

4. India is located in this hemisphere based on lines of longitude.

5. The network of lines of latitude and longitude.


Choose the best answers:

1. Geoid 2. 90oN Latitude 3. Eastern Hemisphere 4. Tropic of Cancer

5. International Date line 6. 12 noon 7. 1440 minutes 8. 82½o E 9. 181 10. 360

Fill in the blanks:

1. Equator 2. Parallels of latitude 3. North Pole and South Pole 4. Greenwich Meridian 5. 24

Circle the odd one:

1.International Date Line 2. Prime Meridian 3. Time Zone 4. International Date Line 5. 40o West

Match the following:

1. Equator 2. Greenwich 3. International date Line 4. Pole

Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

1. Statement 1 and 2 are correct.

2. Both the statements are correct.

Name the following:

1. Latitude 2. Longitude 3. Globe 4. Eastern hemisphere 5. Earth Grid

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