MCQ Questions

From Chiefdoms to Empires 6th Social Science Lesson 11 Questions in English

6th Social Science Lesson 11 Questions in English

11. From Chiefdoms to Empires

1. Which of the following metal played a significant role in transformation of society?

a) Copper

b) Bronze

c) Iron

d) Brass


During the sixth Century BC (BCE) many territorial states emerged. This Led to the transformation of socio – economic and political life of the people in the Gangetic plains. Iron played a significant role in this transformation of society.

2. Which empire took advantage of iron over other Mahajanapadas?

a) Kasi

b) Kosala

c) Avanti

d) Magadha


Knowledge in the use of iron gave Magadha an advantage over other Mahajanapadas. Thus, the Magadha could establish an empire of its own. Abundance of natural resources especially iron enabled them to equip themselves with weapons made of iron.

3. How many kinds of government existed in north India during 6th century?

a) Three

b) One

c) Two

d) Sixteen


There were two kinds of government in north India during the sixth century BC (BCE)

1) Gana – sangas – non monarchical states.

2) Kingdoms – monarchies

4. The term gana means________

a) Song

b) Music

c) People of equal status

d) Assembly


The term ‘gana’ means ‘people of equal status’. ‘Sangha’ means ‘assembly’. The gana – sanghas covered a small geographical area ruled by an elite group. The gana sanghas practiced egalitarian traditions.

5. The kingdoms in north India are usually_____

a) Heterodox

b) Orthodox

c) Monarchy

d) Both a and c


A ‘kingdom’ means a territory ruled by a king or queen. In a kingdom (monarchy), a family, which rules for a long period becomes a dynasty. Usually these kingdoms adhered to orthodox Vedic traditions.

6.________ were the earliest gathering places of men

a) Mahajanapadas

b) Sangha

c) Gana

d) Janapadas


Janapadas were the earliest gathering places of men. Later, Janapadas became republics or smaller kingdoms. The widespread use of iron in Gangetic plain created conditions for the formation of larger territorial units transforming the Janapadas into Mahajanapadas.

7. How many Mahajanapadas dotted the Indo-Gangetic plain in the sixth century BC?

a) 17

b) 16

c) 10

d) 12


Sixteen Mahajanapadas dotted the Indo-Gangetic plain in the sixth century BC (BCE). It was a transition from a semi – nomadic kinship – based society to an agrarian society with networks of trade and exchange.

8. Which of the following is not one of 16 Mahajanapadas?

a) Surasena

b) Assaka

c) Sind

d) Kuru


16 Mahajanapadas – Anga, Magadha, Vajji, Malla, Kasi, Kuru, Kosala, Avanti, Chedi, Vatsa, Panchala, Machcha, Surasena, Assaka, Gandhara and Kamboja.

9. Which of the following is correctly matched?

1) Magadha in Ujjain

2) Vatsa in Kausambi

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


There were four major Mahajanapadas

They were: Magadha in Bihar, Avanti in Ujjain, Kosala in Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Vatsa in Kausambi, Allahabad.

10. Which of the following is the cause for rise of Magadha?

1) Magadha was located on the lower part of the Gangetic plain and was fertile plain which ensured the rich agricultural yield.

2) The thick forests supplied timber for construction of buildings and elephants for army

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


The Causes for the Rise of Magadha are: Magadha was located on the lower part of the Gangetic plain. The plain was fertile which ensured the rich agricultural yield. This provided regular and substantial income to the state. The thick forests supplied timber for construction of buildings and elephants for army.

11. Which of the following dynasty ruled Magadha?

a) Haryanka

b) Maurya

c) Nanda

d) All the above


Four dynasties ruled over Magadha Empire.

• The Haryanka dynasty

• The Shishunaga dynasty

• The Nanda dynasty

• The Maurya dynasty

12. Who was the founder of Magadha dynasty?

a) Bimbisara

b) Bindusara

c) Ajatasatru

d) Kalasoka


Magadha’s gradual rise to political supremacy began with Bimbisara of Haryanka dynasty. Bimbisara extended the territory of Magadhan Empire by conquests and by matrimonial alliances with Lichchhavis, Madra and Kosala.

13. Who was the contemporary of Buddha?

a) Bimbisara

b) Bindusara

c) Ajatasatru

d) Kalasoka


Bimbisara extended the territory of Magadhan Empire by conquests and by matrimonial alliances with Lichchhavis, Madra and Kosala. Bimbisara son Ajatasatru, a contemporary of Buddha, convened the first Buddhist Council at Rajagriha.

14. Who was the successor of Ajatasatru?

a) Bimbisara

b) Bindusara

c) Udayin

d) Ashoka


Bimbisara son Ajatasatru, a contemporary of Buddha, convened the first Buddhist Council at Rajagriha. Udayin was the successor of Ajatasatru.

15. Who laid the foundation of the new capital at Pataliputra?

a) Bimbisara

b) Udayin

c) Ajatasatru

d) Bindusara


Magadha’s gradual rise to political supremacy began with Bimbisara of Haryanka dynasty. Udayin was the successor of Ajatasatru, laid the foundation of the new capital at Pataliputra.

16. Which dynasty succeeded Haryanka dynasty?

a) Nanda Dynasty

b) Shishunaga Dynasty

c) Mauryan Empire

d) None


Magadha’s gradual rise to political supremacy began with Bimbisara of Haryanka dynasty. Haryanka dynasty was succeeded by the Shishunaga dynasty.

17. Which Shishunaga Dynasty ruler shifted the capital from Rajagriha to Pataliputra?

a) Udayin

b) Ajatasatru

c) Ashoka

d) Kalasoka


Haryanka dynasty was succeeded by the Shishunaga dynasty. Kalasoka, a king of Shishunaga dynasty, shifted the capital from Rajagriha to Pataliputra.

18. The second Buddhist Council at______

a) Pataliputra

b) Vaishali

c) Rajagriha

d) Kashmir


Kalasoka, a king of Shishunaga dynasty, shifted the capital from Rajagriha to Pataliputra. He convened the second Buddhist Council at Vaishali.

19. Who were the first empire builders of India?

a) Shishunaga

b) Nanda

c) Mauryan

d) Haryanka


Shishunaga dynasty was succeeded by the Nanda Dynasty. Nandas were the first empire builders of India.

20. The first Nanda ruler was_______

a) Bindusara

b) Dhana Nanda

c) Kalasoka

d) Mahapadma


Nandas were the first empire builders of India. The first Nanda ruler was Mahapadma. Mahapadma Nanda was succeeded by his eight sons.

21. Who was the last ruler of Nanda Dynasty?

a) Bindusara

b) Ashoka

c) Dhana Nanda

d) Mahapadma


Mahapadma Nanda was succeeded by his eight sons. They were, known as Navanandas (nine Nandas). Dhana Nanda, the last Nanda ruler, was overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya.

22. The word Nalanda means_______

a) No stopping of the gift of knowledge

b) No stopping of the gift

c) No stopping of the education

d) No stopping of the empire


Nalanda was a large Buddhist monastery in ancient kingdom of Magadha. It became the most renowned seat of learning during the reign of Guptas. The word Nalanda is a Sanskrit combination of three words Na + alam + daa meaning “no stopping of the gift of knowledge”.

23. Which of the following are the Inscriptions of Mauryan Empire?

a) Edicts of Ashoka

b) Junagadh Inscription

c) Kanchi Inscription

d) Both a and b


Inscriptions of Mauryan Empire are Edicts of Ashoka, Junagadh Inscription. Religious Literature of Mauryan Empire are Jain, Buddhist texts and Puranas.

24. Which of the following are the Foreign Notices of Mauryan Empire?

a) Dipavamsa

b) Mahavamsa

c) Indica

d) All the above


Foreign Notices of Mauryan Empire are Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa and Indica. Inscriptions of Mauryan Empire are Edicts of Ashoka, Junagadh Inscription. Religious Literature of Mauryan Empire are Jain, Buddhist texts and Puranas.

25. Megasthenese was the ambassador of the_____ rule

a) Roman

b) Greek

c) Mesapotamian

d) Chinese


Megasthenese was the ambassador of the Greek ruler, Seleucus, in the court of Chandra Gupta. His famous work is Indica.

26. How many years does Megasthenese stayed in India?

a) 14

b) 10

c) 20

d) 18


Megasthenese stayed in India for 14 years. His book Indica is one of the main sources for the study of Mauryan Empire.

27. How many gates does the great capital city in the Mauryan Empire had?

a) 24

b) 28

c) 64

d) 68


Grandeur of Pataliputra: The great capital city in the Mauryan Empire, which had 64 gates to the city with 570 watch towers.

28. Which was the 1st largest empire in India?

a) Nanda Dynasty

b) Shishunaga Dynasty

c) Mauryan Dynasty

d) Haryanka dynasty


The Mauryan Empire was the first largest empire in India. Chandragupta Maurya established the empire in Magadha.

29. Who took Chandragupta Maurya to the southern India?

a) Bhadrabahu

b) Simhasena

c) Nayanika

d) None


Chandragupta Maurya established the empire in Magadha. Bhadrabahu, a Jain monk, took Chandragupta Maurya to the southern India.

30. Chandragupta performed Sallekhana at_______

a) Rajagirha

b) Sravanbelgola

c) Ujjain

d) Magadha


Chandragupta performed Sallekhana (Jaina rituals in which a person fasts unto his death) in Sravanbelgola (Karnataka). Bhadrabahu, a Jain monk, took Chandragupta Maurya to the southern India.

31. What was the real name of Bindusara?

a) Simhasena

b) Amitragatha

c) Bimbisara

d) Kalasoka


Real name of Bindusara was Simhasena. He was the son of Chandragupta Maurya. Greeks called Bindusara as Amitragatha, meaning ‘slayer of enemies’

32. Who was appointed as a governor of Ujjain during Bindusara reign?

a) Amitragatha

b) Simhasena

c) Ashoka

d) Simhavishnu


During Bindusara’s reign Mauryan Empire spread over large parts of India. He appointed his son Ashoka as a governor of Ujjain. After his death, Ashoka ascended the throne of Magadha.

33. Which Mauryan king is known as Devanam Piya?

a) Chandragupta Maurya

b) Ashoka

c) Bindusara

d) Bimbisara


Ashoka was the most famous of the Mauryan kings. He was known as ‘Devanam Piya’ meaning ‘beloved of the Gods’.

34. Ashoka fought the Kalinga war in______

a) 261 BC

b) 216 BC

c) 361 BC

d) 316 BC


Ashoka fought the Kalinga war in 261 BC (BCE). He won the war and captured Kalinga. The horror of war was described by the king himself in the Rock Edict XIII.

35. The Emblem of the Indian Republic has been adopted from_____

a) Ashoka’s pillars

b) Junagadh inscriptions

c) Ajanata inscriptions

d) Ellora inscriptions


The Emblem of the Indian Republic has been adopted from the Lion Capital of one of Ashoka’s pillars located at Sarnath. The wheel from the circular base, the Ashoka Chakra is a part of the National Flag.

36. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) Before battle of Kalinga, Ashoka undertook tours to different parts of the country instructing people on policy of Dhamma

2) The meaning of Dhamma is explained in Ashoka’s – Pillar Edict I

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


After the battle of Kalinga, Ashoka became a Buddhist. He undertook tours (Dharmayatras) to different parts of the country instructing people on policy of Dhamma. The meaning of Dhamma is explained in Ashoka’s – Pillar Edict II.

37. Who was sent to Sri Lanka to propagate Buddhism?

a) Mahinda

b) Sanghamitta

c) Kalasoka

d) Both a and b


Ashoka sent his son Mahinda and Sanghamitta to Sri Lanka to propagate Buddhism. He also sent missionaries to West Asia, Egypt, and Eastern Europe to spread the message of Dhamma.

38. The third Buddhist Council at held at______

a) Rajagriha

b) Pataliputra

c) Prayagraj

d) Kashmir


The Dhamma-mahamattas were a new cadre of officials created by Ashoka. Their job was to spread dhamma all over the empire. Ashoka held the third Buddhist Council at his capital Pataliputra.

39. ______ is an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority or a king

a) Inscription

b) Edict

c) Bond

d) All the above


An Edict is an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority or a king. Ashoka sent missionaries to West Asia, Egypt, and Eastern Europe to spread the message of Dhamma.

40. How many Edicts on the pillars made by the Emperor Ashoka?

a) 12

b) 33

c) 22

d) 44


The 33 Edicts on the pillars as well as boulders and cave walls made by the Emperor Ashoka, describe in detail Ashoka’s belief in peace, righteousness, justice and his concern for the welfare of his people.

41. The script of the inscriptions North Western part are in_____ language

a) Greek

b) Brahmi

c) Kharoshthi

d) Aramaic


The script of the inscriptions: At Sanchi – Brahmi At Kandahar – Greek and Aramaic At North Western part – Kharoshthi.

42. Which edicts refer to the names of the three dynasties namely Pandyas, Cholas?

a) Edicts II

b) Edicts I

c) Edicts XII

d) Edicts III


The Rock Edicts II and XIII of Ashoka refer to the names of the three dynasties namely Pandyas, Cholas, the Keralaputras and the Sathyaputras.

43. Council of ministers of Mauryan Administration known as______

a) Navanandas

b) Ashtapradhan

c) Mantriparishad

d) None


Council of ministers of Mauryan Administration known as mantriparishad assisted the King. Assembly of ministers included a Purohit, a Senapathi, a Maha mantri and the Yuvaraja.

44. The land tax (bhaga) collected was______

a) 1/6 of the total produce

b) 1/3 of the total produce

c) 2/3 of the total produce

d) 1/2 of the total produce


The land was the most important source of revenue for the state. The land tax (bhaga) collected was 1/6 of the total produce.

45. Which inscription mentions bali and bagha as taxes collected from people?

a) Junagadh

b) Lumbini

c) Rajagirha

d) Pataliputra


Ashokan inscription at Lumbini mentions bali and bagha as taxes collected from people. The land was the most important source of revenue for the state.

46. Which of the following statement about Mauryan Administration is correct?

1) Revenue from taxes on forests, mines, salt and irrigation provided main revenue to the government.

2) Much of the State revenue was spent on paying the army, the officials of the royal government

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Revenue from taxes on forests, mines, salt and irrigation provided additional revenue to the government. Much of the State revenue was spent on paying the army, the officials of the royal government, on charities and on different public works such as irrigation project, road construction etc.

47. Which of the following is incorrect about Mauryan Judicial System?

a) The king was the head of the Judiciary

b) The king appointed many judges subordinate to him

1) 1 alone

2) 2 alone

3) 1, 2

4) None


The king was the head of the Judiciary. He was the highest court of appeal. King appointed many judges subordinate to him. The punishments were harsh.

48. During Mauryan reign who was supreme commander of the army?

a) Senapathi

b) Purohit

c) King

d) Yuvaraja


The king was the supreme commander of the army. A board of 30 members divided into six committees with five members on each, monitored.

49. Town administration was under______

a) Gopa

b) Janapadha

c) Nagarika

d) Shamika


Board of 30 members divided into six committees. Each had 5 members to manage the administration of the city. Town administration was under Nagarika. He was assisted by Sthanika and Gopa.

50. Which Inscription record the construction of water reservoir Sudarshan Lake?

a) Girnar

b) Prayagraj

c) Ajanata

d) Ellora


The Junagarh / Girnar Inscription of Rudradaman records that the construction of a water reservoir known as Sudarshana Lake was begun during the time of Chandragupta Maurya and completed during Ashoka’s reign.

51. During who reign Sudarshana Lake was completed?

a) Chandragupta Maurya

b) Ashoka

c) Kalasoka

d) Bindusara


The Junagarh / Girnar Inscription of Rudradaman records that the construction of a water reservoir known as Sudarshana Lake was begun during the time of Chandragupta Maurya and completed during Ashoka’s reign.

52. The punch marked silver coins carried the symbols_____

a) Tiger

b) Lion

c) Peacock

d) Elephant


The punch marked silver coins (panas) which carry the symbols of the peacock, and the hill and crescent copper coins called Mashakas formed the imperial currency.

53. The officers of Mauryan Administration were paid with______

a) Cash

b) Agricultural products

c) Allowed to collect tax in certain region

d) None


Money was not only used for trade; even the Mauryan Administration paid its officers in cash. The punch marked silver coins (panas) which carry the symbols of the peacock, and the hill and crescent copper coins called Mashakas formed the imperial currency.

54. Which of the following country had trade relation with Mauryan empire?

a) Malaya

b) Burma

c) Ceylon

d) All the above


Trade flourished particularly with Greece (Hellenic) Malaya, Ceylon and Burma. The Arthasastra refers to the regions producing specialized textiles – Kasi (Benares), Vanga(Bengal), Kamarupa (Assam) and Madurai in Tamil Nadu.

55. Which of the following is correct?

1) Yakshas were male deities

2) Yakshis were their female counterpart

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Yakshas were deities connected with water, fertility, trees, the forest and wilderness. Yakshis were their female counterpart.

56. A Stupa is a_______

a) Spherical dome like structure

b) Semi – spherical dome like structure

c) Triangular dome like structure

d) Pyramidal dome like structure


A Stupa is a semi – spherical dome like structure constructed on brick or stone. The Buddha’s relics were placed in the center of the dome.

57. The crowning element in Sarnath pillar is______

a) Lion

b) Tiger

c) Dharma chakra

d) Peacock


Monolithic Pillar – Sarnath, crowning element in this pillar is Dharma chakra. Beginning of Rock cut Architecture Rock – Cut Caves of Barabar and Nagarjuna Hills.

58.Which of the following have inscriptions of Dasharatha Maurya?

a) Bodh Gaya

b) Barabar hills

c) Nagarjuna hills

d) None


There are several caves to the north of Bodh Gaya. Three caves in Barabar hills have dedicative inscription of Ashoka. And three in Nagarjuna hills have inscriptions of Dasharatha Maurya (grandson of Ashoka).

59. Which of the following was the reason for decline of Mauryan Empire?

1) Ashoka’s successors were very weak.

2) Invasion by the Chinese weakened the empire.

a) 1 alone

b) 2 alone

c) 1, 2

d) None


Reasons for the Decline of the Mauryan Empire: Ashoka’s successors were very weak. Continuous revolts in different parts of the empire. Invasion by the Bactrian Greeks weakened the empire.

60. The Last Maurya ruler_____

a) Bindusara

b) Bimbisara

c) Ashoka

d) Brihadratha


Last Maurya ruler Brihadratha was killed by his commander Pushyamitra Singha who established Sungha dynasty.

61. What is the modern name of Kalinga?

a) Patna

b) Rajgir

c) Odisha

d) Kasi


Ancient name

Rajagriha – Rajgir

Pataliputra – Patna

Kalinga – Odisha

62. Who linked Great Wall of China walls on Northern border to protect his empire?

a) Qin-Shi Huang

b) Quin Tsang

c) It Tsang

d) Ibn Batuha


The Great Wall of China is an ancient series of fortification. During third century BC (BCE) emperor Qin-Shi Huang linked these walls on Northern border to protect his empire.

63. Temple of Zeus is located at_______

a) Greece

b) Rome

c) England

d) Vatican


Temple of Zeus at Olympia, Greece, dedicated to the god Zeus, constructed during fifth century BC (BCE), It is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

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