MCQ Questions

Globe 6th Social Science Lesson 20 Questions in English

6th Social Science Lesson 20 Questions in English

20. Globe

1. The directions on the ground are always shown with respect to the______

a) North

b) South

c) East

d) West


The directions on the ground are always shown with respect to the North. If we know the North, then it is easy to find the other directions, namely South, East and West.

2. The surface area of the Earth is____ million square kilometers

a) 510.1

b) 501.1

c) 610.1

d) 601.1


Earth was created with a specific scale. The surface area of the Earth is 510.1 million square kilometers.

3. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The Earth which is spherical, is flat at the poles and bulges at the Equator

2) The Earth cannot be compared with any other geometrical shape as it has a very unique shape

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The Earth which is spherical, is flat at the poles and bulges at the Equator. The Earth cannot be compared with any other geometrical shape as it has a very unique shape. Hence, its shape is called a geoid (earth shaped).

4. The Earth rotates from_____

a) East to West

b) West to East

c) Either a or b

d) None


The Earth moves around the Sun. It also rotates from the West to East on its axis at an inclination of 23 ½°.

5. The globe is also inclined at an angle of______

a) 33 ½°

b) 23 ½°

c) 66 ½°

d) 22 ½°


The globe is also inclined at an angle of 23 ½°. The axis is an imaginary line. It is not actually found on the Earth.

6. The first globe was created by_____

a) Indians

b) Greeks

c) Romans

d) Parthians


The first globe was created by the Greeks in the year 150 AD(CE). The Earth moves around the Sun. It also rotates from the West to East on its axis at an inclination of 23 ½°.

7. Who has this mentioned in his book ‘The stars in the sky seem to move towards the West because of the Earth’s rotation on its axis’?

a) Aryabhatta

b) Ptolemy

c) Fahien

d) Ibn Batuha


The Indian astronomer Aryabhatta – I has mentioned in his book. ‘Aryabhatta Sidhantha’. ‘The stars in the sky seem to move towards the West because of the Earth’s rotation on its axis’.

8. Who was the first person to draw the lines of latitude and longitude on a map?

a) Aryabhatta

b) Ptolemy

c) Einstein

d) Newton


Ptolemy, a Greco – Roman mathematician, astronomer and geographer, was the first person to draw the lines of latitude and longitude on a map.

9. The 0° line of latitude which divides the Earth into two halves is known as______

a) Arctic circle

b) Antarctic circle

c) Equator

d) Tropic of Cancer


The 0° line of latitude which divides the Earth into two halves is known as the Equator. From the Equator, parallel lines are drawn towards the North and South poles at equal intervals.

10. The latitudinal extent between 1° line of latitude on Earth is____ km.

a) 222

b) 111

c) 121

d) 212


From the Equator, parallel lines are drawn towards the North and South poles at equal intervals. The latitudinal extent between 1° line of latitude on Earth is 111 km.

11. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) Since the Earth is geoid shaped, the length of the lines of latitude decreases from the Equator towards the South and North Poles.

2) The 90° North and South Poles are not found as lines, but as points

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Since the Earth is geoid shaped, the length of the lines of latitude decreases from the Equator towards the South and North Poles. The 90° North and South Poles are not found as lines, but as points.

12. How many lines of latitude are there in Northern Hemisphere?

a) 90

b) 88

c) 89

d) 98


The lines of latitude consist of 89 parallels in the Northern Hemisphere and 89 parallels in the Southern Hemisphere.

13. How many parallels are found in earth?

a) 180

b) 182

c) 181

d) 90


The lines of latitude consist of 89 parallels in the Northern Hemisphere and 89 parallels in the Southern Hemisphere, one at the Equator and the two poles are found as points. Totally, there are 181 parallels found on earth.

14.____ is the longest of all lines of latitude

a) Topic of Cancer

b) Tropic of Capricorn

c) Arctic circle

d) Equator


The Equator is the longest of all lines of latitude. Hence, it is also known as ‘The Great Circle’.

15. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The area of the Earth found between the Equator (0°) and the North Pole (90°N) is called the Northern Hemisphere.

2) The area of the Earth from the equator (0°) to the South Pole (90°S) is called the Southern Hemisphere.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The area of the Earth found between the Equator (0°) and the North Pole (90°N) is called the Northern Hemisphere. The area of the Earth from the equator (0°) to the South Pole (90°S) is called the Southern Hemisphere.

16. Which of the following are matched correctly?

1) 0°N and S – 23½°N and S lines of latitudes are called – Low latitudes

2) 66½°N and S – 90°N and S lines of latitudes are called – Middle Latitudes

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


0°N and S – 23½°N and S lines of latitudes are called – Low latitudes. 23½°N and S – 66½°N and S lines of latitudes are called – Middle Latitudes. 66½°N and S – 90°N and S lines of latitudes are called – High Latitudes.

17. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The Sun’s rays fall equally on all parts of the earth

2) They fall vertically over the Equator and slanting towards the poles

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The Sun’s rays do not fall equally on all parts of the earth. They fall vertically over the Equator and slanting towards the poles. Thus, all the places on earth do not have the same amount of temperature.

18. Region from Equator towards Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn (23½°S) is called

a) Torrid Zone

b) Temperate Zone

c) Frigid Zone

d) None


The region from the Equator towards the Tropic of Cancer (23½°N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23½°S) is called the Torrid Zone. The Sun’s rays fall vertically over this region and the average temperature is very high. Hence this region is known as the Torrid Zone.

19. Moderate temperature prevails in_____ region.

a) Torrid zone

b) Temperate zone

c) Frigid zone

d) None


From the Tropic of Cancer (23½°N) to the Arctic Circle (66½°N) and from the Tropic of Capricorn (23½°S) to the Antarctic Circle (66½°S), the Sun’s rays fall slantingly. Moderate temperature prevails in this region. Hence, this region is called Temperate Zone.

20. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) In Frigid Zone the Sun’s rays fall further inclined, throughout the year.

2) From the Arctic Circle (66½°N) to the North Pole (900 N) and from the Antarctic Circle (66½°S) to the South Pole (90°S) is Frigid Zone.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


From the Arctic Circle (66½°N) to the North Pole (900 N) and from the Antarctic Circle (66½°S) to the South Pole (90°S), the Sun’s rays fall further inclined, throughout the year. The temperature is very low. Hence, this region is known as Frigid Zone.

21. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The imaginary lines drawn vertically connecting the North Pole and the South Pole are called lines or meridians of longitude.

2) The 0° line of longitude is called the Prime Meridian

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The imaginary lines drawn vertically connecting the North Pole and the South Pole are called lines or meridians of longitude. These lines of longitude are seen as semi circles. The 0° line of longitude is called the Prime Meridian.

22. How many lines of longitude are there?

a) 180

b) 181

c) 360

d) 361


There are 180 lines of longitude towards the East and West from the Prime Meridian. So, there are totally 360 lines of longitude. These lines converge at the poles. The 180° W and 180° E line of longitude are the same line.

23. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The lines of longitude that are found between the Prime Meridian and the 0° East line of longitude are called ‘Eastern Longitudes’

2) The lines of longitude that are found between the Prime Meridian (0°) and the 180° West line of longitude are called ‘Western Longitudes’.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The lines of longitude that are found between the Prime Meridian and the 180° East line of longitude are called ‘Eastern Longitudes’ and the lines of longitude that are found between the Prime Meridian (0°) and the 180° West line of longitude are called ‘Western Longitudes’. Two opposite meridians form a great circle.

24. The lines of longitude are found as semi circles_____ km at 45° latitude

a) 111

b) 121

c) 222

d) 79


The lines of longitude are found as semi circles covering 111 km at the Equator, 79 km at 45° latitude and no space between the lines at the poles.

25. The Royal Astronomical Observatory is located at_______

a) New York

b) New Jersey

c) Greenwich

d) Hague


The Royal Astronomical Observatory is located at Greenwich near London in England.

26. International Meridian Conference held in 1884 at______

a) New York

b) New Jersey

c) Washington DC

d) Greenwich


According to the International Meridian Conference held in 1884 in Washington DC in the U.S.A. all nations agreed on choosing the Greenwich Meridian as the international standard meridian (0°).

27. International Date Line lies between_____

a) Alaska and Russia

b) Japan and Greenwich

c) New Zealand and Wales

d) China and Cambodia


The 180° line of longitude has been fixed as the International Date Line, drawn on the Pacific Ocean between Alaska and Russia through Bering Strait.

28. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) If a person crosses International Date line from the West to East, he loses a day

2) On the other hand, when he crosses from the East to West, he gains a day.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


If a person crosses International Date line from the West to East, he loses a day. On the other hand, when he crosses from the East to West, he gains a day. Based on this, the date is fixed for different countries or regions of the world.

29. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) The International Date Line is straight

2) If the line is drawn straight, two places in the same country would have same dates.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The International Date Line is not straight. If the line is drawn straight, two places in the same country would have different dates. So, the International Date Line is found zigzag in certain places to avoid confusion.

30. To locate a place exactly on earth_____ is/are required

a) Latitude

b) Longitude

c) Both a and b

d) None


The imaginary lines of latitude and longitude form a grid like pattern on the surface of the earth, known as the ‘Earth grid’ or ‘Geographic grid’. To locate a place exactly on earth, the latitudinal and longitudinal extensions are required.

31. Time is calculated on the basis of________

a) Lines of Latitude

b) Lines of Longitude

c) Both a and b

d) None


As many as 360 lines of longitude are drawn to connect the North and South Poles around the Earth 180° on the Eastern Hemisphere and 180° on the Western Hemisphere. Time is calculated on the basis of the lines of longitude.

32. 2 ° is equal to_____ minutes

a) 4

b) 10

c) 8

d) 14


The Earth takes one day to rotate on its axis

360 ° = 1440 minutes

So, 1 ° = 1440 360 = 4 minutes, 2 ° = 8 minutes

So, in an hour (60 minutes) the earth rotates 15°

33. The Sun is overhead on a line of longitude_____ in a day

a) Twice

b) Thrice

c) 180

d) Only once


When the sun is overhead on a particular line of longitude, it is 12 noon at all the places located on that line of longitude. This is called local time. The Sun is overhead on a line of longitude only once in a day. So, the local time differs for every line of longitude.

34. The world time is calculated by_______

a) GMT

b) IST

c) Local time + Latitude

d) None


When the Sun is overhead the Greenwich Meridian at 12 noon, it is the local time of that place. The world time is calculated by this standard line of longitude. It is known as the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

35. The word meridian is derived from____ word

a) Greek

b) Latin

c) Roman

d) Sanskrit


The word meridian is derived from the Latin word ‘Meridianus’. It means mid-day. (Medius – Middle, dies – day). So, meridian means the position of the Sun found overhead at a place at noon.

36. Which of the following is correct statement?

1) Many lines of longitude may pass through a country.

2) The standard time of a country or a part of it is calculated keeping a particular meridian as a standard one.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Local time is calculated when the sun is overhead at noon. Many lines of longitude may pass through a country. Countries may or may not observe a common time. The standard time of a country or a part of it is calculated keeping a particular meridian as a standard one.

37. How many Longitude lines pass through India?

a) 29

b) 48

c) 19

d) 39


The longitudinal extent of India is from 68°7’ E to 97°25’ E. As many as 29 lines of longitude pass through India.

38. ______ line of longitude is observed as Prime Meridian to calculate Indian Standard Time.

a) 82½° E

b) 82½° W

c) 68°7’ E

d) 97°25’ W


As many as 29 lines of longitude pass through India. Having 29 standard time is not logical. Hence 82½° E line of longitude is observed as the Prime Meridian to calculate the Indian Standard Time (IST).

39. The 82½°E line of longitude passes through______

a) Mirzapur

b) Ghuar Mota

c) Kibithu

d) Ahmedabad


The 82½°E line of longitude passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. This is located at an equal distance from Ghuar Mota in Gujarat and Kibithu in Arunachal Pradesh.

40. The world has_____ time zones

a) 48

b) 360

c) 24

d) 12


The world has 24 time zones. Some countries have a great longitudinal extent. So, they have more than one standard time. Example: Russia has 7 time zones

41. How time zone/s do Russia has?

a) 7

b) 1

c) 2

d) 6


The world has 24 time zones. Some countries have a great longitudinal extent. So they have more than one standard time. Example: Russia has 7 time zones.


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