MCQ Questions

Geoinformatics 12th Geography Lesson 6 Questions in English

12th Geography Lesson 6 Questions in English

6] Geoinformatics

1. Which among the following is the Global Navigation Satellite System of India?

  1. IRNSS
  2. GPS
  3. IPES
  4. QZSS


IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System) is the Indian Global Navigation Satellite System.

2. Which among the following is not the major components of Geoinformatics?

  1. Remote Sensing
  2. GIS
  3. GSS
  4. GNSS


Geoinformatics has three major components namely remote GIS, GNSS and Remote Sensing. The field of Remote Sensing and GIS has become exciting with rapidly expanding opportunities.

3. Which is an integrated discipline encompassing some branches of arts, science and technology of collecting information about the terrestrial objects using camera and sensor system?

  1. Geography Information System
  2. Global Navigation Satellite System
  3. Remote Sensing
  4. Global Positioning System


Remote sensing is an integrated discipline encompassing some branches of arts, science and technology of collecting information about the terrestrial objects using camera and sensor system.

4. Which among the following is not the Elements of Remote Sensing?

  1. Energy Source
  2. Interaction with Source
  3. Interpretation and Analysis
  4. Recording of energy by the sensor


The Elements of Remote Sensing are 1. Energy Source, 2. Radiation and the Atmosphere, 3. Interaction with the target, 4. Recording of energy by the sensor, 5. Transmission, Reception and Processing and 6. Interpretation and Analysis.

5. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. The primary requirement for remote sensing is to have an energy service, which provides electromagnetic energy to the target of interest. The sun being a major source of energy, radiation and illumination having a sharp power allows capturing reflected light with conventional cameras and films.
  2. The energy is required to reflect the target. This energy is in the form of radioactive energy. Radioactive energy is a dynamic form of energy that propagates as wave motion at a velocity in space.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


The energy is required to illuminate the target. This energy is in the form of Electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is a dynamic form of energy that propagates as wave motion at a velocity in space.

6. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. The interaction of Electromagnetic radiation with the target is important to remote sensing for two main reasons. First, information carried Electromagnetic radiation reflected by the earth’s surface is modified while traversing through the atmosphere.
  2. Second, the interaction of Electromagnetic radiation with the atmosphere can be used to obtain useful information about the atmosphere itself. The total energy is subjected to modification by the several physical process, absorption, scattering and refraction.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None

7. Which is the re-direction of Electromagnetic radiation by particles suspended in the atmosphere or by large molecules of atmospheric gases?

  1. Absorption
  2. Scattering
  3. Transportation
  4. Refraction


Scattering is the re-direction of Electromagnetic radiation by particles suspended in the atmosphere or by large molecules of atmospheric gases. The amount of scattering depends upon the size of the particles and their abundance. The wave length of radiation, depth of the atmosphere through which the energy is travelling. Absorption is the process by which the gas molecules present in the atmosphere strongly absorb the Electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere in certain spectral bands

8. Which was used to collect and record the electromagnetic radiation energy after scattered by or emitted from the target?

  1. Mirror
  2. Lens
  3. Sensor
  4. Emitter


After the energy has been scattered by or emitted from the target, we require a sensor (remote not in contact with the target) to collect and record the electromagnetic radiation. A sensor is highly sensitive to all the wave lengths yielding spatially detailed data on absolute brightness.

9. On the basis of the source of electromagnetic energy, the sensor can be classified into how many ways?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Six
  4. Seven


On the basis of the source of electromagnetic energy, the sensor can be classified into two ways. They are active sensor or passive sensor. Active sensor generates and uses its own energy to illuminate the target and records the reflected energy. It operates in the microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Their wave lengths are longer than 1 mm.

10. The Image processing methods in the processing station may be grouped into how many functional categories?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Six


The energy recorded by the sensor has to be transmitted in electronic form, to a receiving and processing station where the data processed into an image. The Image processing methods may be grouped into three functional categories such as Image Restoration, Image Enhancement and Information Extraction.

11. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. Restoration processes are designed to recognize and compensate for errors, noise and geometric distortion introduced into the data during the scanning transmission and recording processes. The objective is to make the image resemble the original scene. Image restoration is relatively simple because the pixels from each band are processed separately.
  2. Enhancement is the modification of an image, to alter its impact on viewer. General enhancement distorts the original digital values; therefore, enhancement is not done until the restoration processes are completed.
  3. Image restoration and enhancement process utilize computers to provide corrected and improved images for study by human interpreters. The computer makes no decision in these procedures. The human operator must instruct the computer and must evaluate the significance of the extracted information.
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3

12. Which is defined as the act of examining images to identify objects and judge their significance?

  1. Image Personification
  2. Inage Interpretation
  3. Image Contribution
  4. Image Consumption


Image interpretation is defined as the act of examining images to identify objects and judge their significance. An interpreter studies remotely sensed data and attempts through logical process to detect, identify, measure and evaluate the significance of environment and cultural object pattern and spatial relationship.

13. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. On the basis of the sources of electromagnetic energy, the remote sensing can be classified as passive and active remote sensing. In a simple way, we can understand that the passive remote sensing is similar to taking a picture with an ordinary camera where as active remote sensing is analogous to taking picture with camera having built-in flash.
  2. On the basis of the energy source, the passive remote sensing generates and uses its own energy to illuminate the target and records the reflected energy whereas the active remote sensing depends on solar radiation to illuminate the target.
  3. On the basis of region of spectrum in which they operate, the active remote sensing operates in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum whereas the passive remote sensing operates in the visible and infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3


On the basis of the energy source, the active remote sensing generates and uses its own energy to illuminate the target and records the reflected energy whereas the passive remote sensing depend on solar radiation to illuminate the target.

14. The wave lengths of the active remote sensing are longer than what?

  1. 1 mm
  2. 2 mm
  3. 4 mm
  4. 3 mm


The wave lengths of the active remote sensing are longer than 1 mm whereas the passive remote sensing, the wave length range from 0.4 to 1.0 mm. Some examples of active sensors are Fluor sensor and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Passive sensors record radiation reflected from the earth’s surface. The source of this radiation must come from outside the sensor; in most cases, this is solar energy.

15. A laser-beam remote sensing system comes under which sensor?

  1. Active sensor
  2. Passive sensor
  3. Both Active and Passive sensor
  4. None


A laser-beam remote sensing system is an active sensor that sends out a beam of light with a known wavelength and frequency. This beam of light hits the earth and is reflected back to the sensor, which records the time it took for the beam of light to return.

16. Based on the altitude above the earth surface, the Remote sensing platform can be classified into how many types?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five


The platform is a stage to mount the camera or sensor to acquire the information about a target under investigation. Based on the altitude above the earth surface, the Remote Sensing platform can be classified as Ground borne platform, Air borne platform and Space borne platform.

17. Which among the following is not the Ground borne platform?

  1. Cranes
  2. Tripods
  3. Towers
  4. Drones


Ground based platforms sensors may be placed on a ladder, scaffolding tall-building, crane etc. These are used to record detailed information about the surface which is compared with information collected from aircraft or satellite sensors. They are close to the ground. A wide variety of ground-based platforms are used in remote sensing. Some of the more common ones are hand held devices, tripods, towers and cranes.

18. Which among the following is use of permanent ground platform?

  1. Monitoring Terrorist activity
  2. Monitoring Atmospheric Phenomenon
  3. Monitoring Neutron Phenomenon
  4. Monitoring Radioactive phenomenon


Instruments that are ground-based are often used to measure the quantity and quality of light coming from the sun or for close range characterization of objects. Permanent ground platforms are typically used for monitoring atmospheric phenomenon although they are also used for long-term monitoring of terrestrial features.

19. Which among the following is not the Air borne platform?

  1. Balloon
  2. Aircraft
  3. Satellite
  4. Drone


Aircrafts are generally used to acquire aerial photographs for photo interpretation and photogrammetric purposes. They are classified into two types. They are • Low altitude aerial remote sensing • High altitude aerial remote sensing. Some examples are 1. Balloon 2. Drone and 3. Aircraft.

20. In which year the first aerial images were acquired with a camera carried aloft by a balloon?

  1. 1859
  2. 1884
  3. 1906
  4. 1912


Balloons are used for remote sensing observation (aerial photography) and nature conservation studies. The first aerial images were acquired with a camera carried aloft by a balloon in 1859. Balloon floats at a constant height of about 30 km.

21. Which among the following statement is correct regarding Drone?

  1. Drone is a miniature remotely piloted aircraft. It is designed to fulfil requirements for a low-cost platform, with long endurance, moderate payload capacity and capability to operate without a runway or small runway. Drone includes equipment of photography, infrared detection, radar observation and TV surveillance.
  2. It is the only air borne platform that does not use satellite communication link. An onboard computer controls the payload and stores data from different sensors and instruments. The unique disadvantage is that it could not accurately located above the area for which data was required and capable to provide both night and day data.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


It uses satellite communication link. An onboard computer controls the payload and stores data from different sensors and instruments. The unique advantage is that it could be accurately located above the area for which data was required and capable to provide both night and day data.

22. The first known aerial photograph was taken in 1858 by which photographer?

  1. German photographer
  2. American photographer
  3. French photographer
  4. British photographer


The first known aerial photograph was taken in 1858 by French photographer and balloonist, Gaspar Felix Tournachon, known as “Nadar”.

23. In which year the Special aircraft with cameras and sensors on vibration less platforms are traditionally used to acquire aerial photographs and images of land surface features?

  1. 1828
  2. 1855
  3. 1862
  4. 1884


In 1855 Special aircraft with cameras and sensors on vibration less platforms are traditionally used to acquire aerial photographs and images of land surface features. While low altitude aerial photography results in large scale images providing detailed information on the terrain, the high-altitude smaller scale images offer advantage to cover a larger study area with low spatial resolution.

24. Which among the following move in their orbit?

  1. Balloon
  2. Aircraft
  3. Satellite
  4. Drone


The satellites are normally used for the space borne remote sensing. The satellite moves in their orbit. The closed path of a satellite around the earth is called its orbit. These platforms are freely moving in their orbit around the earth and the entire earth or any part of the earth can be covered at specified intervals. The coverage mainly depends on the orbit of the satellite.

25. Which among the following is not the classification of Satellite based on their altitude, orientation and rotation relative to the earth?

  1. Navigation radar satellite
  2. Geostationary satellite
  3. Sun-Synchronous satellite
  4. Spy satellite


Satellite orbits are designed according to the capacity and objective of the sensors they carry. Depending on their altitude, orientation and rotation relative to the earth satellites can be categorized as 1) Geostationary satellite 2) Polar Orbiting or Sun-Synchronous satellite 3) Spy satellite.

26. Geostationary Satellite is an equatorial west to east satellite orbiting the earth at an altitude of 35000 km, the altitude at which it makes on revolution in how many hours?

  1. 12 hours
  2. 24 hours
  3. 36 hours
  4. 48 hours


Geostationary Satellite is an equatorial satellite orbiting the earth at an altitude of 35000 km, the altitude at which it makes on revolution in 24 hours. These platforms are covering the same place and give continuous near hemispheric coverage over the same area day and night.

27. Geostationary Satellites orbiting in which direction?

  1. West to East
  2. East to West
  3. North to South
  4. South to North


Geostationary Satellite is an equatorial west to east satellite orbiting the earth. These satellites are put in equatorial plane orbiting from west to east. Its coverage is limited to 70°N to 70°S latitudes and one satellite can view one-third globe. These are mainly used for communication and meteorological applications viz. GOES, METEOSAT, INTELSAT, and INSAT satellites.

28. Which among the following was the first indigenous, experimental communication satellite?

  2. APPLE
  3. SARAL


The Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment (APPLE) was ISRO’s first indigenous, experimental communication satellite.

29. When India launches its first geostationary satellite called APPLE?

  1. 1972
  2. 1979
  3. 1984
  4. 1981


On June 19, 1981 India launched its first geostationary satellite called APPLE. It was an experimental communication satellite launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

30. Which among the following is the only country reached to Mars in its first attempt?

  1. USA
  2. China
  3. Soviet Union
  4. India


India is the only one country which has reached to the mars in its first attempt.

31. As seen from earth, polar orbiting satellite is shifting in which direction because the Earth is rotating beneath it?

  1. Eastward
  2. Westward
  3. Northward
  4. Southward


As the Polar Orbiting or Sun-Synchronous satellite orbits the Earth from pole to pole, its east-west position would not change if the Earth did not rotate. However, as seen from the Earth, it seems that the satellite is shifting westward because the Earth is rotating (from west to east) beneath it. This apparent movement allows the satellite swath to cover a new area with each pass. All the remote sensing resource satellites may be grouped in this category.

32. Which among the following is not the Polar Orbiting or Sun-Synchronous satellites?

  1. TIROS
  2. HCMM
  3. MIDAS


Few of these Polar Orbiting or Sun-Synchronous satellites are LANDSAT series, SPOT series, IRS series, NOAA SEASAT, TIROS, HCMM, SKYLAB, and SPACE SHUTTLE etc.

33. Which are observational platforms that orbit the Earth in order to image its surface and to record radio signals for military and political purposes?

  1. Intel satellite
  2. Spy satellite
  3. Macro satellite
  4. UFO


Spy satellites are observational platforms that orbit the Earth in order to image its surface and to record radio signals for military and political purposes. They transmit their data to Earth, where it is interpreted by specialists in centralised, secretive facilities such as the U.S. National Photographic Interpretation Centre in Washington, D.C.

34. Which among the following is not the basic types of spy satellite?

  1. The photo reconnaissance systems that take pictures in visible and infrared light
  2. The infrared telescopes designed to detect missile launches
  3. The radars that image nearest planet and moon that cover longer distance
  4. signals intelligence (SIGINT) satellites (also termed “ferrets”), which are optimised either for characterising ground-based radar systems or for eavesdropping on communications.


The four basic types of spy satellite are: (1) photo reconnaissance systems that take pictures in visible and infrared light, (2) infrared telescopes designed to detect missile launches, (3) radars that image sea or land even through cloud cover and in darkness, and (4) signals intelligence (SIGINT) satellites (also termed “ferrets”), which are optimised either for characterising ground-based radar systems or for eavesdropping on communications.

35. In which among the following satellite photo reconnaissance and SIGINT functions are combined in single, massive platforms?

  1. U.S. Penthouse series satellites
  2. U.S. Primitive series satellites
  3. U.S. Cognitive series satellites
  4. U.S. keyhole series satellites


Sometimes photo reconnaissance and SIGINT functions are combined in single, massive platforms such as the U.S. Keyhole-series satellites. Spy satellites have been essential not only to military operations and the formation of national policy but to the verification of arms control treaties such as SALT I, SALT II, etc.

36. Which among the following nation is responsible for the greater number of launching spy satellite along with U.S.A?

  1. China
  2. India
  3. Soviet Union
  4. U.K


Although a number of nations have launched spy satellites, the U.S. and the Soviet Union are responsible for by far the greatest number. The Russian Federation, which inherited most of the Soviet Union’s space system after 1991, has been unable to afford the cost of adequately updating its spy satellite network. In contrast, the U.S. has continued to deploy ever-more-sophisticated systems in a steady stream.

37. Which among the following is not the U.S. Spy satellite?

  1. Corona
  3. MIDAS
  4. SAMOS


The majority of spy satellites in orbit today, including all the most capable units, are U.S.-owned. Early U.S. Spy Satellites: Corona, MIDAS, SAMOS.

38. Which among the following is the world’s most powerful GEO spy satellite launched in 2015?

  1. Kobalt-M
  2. JPSS-2
  3. RISAT-2
  4. Gaofen-4


The Gaofen-4 is the world’s most powerful GEO spy satellite (launched in 2015) which can provide instant coverage of earthquake or typhoon hit areas to support humanitarian relief.

39. Which among the following country satellite was Gaofen-4?

  1. India
  2. China
  3. U.S.A
  4. U.K


Gaofen-4 is the Chinese satellites. It will also allow China to monitor strategic foreign sites such as WMD facilities and naval bases inside its observation box.

40. Which among the following is not the application of Remote Sensing?

  1. Agriculture
  2. Forest Management
  3. Transportation
  4. Geology


The applications of Remote sensing are 1. Agriculture 2. Forest Management 3. Geology 4. Oceanography 5. Cartography 6. Meteorology 7. Topography and 8. Urban Planning.

41. Which among the following statement is correct regarding application of remote sensing?

  1. The satellites have ability to image individual fields, regions and countries on a frequent revisit cycle. Customers can receive field-based information including crop identification, crop area determination and crop condition monitoring (health and viability). Satellite data are employed in precision agriculture to manage and monitor farming practices at different levels.
  2. The forest – fire, sudden deforestation, encroachment of forest- land are recent challenges to the ecologist. It can be easily identified and curbed with the help of remote sensing satellite pictures.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None

42. In which among the following field remote sensing techniques are not used in geology?

  1. Lithology mapping
  2. Inner core exploration
  3. Mineral exploration
  4. Structural mapping


Various fields Remote sensing techniques used in geology are • Lithological mapping • Structural mapping • Geomorphological mapping • Mineral exploration • Hydrocarbon exploration • Sedimentation mapping and monitoring • Geo-hazard mapping.

43. The measurement of the depth of water in water bodies is known as _____

  1. Bathymetry
  2. Chronometry
  3. Radiometry
  4. Oximetry


Satellite remote sensing plays an important role in coastal zone management. It allows us to locate and regularly monitor various aspects such as bathymetry (the measurement of the depth of water in water bodies), chlorophyll content, suspended sediment concentration, etc.

44. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. Remote sensing aids in extensive surveys that are made from high altitudes to show the urban development, rural development, mountain areas, deserts, etc which help the Cosmographer. High-resolution satellite cameras located at altitudes of about hundred kilometres can record details as small as a few metres on the surface of the Earth.
  2. The radar system is basically used to collect the weather data. It collects meteorological data from unmanned land/ ocean-based Data collection platforms and serves as a communication satellite for rapid exchange of meteorological data among centres and for rapid dissemination of weather forecasts warnings etc, to user agencies
  3. Remote sensing information systems also offer interpretation of physical (spatial) data with other socio-economic data, and thereby providing an important linkage in the total planning process and making it more effective and meaningful. Digitization of planning base maps has facilitated updating of base maps wherever changes have taken place in terms of land development etc.
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3


Remote sensing aids in extensive surveys that are made from high altitudes to show the urban development, rural development, mountain areas, deserts, etc which help the cartographers. High-resolution satellite cameras located at altitudes of several hundred kilometres can record details as small as a few metres on the surface of the Earth.

45. Which among the following specifically involves the recording of relief or terrain, the three-dimensional quality of the surface, and the identification of specific landforms?

  1. Seismography
  2. Lithography
  3. Topography
  4. Stylography


Topography specifically involves the recording of relief or terrain, the three-dimensional quality of the surface, and the identification of specific landforms. Topographic maps usually portray both natural and manmade features. They show and name works of nature including mountains, valleys, plains, lakes, rivers, and vegetation.

46. Which among the following statement is correct?

  1. The Geographic information systems have emerged in the past two decades as an essential tool for urban and resource planning and management. It includes the functions of data entry, data display, data management, information retrieval and analysis.
  2. While GIS deals with entire geography of the earth including land, ocean and atmosphere, the art, science and technology dealing with the acquisition, storage, processing, production, presentation and dissemination of the earth’s information is called the Geostrategies.
  3. It is the popular means of studies in recent decades which cater the real and useful information to the field of Geography, Environmental Studies, Town planning, Rural development studies, and Defence and Agricultural promotion.
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3


While GIS deals with entire geography of the earth including land, ocean and atmosphere, the art, science and technology dealing with the acquisition, storage, processing, production, presentation and dissemination of the earth’s information is called the Geoinformatics.

47. Match the following generations of with computers correctly

  1. First generation – 1. Integrated Circuits
  2. Second generation – 2. Vacuum Tubes
  3. Third generation – 3. Microprocessors
  4. Fourth generation – 4. Transistors
  5. Fifth generation – 5. Artificial Intelligence
  6. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5
  7. 2 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4
  8. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 5
  9. 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4


1940–1956: First Generation – Vacuum Tubes 1956 – 1963: Second Generation – Transistors 1964 – 1971: Third Generation – Integrated Circuits 1972 – 2010: Fourth Generation – Microprocessors 2010 – Fifth Generation – Artificial Intelligence.

48. The components of GIS can be broadly classified into how many types?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Five
  4. Six


The components of GIS can be broadly classified into five types. They are 1. Hardware 2. Software 3. Data 4. People and 5. Method or Procedures

49. Which among the following statement is incorrect

  1. Hardware is Computer on which GIS software runs. Nowadays there are a different range of computer, it might be Desktop or server based. ArcGIS Server is server-based computer where GIS software runs on network computer or cloud based.
  2. For computer to perform well all hardware components must have high capacity. Some of the hardware components are: Motherboard, Hard drive, processor, graphics card, printer and so on. These all component function together to run GIS software smoothly
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None

50. Which among the following is not the Geographic Information System (GIS) software?

  1. Arc Gis
  2. Arc View
  4. QGCS


The GIS software which provides tools to run and edit spatial information. It helps to query, edit, run and display GIS data. It uses RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) to store the data. Few GIS software list: ArcGis, ArcView 3.2, QGIS, SAGA GIS.

51. Which among the following is not the classification of Data in Geographic Information System (GIS)?

  1. Attribute data
  2. Portal data
  3. Remote sensing data
  4. Global data base


Geographic data and related tabular data can be collected in-house compiled to custom specifications and requirements (or) purchased from a commercial data provider. A GIS can integrate spatial data with other existing data resources often stored in a corporate data base management System. The data can be broadly classified as i. Attribute data ii. Spatial data iii. Remote sensing data iv. Global data base.

52. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. Methods here refer to well-defined, consistent procedures that are required to produce accurate, reproducible result. A neatly conceived implementation plan and business rules are the models and operating practices are unique to each organization.
  2. There is no need to integrate the sophisticated tool through bringing out well-defined procedures in well documented form into the entire business strategy and operation to make the technology effective. Meta data i.e., (data about the data) is the key for documenting these processes.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


There is need to properly integrate the sophisticated tool through bringing out well-defined procedures in well documented form into the entire business strategy and operation to make the technology effective. Meta data i.e., (data about the data) is the key for documenting these processes.

53. Which among the following is not the function of GIS?

  1. Data Capture
  2. Data Storage
  3. Port Automation
  4. Query and Analysis


The functions of GIS describe the steps that have to be taken to implement a GIS. These steps have to be followed in order to obtain a systematic and efficient system. The steps involved are data capture, data storage (GIS Data Models), manipulation and analysis.

54. Which among the following simplifies map data into sets of points, lines or cells that can be stored in the GIS computer?

  1. Manipulation
  2. Digitalization
  3. Query
  4. Analysis


The input of data into a GIS can be achieved through many different methods of gathering. For example, aerial photography, scanning, digitizing, GNSS is just a few of the ways a GIS user could obtain data. Digitizing simplifies map data into sets of points, lines or cells that can be stored in the GIS computer. In this stage, digitization is carried out. There are two basic methods of digitization: Manual digitizing & scanning.

55. Which among the following statement is incorrect

  1. Some data is stored such as a map in a drawer, while others, such as digital data, can be as a hardcopy, stored on CD or on your hard drive. Once the data have been digitally compiled, digital map files in the GIS are stored on magnetic or other digital media.
  2. Data storage is based on a Generic Data Model that is used to convert digital form into a map data. The two most common types of data models are Raster, Roller and Vector. All three types are used to simplify the data shown on a map into a more basic form that can be easily and efficiently stored in the computer.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


Data storage is based on a Generic Data Model that is used to convert map data into a digital form. The two most common types of data models are Raster and Vector. Both types are used to simplify the data shown on a map into a more basic form that can be easily and efficiently stored in the computer.

56. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. The digital geographical data can be edited, this allows for many attributes to be added, edited, or deleted to the specification of the project. Once data are stored in a GIS, many manipulation options are available to users. These functions are often available in the form of “Toolkits.” A toolkit is a set of generic functions that a GIS user can employ to manipulate and analyse geographical data.
  2. Toolkits provide processing functions such as data retrieval measuring area and perimeter, overlaying maps, performing map algebra, and reclassifying map data. Data manipulation tools include coordinate change, projections, and edge matching, which allow a GIS to reconcile irregularities between map layers or adjacent map sheets called Tiles.
  3. GIS was used widely in decision making process for the new commission districts. We use population data to help establish an equal representation of population to area for each district. The heart of GIS is the analytical capabilities of the system.
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3

57. Match the following Global Navigation Satellite System with its country

  1. GPS – 1. China
  2. GLONASS – 2. European Union
  3. GALILEO – 3. United States
  4. BEODOU – 4. Japan
  5. QZSS – 5. Russia
  6. 2 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 1
  7. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5
  8. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5
  9. 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4


GNSS refers to the collection of the worlds global satellite-based positioning systems. It includes GPS (United States) GLONASS (Russia) GALILEO (European Union) BEODOU (China) IRNSS (India) QZSS (Japan). GNSS can provide centimetre level accuracy with a low-cost receiver, if an error correction technique is used. GNSS are recognized to be the systems of choice in outdoor environments and, to a great extent, one of the most accurate sources of position (and precise timing) information when it is available.

58. Which is the integration of remote sensing, Global Navigation Satellite System and Geographic Information System dealing with spatial information?

  1. Satoinformatics
  2. Geoinformatics
  3. Radioinformatics
  4. System Informatics


Geoinformatics is the integration of remote sensing, Global Navigation Satellite System and Geographic Information System dealing with spatial information. Th e advent of remote sensing, Global Navigation Satellite System and Geographic Information System has made significant changes in surveying and map making.

59. Which among the following was the first satellite navigation system deployed by the US military in 1960’s?

  2. Microsat
  3. Astrosat
  4. Transit


The first satellite navigation system was Transit, a system deployed by the US military in 1960’s. There are multiple constellations of GNSS satellites orbiting the earth. GNSS satellites’ orbit situated about 20,000 km above the earth’s surface. They are moving very fast, several kilometres per second. The latest generation of GNSS satellites (Block IIF) weight over 1,400 kg.

60. Transit’s operations were based on which Effect?

  1. Blazhko effect
  2. Doppler effect
  3. Faraday effect
  4. Keystone effect


Transit’s operations were based on the Doppler Effect: the satellites travelled on well-known paths and broadcast their signals on well-known radio frequency. The received frequency will differ slightly from the broadcast frequency because of the movement of the satellite with respect to the receiver. The satellite broad cast signals that contains orbital data (from which the position of the satellite can be calculated) and the precise time, the signals is transmitted. There are multiple constellations of GNSS satellites orbiting the earth.

61. Which among the following was the first GNSS system?

  3. GPS
  4. QZSS


GPS was the first GNSS system. GPS was launched in the late 1970s by the United States Department of Defence.

62. GPS uses a constellation of how many satellites?

  1. 12
  2. 24
  3. 36
  4. 42


GPS uses a constellation of 24 satellites, and provides global coverage.

63. Which among the following statement is incorrect

  1. The premier Soviet military navigation network was to be comprised of Uragan satellites. At the end of the Cold War, the constellation was unclassified under the name GLONASS — a Russian abbreviation of Global Navigation Satellite System. Global Navigation Satellite System by Russian Aerospace Defence Forces is a space-based satellite navigation system.
  2. The life style of GNSS satellites 15-20 years and new satellites are to be launched after a specific time interval in order to fill the gap due to ageing satellites. GLONASS proves very beneficial for Russian territory by 2010. In 2015, restoration of system is improved to enable full global coverage.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


The life style of GNSS satellites 5-7 years and new satellites are to be launched after a specific time interval in order to fill the gap due to ageing satellites. GLONASS proves very beneficial for Russian territory by 2010. In 2011, restoration of system is improved to enable full global coverage.

64. Currently providing Initial Services, Galileo is interoperable with which two countries global satellite navigation systems?

  1. US and Russia
  2. US and India
  3. US and China
  4. China and Japan


Galileo is Europe’s own global navigation satellite system, providing a highly accurate, guaranteed global positioning service under civilian control. Currently providing Initial Services, Galileo is interoperable with GPS and GLONASS, the US and Russian global satellite navigation systems. By offering dual frequency as standard, Galileo is set to deliver real-time positioning accuracy down to the metre range.

65. The Galileo constellation in space will comprise of how many satellites in total?

  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 35
  4. 40


The Galileo constellation in space will comprise 30 satellites in total. There will be 24 operational satellites, plus 6 spare satellites, circulating in medium Earth orbit on three orbital planes.

66. BeiDou Navigation Satellite System consists of how many separate satellite constellations?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Five
  4. Six


BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is a Chinese satellite Navigation system. It consists of two separate satellite constellations. The first BeiDou system is officially called the BeiDou Satellite Navigation Experimental System and also known as BeiDou-1.

67. Which year Beidou-3 officially began to provide global services?

  1. 2012
  2. 2014
  3. 2016
  4. 2018


On December 27, 2018, Beidou-3 officially began to provide global services. The Beidou-3M/G/I satellite represent the orbital segment of the third phase of the Chinese Beidou navigation system which uses satellites in Medium Earth Orbit and Geosynchronous Orbit and is also known as the Compass Navigation Satellite System.

68. Which among the following statement is correct regarding Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency?

  1. QZSS is a regional navigation satellite system that provides service to Japan and Oceanic region. QZSS (nickname of Michibiki – meaning to ‘path’ or ‘show the way’) QZSS is a Japanese satellite positioning system composed mainly of satellites in Lunar orbits.
  2. However, the term “Quasi-Zenith Satellite (QZS)” can refer to both satellites in QZO and geostationary orbits (GEO). For that reason, the name “QZO satellite” is used when it is necessary to specifically refer to satellites in QZO. Satellite positioning systems use satellite signals to calculate position information. The QZSS is sometimes called the “Japanese GPS.”
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


QZSS is a regional navigation satellite system that provides service to Japan and the Asia-Oceania region. QZSS (nickname of Michibiki – meaning to ‘guide’ or ‘show the way’) QZSS is a Japanese satellite positioning system composed mainly of satellites in quasi-zenith orbits (QZO).

69. Which among the following statement is correct regarding Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System?

  1. IRNSS is an autonomous regional satellite navigation system being developed by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization). It is designed to provide geospatial positioning information within the Indian subcontinent.
  2. It enables users to map out their location (altitude, longitude and latitude). The objective of developing IRNSS was to cut down India’s dependency on foreign navigation satellite systems.
  3. It provides location information service to users in India and the region extending for up to 7,500 km from the Indian boundary. This is the primary service area of IRNSS information service to users in India and the region extending up to 7,500 km from Indian boundary.
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3


It provides location information service to users in India and the region extending for up to 1,500 km from the Indian boundary. This is the primary service area of IRNSS information service to users in India and the region extending up to 1500 km from Indian boundary.

70. Which among the following purpose IRNSS is used for?

  1. Marine navigation
  2. Disaster management
  3. Mobile phone integration
  4. All the above


IRNSS aims to provide the following services: 1. Standard Positioning Service (SPS) for civilian, research & commercial use, 2. Restricted Service (RS) for authorized users. For example, in defence, IRNSS is used for ground, aerial and marine navigation, disaster management, mobile phone integration, mapping and visual & voice navigation for drivers, among others.

71. The world’s lightest satellite weighing a mere 64 grams, called as _________

  1. Indisat
  2. Srisat
  3. Kalamsat
  4. Bharatsat


India once again broke a global space record by launching the world’s lightest satellite weighing a mere 64 grams, called Kalamsat. It was designed and developed not by professional space scientists and engineers, but by 18-year-old Tamil Nadu student.

72. The tiny Kalamsat was flown by whon on 22 June 2017?

  1. ISRO
  2. NASA
  3. JAXA
  4. SpaceX


The tiny Kalamsat satellite, named after Abdul Kalam, was flown by a NASA sounding rocket on 22 June, 2017 and Kalamsat was the only Indian payload in the mission. Mission director Srimathy Kesan that the total flight time of the rocket was 240 minutes. The satellite, assembled at her T.Nagar residence in Chennai.

73. What was name of the student who designed Kalamsat?

  1. Rifath Sharook
  2. Abdul Hammed
  3. Krishna Kumar
  4. Arun Prasath


Kalamsat was designed and developed by 18-year-old Tamil Nadu student Rifath Sharook and his team. Sharook’s project, the first to be manufactured via 3D printing, got selected through a competition, ‘Cubes in Space’, sponsored jointly by NASA and ‘I Doodle Learning’. The project aims to take the performance of new technology to space.

74. According to whom Summit is able to achieve 200 peta flops of performance, or 200 quadrillion calculations per second?

  1. Microsoft
  2. SpaceX
  3. IBM
  4. Apple


The battle for the world’s fastest supercomputer has a new victor: Summit. According to IBM, Summit is able to achieve 200 peta flops of performance, or 200 quadrillion calculations per second. This power marks a significant gain on Sunway TaihuLight, which performs a still staggering 87 petaflops. Summit holds more than 10 peta bytes of RAM, and its funding came as part of a $325 million program funded by the United States Department of Energy.

75. Which among the following is not the applications of GNSS?

  1. Transportation
  2. Machine control
  3. Precious Agriculture
  4. Weather Forecast


GNSS applications are widely used to get the quick information about a particular field. Some of the commercial applications are Consumers, Transportation, GIS, Machine Control Port Automation, Precision Agriculture, Construction, Marine Mining, Unmanned Vehicles Surveying, Defence, and Aerial Photogrammetry, etc.

76. Which among the following statement is correct regarding GNSS

  1. GNSS technology has been adopted by the consumer market, in an ever-increasing range of products. GNSS receivers are now routinely integrated into smart phones, to support applications that display maps showing the location of and best route to stores and restaurants.
  2. In rail transportation, GNSS is used to track the location of locomotives and rail cars, maintenance vehicles and wayside equipment, for display at central monitoring consoles. Knowing the precise location of rail equipment reduces accidents, delays, and operating costs, enhancing safety, track capacity, and customer service.
  3. Using GNSS, shipping hubs can improve their operating efficiency by tracking the movement and placement of containers about their yards. Many cranes are equipped with GNSS based steering devices that determine the crane’s position and keep it travelling in the desired path, improving accuracy and productivity as well as the safety of operators and workers on the ground.
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3

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