MCQ Questions

Freedom Struggle in Tamil Nadu 10th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

10th Social Science Lesson 15 Questions in English

15] Freedom Struggle in Tamil Nadu

1. In which year Madras Native Association was formed?

  1. 1852
  2. 1851
  3. 1916
  4. 1917


The Madras Native Association (MNA) was the earliest organisation to be founded in south India to articulate larger public rather than sectarian interests. It was started by Gazulu Lakshminarasu, Srinivasanar and their associates in 1852.

2. Which of the following statement about Madras Native Association is correct?

  1. It consisted primarily of merchants.
  2. Their focus was on reduction in taxation.
  3. It also protested against the support of the government to Christian missionary activities.
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


Madras Native Association consisted primarily of merchants. The objective was to promote the interests of its members and their focus was on reduction in taxation. It also protested against the support of the government to Christian missionary activities. It drew the attention of the government to the condition and needs of the people.

3. In which year Madras Native Association?

  1. 1862
  2. 1884
  3. 1920
  4. 1919


One of the important contributions of the MNA was its agitation against torture of the peasants by revenue officials. These efforts led to the establishment of the Torture Commission and the eventual abolition of the Torture Act, which justified the collection of land revenue through torture. However, by 1862, the Madras Native Association had ceased to exist.

4. Who among the following is appointed as the 1st Indian judge of Madras High Court?

  1. T. Muthuswami
  2. T. Gopalaswami
  3. T. Swaminathan
  4. T. Ayyangar


The appointment of T. Muthuswami as the first Indian Judge of the Madras High Court in 1877 created a furore in Madras Presidency. The entire press in Madras criticized the appointment of an Indian as a Judge.

5. In which year The Hindu newspaper was started?

  1. 1884
  2. 1878
  3. 1887
  4. 1868


The need for a newspaper to express the Indian perspective was keenly felt. G. Subramaniam, M. Veeraraghavachari and four other friends together started a newspaper The Hindu in 1878. It soon became the vehicle of nationalist propaganda.

6. The newspaper “Swadesamitran” was started by_____

  1. M. Veeraraghavachari
  2. G. Subramaniam
  3. P. Rangaiah
  4. Bharathiyar


G. Subramaniam also started a Tamil nationalist periodical Swadesamitran in 1891 which became a daily in 1899. The founding of The Hindu and Swadesamitran provided encouragement to the starting of other native newspapers such as Indian Patriot, South Indian Mail, Madras Standard, Desabhimani, Vijaya, Suryodayam and India.

7. In which year Madras Mahajana Sabha was started?

  1. 1852
  2. 1884
  3. 1862
  4. 1916


Madras Mahajana Sabha (MMS) was the earliest organisation in south India with clear nationalist objectives. It was the training ground for the first generation of nationalist leaders. On 16 May 1884 MMS was started by M. Veeraraghavachari, P. Anandacharlu, P. Rangaiah and few others.

8. Who became the first President of Madras Mahajana Sabha?

  1. P. Anandacharlu
  2. P. Rangaiah
  3. M. Veeraraghavachari
  4. Gazulu Lakshminarasu


P. Rangaiah became Madras Mahajana Sabha first president. P. Anandacharlu played an active role as its secretary. The members met periodically, debated public issues in closed meetings, conducted hall meetings and communicated their views to the government.

9. Which among the following are demands of Madras Mahajana Sabha?

  1. They wanted civil services examinations to be conducted simultaneous in England and India
  2. abolition of the Council of India in London
  3. reduction of civil and military expenditure
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


The objective of MMS was to create a consensus among people of different parts of the Presidency on various issues of public interest and to present it to the government. Its demands included conduct of simultaneous civil services examinations in England and India, abolition of the Council of India in London, reduction of taxes and reduction of civil and military expenditure. Many of its demands were adopted later by the Indian National Congress founded in 1885.

10. How many delegates from Madras participated in first session of INC?

  1. 22
  2. 42
  3. 72
  4. 32


The first session of the Indian National Congress was held in 1885 at Bombay. Out of a total of 72 delegates 22 members were from Madras. G. Subramaniam through his writings advanced the cause of nationalism. He ranks with Naoroji and Gokhale for his contribution to the understanding of the economic exploitation of India by the British.

11. Who among the following are Tamil moderates?

  1. G.A. Natesan
  2. T.M. Madhava Rao
  3. V.O. Chidambaram
  4. T.R. Venkatramanar
  5. 1, 2, 3
  6. 1, 3, 4
  7. 1, 2, 4
  8. 1, 2, 3, 4


The distinguished Tamil Moderates from Madras: V.S. Srinivasa Sastri, P.S. Sivasamy, V. Krishnasamy, T.R. Venkatramanar, G.A. Natesan, T.M. Madhava Rao, and S. Subramaniar. The primary contribution of moderates lies in exposing the liberal claims of the British: they exposed how the British exploited India and their hypocrisy in following democratic principles in England and imposing an unrepresentative government in the colonies.

12. The 3rd session of INC held in_______

  1. Makkis Garden in Madras
  2. Ponemalle in Madras
  3. Saidapet in Madras
  4. Tambaram in Madras


The second session of the Indian National Congress was held in Calcutta in 1886, with Dadabhai Naoroji in the Chair. The third session was held at Makkis Garden, now known as the Thousand lights, in Madras in 1887 with Badruddin Tyabji as president. Out of the 607 all India delegates of 362 were from Madras Presidency.

13. Which of the following are parts of Madras Presidency?

  1. Kerala
  2. Ganjam
  3. Rayalaseema
  4. Poona
  5. 1, 2, 3
  6. 2, 3, 4
  7. 1, 2, 4
  8. 1, 2, 3, 4


Tamil Nadu was then part of the Madras Presidency which included large parts of the present-day states of Andhra Pradesh (Coastal districts and Rayalaseema), Karnataka (Bengaluru, Bellary, South Canara), Kerala (Malabar) and even Odisha (Ganjam).

14. Which of the following statement about Swadeshi Movement is correct?

  1. The Swadeshi movement made a deep impact in Tamil Nadu.
  2. The partition of Bengal (1905) led to the Swadeshi Movement and changed the course of the struggle for freedom.
  3. In various parts of India, especially Bengal, Punjab and Maharashtra popular leaders emerged.
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


The partition of Bengal (1905) led to the Swadeshi Movement and changed the course of the struggle for freedom. In various parts of India, especially Bengal, Punjab and Maharashtra popular leaders emerged. They implemented the programme of the Calcutta Congress which called upon the nation to promote Swadeshi enterprise, boycott foreign goods and promote national education. The Swadeshi movement made a deep impact in Tamil Nadu. The Congress carried on a vigorous campaign for boycott of foreign goods.

15. What were the names of Ships of Swadeshi Steam Navigation by V.O. Chidambaranar?

  1. Gallia
  2. Sago
  3. Lavo
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


One of the most enterprising acts in pursuance of swadeshi was the launching of the Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company at Thoothukudi by V.O.  Chidambaranar. He purchased two ships Gallia and Lavo and plied them between Thoothukudi and Colombo. However, due to cutthroat competition from the European company and the blatantly partisan role played by the government, V.O.C’s efforts ended in failure.

16. Which of the following statement is correct?

  1. V.O. Chidambaranar, V. Chakkaraiyar, Subramania Bharati and Surendranath Arya were some of the prominent leaders in Tamilnadu.
  2. Subaramania Bharati’s patriotic songs were especially important in stirring patriotic emotions.
  3. The extremist leader Bipin Chandra Pal toured Madras and delivered lectures which inspired the youth
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


V.O. Chidambaranar, V. Chakkaraiyar, Subramania Bharati and Surendranath Arya were some of the prominent leaders in Tamilnadu. Public meetings attended by thousands of people were organised in various parts of Tamilnadu. Tamil was used on the public platform for the first time to mobilise the people. Subaramania Bharati’s patriotic songs were especially important in stirring patriotic emotions. Many journals were started to propagate Swadeshi ideals. Swadesamitran and India were prominent journals. The extremist leader Bipin Chandra Pal toured Madras and delivered lectures which inspired the youth. Students and youth participated widely in the Swadeshi Movement.

17. In which year European-owned Coral Mills was led by V.O.C?

  1. 1900
  2. 1905
  3. 1908
  4. 1912


V.O.C joined with Subramania Siva in organising the mill workers in Thoothukudi and Tirunelveli. In 1908, he led a strike in the European-owned Coral Mills. It coincided with the release of Bipin Chandra Pal. V.O.C and Subramania Siva, who organised a public meeting to celebrate the release of Bipin, were arrested.

18. Who among the following was made to pull the heavy oil press?

  1. V.O.  Chidambaranar
  2. V.V. Subramanianar
  3. Subramania Siva
  4. G.A. Natesan


The two leaders V.O.C joined with Subramania Siva were charged with sedition and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment. Initially V.O.C. was given a draconian sentence of two life imprisonments. The news of the arrest sparked riots in Tirunelveli leading to the burning down of the police station, court building and municipal office. It led to the death of four people in police firing. V.O.C. was treated harshly in prison and was made to pull the heavy oil press.

19. Which among the following place provided a safe haven for the revolutionaries?

  1. Tirunelveli
  2. Tirupur
  3. Pondicherry
  4. Pulicat


As elsewhere the Swadeshi movement inspired the youth. Left leaderless, they turned to the revolutionary path. Pondicherry provided a safe haven for the revolutionaries. Many of these revolutionaries in Tamil Nadu were introduced and trained in revolutionary activities at India House in London and in Paris. M.P.T. Acharya, V.V. Subramanianar and T.S.S. Rajan were prominent among them. Revolutionary literature was distributed by them in Madras through Pondicherry.

20. In which year Aurobindo Ghosh and V.V. Subramanianar arrived at Pondicherry?

  1. 1909
  2. 1910
  3. 1908
  4. 1906


Radical papers such as India, Vijaya and Suryodayam came out of Pondicherry. Such revolutionary papers and Bharati’s poems were banned as seditious literature. These activities in Pondicherry intensified with the arrival of Aurobindo Ghosh and V.V. Subramanianar in 1910. These activities continued till the outbreak of the First World War.

21. Who among the following is one of the founders of Bharata Matha Society?

  1. Vanchinathan
  2. Nilakanta Brahmachari
  3. V.V. Subramanianar
  4. Aurobindo Gosh


In 1904 Nilakanta Brahmachari and others started Bharata Matha Society, a secret society. The objective was to kill British officials and thereby kindle patriotic fervour among the people.

22. When was Robert W.D’E. Ashe shot dead by Vanchinathan?

  1. 17 June 1919
  2. 17 June 1911
  3. 17 June 1918
  4. 17 June 1909


Vanchinathan of Senkottai, was influenced by this organisation. On 17 June 1911 he shot dead Robert W.D’E. Ashe, Collector of Tirunelveli in Maniyachi Junction. After this he shot himself. Divorced from the people these young revolutionaries, despite their patriotism, failed to inspire and mobilize the people.

23. When was Home Rule League started?

  1. 1919
  2. 1915
  3. 1916
  4. 1917


Thus, when the national movement was in its ebb, Annie Besant, an Irish lady and leader of the Theosophical Society, proposed the Home Rule Movement on the model of Irish Home Rule League. She started Home Rule League in 1916 and carried forward the demand for home rule all over India.

24. Which among the following are newspapers started by Annie Besant?

  1. New India
  2. Commonweal
  3. India
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


G.S. Arundale, B.P. Wadia and C.P. Ramaswamy assisted Annie Besant in this campaign. They demanded home rule with only a nominal allegiance to British Crown. She started the newspapers New India and Commonweal to carry forward her agenda

25. Who among the following stated “Better bullock carts and freedom than a train deluxe

with subjection”?

  1. G.S. Arundale
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Jawaharlal Nehru
  4. Annie Beasant


Annie Besant remarked, “Better bullock carts and freedom than a train deluxe with subjection”. Under the Press Act of 1910 Annie Besant was asked to pay hefty amount as security. She wrote two books, How India wrought for Freedom and India: A Nation and a pamphlet on self-government.

26. In which year Annie Besant was elected the President of the Congress session?

  1. 1919
  2. 1917
  3. 1925
  4. 1920


Students joined the movement in large numbers who were trained in Home Rule classes. They were formed into boy scouts and volunteer troops. Annie Besant and her co-workers were interned and prohibited from making public speeches or involve in any political activity. Annie Besant was elected the President of the Congress session of 1917.

27. Which of the following statement about Madras Dravidian Association is correct?

  1. In 1912 the Madras Dravidian Association was founded.
  2. C. Natesanar played an active role as its secretary
  3. In June 1916 he established the Dravidian Association Hostel for non-Brahmin students
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


The non-Brahmins organised themselves into political organisations to protect their interests. In 1912 the Madras Dravidian Association was founded. C. Natesanar played an active role as its secretary. In June 1916 he established the Dravidian Association Hostel for non-Brahmin students. He also played a key role in bridging the differences between two leading non-Brahmin leaders of the time, Dr. T.M. Nair and P. Thyagarayar. Both of them were earlier part of the Congress and were disillusioned by how non-Brahmins were sidelined in the organisation.

28. Which among the following are the newspapers of South Indian Liberal Federation?

  1. Justice
  2. Dravidian
  3. Andhra Prakasika
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


On 20 November 1916 a meeting of about thirty non-Brahmins was held under the leadership of P. Thyagarayar, Dr. T.M. Nair and C. Natesanar at Victoria Public Hall in Chennai. The South Indian Liberal Federation (SILF) was founded to promote the interests of the non-Brahmins. They also launched three newspapers: Justice in English, Dravidian in Tamil and Andhra Prakasika in Telugu. Soon the SILF began to be popularly known as Justice Party after its English daily. The Justice Party also held several conferences throughout the Presidency to set up branches.

29. Which among the following is/are correct about Justice Party?

  1. It demanded reservation of jobs for non-Brahmins in government service
  2. It demanded reservation of seats in representative bodies
  3. It criticised the Congress as a party of the Brahmins
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


The Non-Brahmin Manifesto (Justice Party) was released outlining its objectives viz., reservation of jobs for non-Brahmins in government service, and seats in representative bodies. It opposed the Home Rule Movement as a movement of Brahmins and feared that Home Rule might give them more power. It also criticised the Congress as a party of the Brahmins.

30. Which among the following provided reservation of seats to non-Brahmins?

  1. Act of 1919
  2. Act of 1909
  3. Act of 1935
  4. Act of 1920

The Madras Government was also supportive of the Justice Party as the latter believed that English rule was conducive for the development of the non-Brahmins. The Act of 1919 provided reservation of seats to Non-Brahmins, a move criticised by the Congress but welcomed by the Justice Party.

31. How many seats in the Legislative Council were won by Justice Party in 1920 election?

  1. 98
  2. 93
  3. 63
  4. 40


The Congress boycotted the elections of 1920. The Justice Party won 63 of 98 elected seats in the Legislative Council. A. Subburayalu of the Justice Party became the first chief minister

32. Who among the following formed ministry in madras presidency in 1923 election?

  1. A. Subburayalu
  2. Raja of Panagal
  3. S. Satyamurty
  4. P. Thyagarayar


The Justice Party introduced various measures for the benefit of non-Brahmins. They were reservation of appointments in local bodies and education institutions, establishment of Staff Selection Board which later became the Public Service Commission, enactment of Hindu Religious Endowment Act and Madras State Aid to Industries Act, abolition of devadasi system, allotment of poromboke lands (waste government lands) to the poor for housing and extension of primary education to the depressed classes through fee concessions, scholarships and mid-day meals.

33. In which year Gandhi addressed meeting on Marina Beach?

  1. 1920
  2. 1919
  3. 1917
  4. 1923


On 18 March 1919 Gandhi addressed a meeting on Marina Beach. On 6 April 1919 hartal was organised to protest against the “Black Act”. Protest demonstrations were held at several parts of Tamil Nadu. Processions from many areas of the city converged in the Marina beach where there was a large gathering.

34. Who played a leading role in organising and publicising the cause of Home Rule League

in Madurai?

  1. Yakub Hasan
  2. George Joseph
  3. S. Satyamurty
  4. George Yule


George Joseph, a barrister and eloquent speaker, played a leading role in organising and publicising the cause of Home Rule League in Madurai. Though born in Chengannur (Alappuzha district, Kerala State), he chose to settle down in Madurai and practice as a people’s lawyer.

35. In which year Madurai Labour Union was set up with the help of George Joseph?

  1. 1918
  2. 1916
  3. 1920
  4. 1914


George Joseph championed the cause of the “Criminal Tribes” of Tamilnadu. He was fondly called “Rosaappu Durai” by the people of Madurai for the services he rendered to the affected communities. He helped the Harvey Mill workers of Madurai to set up Madurai Labour Union (1918). The Union’s initial struggles resulted in higher wages and reduced work hours for the mill workers.

36. Tamil Nadu Khilafat Day was observed on_______

  1. 10 April 1920
  2. 17 April 1920
  3. 11 April 1920
  4. 17 April 1919


Following the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre General Dyer who was responsible for it was not only acquitted of all charges but rewarded. After the First World War the Caliph of Turkey was humiliated and deprived of all powers. To restore the Caliph the Khilafat Movement was started. Muslims who had largely kept from the nationalist movement now joined it in huge numbers. In Tamil Nadu Khilafat Day was observed on 17 April 1920, with a meeting presided over by Maulana Shaukat Ali. Another such conference was held at Erode. Vaniyambadi was as the epicenter of Khilafat agitation.

37. Who among the following is the founder of Madras branch of the Muslim League?

  1. Maulana Shaukat Ali
  2. Badruddin Tyabji
  3. Yakub Hasan
  4. Yakub Ali


Tamil Nadu was active during the Non-cooperation Movement. C.  Rajaji and E.V. Ramaswamy (EVR, later known as Periyar) provided the leadership. Rajaji worked closely with Yakub Hasan, founder of the Madras branch of the Muslim League. As a result, the Hindus and the Muslims cooperated closely during the course of the movement in Tamil Nadu. A Congress volunteer corps was set up to distribute pamphlets, carry flags during processions and to maintain order in the meetings. They also played an important part in picketing of liquor shops.

38. When did Prince of Wales visited India?

  1. 1922
  2. 1921
  3. 1923
  4. 1920


As part of the non-cooperation movement, in many places, cultivators refused to pay taxes. A no-tax campaign took place in Thanjavur. Councils, schools and courts were boycotted. Foreign goods were boycotted. There were a number of workers’ strikes all over region, many of them led by nationalist leaders. One of the important aspects of the movement in Tamil Nadu was the temperance movement or movement against liquor. Toddy shops were picketed. Demonstrations and hartals were organised in all parts of the Presidency. There were also agitations by communities against the Criminal Tribes Act. In November 1921 it was decided to organise civil disobedience. Rajaji, Subramania Sastri and EVR were arrested. The visit of Prince of Wales on 13 January 1922 was boycotted.

39. How many Policemen were killed in Chauri Chaura?

  1. 22
  2. 72
  3. 20
  4. 12


In the police repression two were killed and many injured. The Non-Cooperation Movement was withdrawn in 1922 after the Chauri Chaura incident in which 22 policemen were killed.

40. Which of the following statement about EVR is correct?

  1. E.V.R. played an important role in Tamil Nadu during Non-Cooperation Movement.
  2. He also played a key role in the satyagraha for temple entry in Vaikom, then under Travancore.
  3. He campaigned vigorously for the promotion and sale of khadi.
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


E.V.R. played an important role in Tamil Nadu during this period. He campaigned vigorously for the promotion and sale of khadi. In his opposition to consumption of liquor he cut down an entire coconut grove owned by him. He also played a key role in the satyagraha for temple entry in Vaikom, then under Travancore. It was a time when the depressed classes were not even permitted to walk on the streets around the temple or come within a certain distance of the upper castes. After the major leaders of Kerala were arrested, EVR went to Vaikom and galvanised the movement. He was arrested and sentenced to one-month imprisonment. He refused to leave Vaikom even after his release. He was arrested again for making inspiring speeches and was sentenced to six months rigorous imprisonment.

41. When did the ban on roads around the temple in Vaikom was lifted?

  1. July 1924
  2. June 1925
  3. August 1923
  4. June 1923


In June 1925, the ban on the roads around the temple in Vaikom was lifted. For his contribution against caste discrimination and temple entry agitation in Vaikom, Periyar was hailed as ‘Vaikom Hero’.

42. Which among the following is the main reason for E.V.R. to leave the Congress?

  1. Removal of Neill Statue
  2. Non- Cooperation movement
  3. Vaikom Issues
  4. Cheranmadevi Gurukulam Controversy


E.V.R. had become increasingly dissatisfied with the Congress. He felt it was promoting the interests of the Brahmins alone. The Cheranmadevi Gurukulam controversy and opposition to communal representation within the Congress led E.V.R. to leave the Congress.

43. Which among the following statement about Cheranmadevi Gurukulam is correct?

  1. A gurukulam was established in Cheranmadevi by V.V. Subramanianar
  2. It received funds from the Justice party
  3. In this Gurukulam students were discriminated on the basis of caste
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


To further the cause of national education, a gurukulam was established in Cheranmadevi by V.V. Subramanianar. It received funds from the Congress. However, students were discriminated on the basis of caste. Brahmin and Non-Brahmin students were made to dine separately and the food served too was different.

44. Who was another leader criticised Cheranmadevi Gurukulam with Periyar?

  1. P. Subbarayan
  2. Dr P. Varadarajulu
  3. V.V. Subramanianar
  4. C. Rajaji


The issue of Cheranmadevi Gurukulam Controversy was brought to the notice of E.V.R. who questioned the practice and severely criticised it along with another leader, Dr P. Varadarajulu.

45. In which TN Congress Committee Conference raised the issue of representation for non-

Brahmins in the legislature?

  1. Salem
  2. Kancheepuram
  3. Erode
  4. Vaniyambadi


In the Kanchipuram Conference of the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee held on 21 November 1925, he raised the issue of representation for non-Brahmins in the legislature. His efforts to achieve this since 1920 had met with failure. When the resolution was defeated, he left the Conference along with other non-Brahmin leaders who met separately. Soon E.V.R. left the Congress and started the Self Respect Movement.

46. Who among the following were Swarajists from Tamil Nadu?

  1. S. Satyamurti
  2. S. Srinivasanar
  3. Kasturirangar
  4. M.A. Ansari
  5. 1, 2
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 3
  8. 2, 4


Opposition to this led to the formation of the Swaraj Party within the Congress by Chittaranjan Das and Motilal Nehru. In Tamil Nadu the Swarajists were led by S. Srinivasanar and S. Satyamurti.

47. After the Non-cooperation movement the congress members were divided into_____

  1. Moderates and Extremists
  2. no-changers and pro-changers
  3. Satyagrahis and non-Satyagrahis
  4. None


Following the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement, the Congress was divided between ‘no-changers’ who wanted to continue the boycott of the councils and ‘prochangers who wanted to contest the elections for the councils. Rajaji along with other staunch Gandhian followers opposed the council entry. Along with Kasturirangar and M.A. Ansari, Rajaji advocated the boycott of the councils.

48. In which year election held Swarajists won the majority of the elected seats?

  1. 1929
  2. 1927
  3. 1926
  4. 1923


In the elections held in 1926, the Swarajists won the majority of the elected seats. However, it did not accept office in accordance with the Congress policy. Instead they supported an independent, P. Subbarayan to form the ministry. Swarajists did not contest the 1930 elections leading to an easy victory for the Justice Party. The Justice Party remained in office till 1937

49. Which among the following statement about James Neill is correct?

  1. James Neill of the Madras Fusiliers (infantry men with firearms) was brutal in wreaking vengeance at Kanpur
  2. He was later killed by an Indian sepoy
  3. A statue was erected for him at Mount Road, Madras.
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


James Neill of the Madras Fusiliers (infantry men with firearms) was brutal in wreaking vengeance at Kanpur (‘the Cawnpur massacre’, as it was called) in which many English women and children were killed in the Great Rebellion of 1857. Neill was later killed by an Indian sepoy. A statue was erected for him at Mount Road, Madras.

50. Who among the following led the protest against the Neill Statue?

  1. Dr P. Varadarajulu
  2. S. N. Somayajulu
  3. Gandhi
  4. Periyar


Nationalists saw Neill Statue as an insult to Indian sentiments, and organised a series of demonstrations in Madras. Protesters came from all over the Madras Presidency and were led by S. N. Somayajulu of Tirunelveli. Many were arrested and sentenced to prison. Gandhi, who visited Madras during the same time, gave his support to the agitation.

51. Under whose Ministry Neill Statue was moved to Madras museum?

  1. Periyar
  2. Rajaji
  3. Varadarajulu
  4. P. Subbarayan


The Neill statue was finally moved to Madras Museum when Congress Ministry, led by C. Rajaji, formed the government in 1937.

52. What was the purpose of appointment of Simon commission?

  1. To review about Chauri Chaura incident
  2. To review about the act of 1919
  3. To review Non – cooperation movement
  4. To call Gandhi for 1st Round table conference


In 1927 a statutory commission was constituted under Sir John Simon to review the Act of 1919 and to suggest reforms. However, to the great disappointment of Indians, it was an all-white commission with not a single Indian member. So the Congress boycotted the Simon Commission.

53. Who was the president of Simon Boycott Propaganda Committee in Madras?

  1. Rajaji
  2. S. Satyamurti
  3. Subbarayan
  4. Dr P. Varadarajulu


In Madras, the Simon Boycott Propaganda Committee was set up with S. Satyamurti as the president. There was widespread campaign among the students, shopkeepers, lawyers and commuters in train to boycott.

54. When did Simon commission arrived in Madras?

  1. 18 February 1930
  2. 10 February 1929
  3. 18 February 1929
  4. 10 February 1930


The arrival of Simon Commission in Madras on 18 February 1929 was greeted with demonstrations and hartals. Black flags were waved against the Commission. The police used force to suppress the protest.

55. Which session of INC declared complete independence as its goal?

  1. Madras, 1927
  2. Kanpur, 1927
  3. Lahore, 1929
  4. Bombay, 1927


In the 1920s, Congress with Gandhi in leadership, was transforming into a broad-based movement in Tamil Nadu. The Madras session of the Indian National Congress in 1927 declared complete independence as its goal.

56. When did our national flag was hoisted by Jawaharlal Nehru on the banks of river Ravi?

  1. 26 January 1930
  2. 26 January 1929
  3. 31 December 1929
  4. 31 December 1930


Congress appointed a committee under Motilal Nehru to frame the constitutional reforms in opposition to the Simon Commission. In the 1929 Lahore session of the Congress, Poorna Swaraj (complete independence) was adopted as the goal and on 26 January 1930 the national flag was hoisted by Jawaharlal Nehru on the banks of river Ravi as the declaration of independence.

57. Salt Satyagraha was the part of__________

  1. Non- Cooperation movement
  2. Quit India movement
  3. Civil Dis-obedience movement
  4. All the above


When the Viceroy did not accept the demands put forward by Gandhi, he launched the Civil Disobedience Movement by setting out on a Salt Satyagraha with a march to Dandi on 12 March 1930.

58. The Salt satyagraha by Rajaji started on_____

  1. 12 March 1930
  2. 13 March 1930
  3. 13 April 1930
  4. 12 April 1930


Rajaji organised and led a salt satyagraha march to Vedaranyam. The march started from Tiruchirappalli on 13 April 1930 and reached Vedaranyam in Thanjavur district on 28 April 1930.

59. “A War is ahead sans sword, sans bloodshed…Join this march.”

Who among the following is the author of above lines?

  1. Subramaniya Bharathi
  2. Bharathidhasan
  3. Namakkal V. Ramalinganar
  4. Periyar


A special song was composed for the Vedaranyam march by Namakkal V. Ramalinganar with the lines, “A War is ahead sans sword, sans bloodshed…Join this march.” Despite a brutal crackdown by the police, the marching satyagrahis were provided a warm reception along the route.

60. Under the leadership of Rajaji how many volunteers broke the salt?

  1. 23
  2. 12
  3. 30
  4. 21


On reaching Vedaranyam 12 volunteers under the leadership of Rajaji broke the salt law by picking up salt. Rajaji was arrested. T.S.S. Rajan, Rukmani Lakshmipathi, Sardar Vedarathnam, C. Swaminathar and K. Santhanam were among the prominent leaders who participated in the Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha.

61. Who among the following was the first woman to pay penalty for violation of salt laws?

  1. Annie Beasant
  2. Sarojini Naidu
  3. Rukmani Lakshmipathi
  4. Dharmampal


The satyagrahis under the leadership of T. Prakasam and K.  Nageswara Rao set up a camp at Udayavanam near Madras. However, the police arrested them. It led to a hartal in Madras. The clashes with the police in Tiruvallikeni which lasted for three hours on 27 April 1930 left three dead. Volunteers who attempted to offer salt Satyagraha in Rameswaram were arrested. Similar attempts at Uvari, Anjengo, Veppalodai, Thoothukudi and Tharuvaikulam were stopped. Mill workers struck work across the province. Woman participated enthusiastically. Rukmani Lakshmipathi was the first woman to pay penalty for violation of salt laws.

62. When did Bhashyam hoisted the national flag atop Fort St. George?

  1. 26 January 1930
  2. 26 January 1929
  3. 26 January 1932
  4. 26 January 1931


Bhashyam, popularly known as Arya, hoisted the national flag atop Fort St. George on 26 January 1932. Satyamurti actively picketed shops selling foreign clothes, organised processions and distributed pamphlets. N.M.R.Subbaraman and K. Kamaraj also played an important role.

63. When was Tirupur Kumaran brutally beaten by the police in Tirupur for carrying

National flag?

  1. 11 January 1932
  2. 26 January 1932
  3. 11 January 1930
  4. 11 January 1929


On 11 January 1932 a procession carrying national flags and singing patriotic songs was brutally beaten by the police in Tirupur. O.K.S.R. Kumaraswamy, popularly Tirupur Kumaran, fell dead holding the national flag aloft. He is hailed as Kodikatha Kumaran. Thus, civil disobedience movement was one of the largest mass movements in Tamil Nadu with participation of people from all sections of the society.

64. Which act introduced Provincial Autonomy in India?

  1. Government of India Act of 1935
  2. Government of India Act of 1909
  3. Government of India Act of 1919
  4. Charter act of 1833


The Government of India Act of 1935 introduced Provincial Autonomy. The Council of Ministers, responsible to the legislature, administered the provincial subjects. However, the Governor was empowered to disregard the advice of the elected government.

65. In which election the Congress emerged victorious?

  1. 1935
  2. 1937
  3. 1921
  4. 1919


In the 1937 election the Congress emerged victorious. The Justice Party was trounced. Congress victory in the elections clearly indicated its popularity with the people.

66. Which of the following statement is correct?

  1. Rajaji formed the first Congress Ministry.
  2. He introduced prohibition on an experimental basis in Salem.
  3. On the social question, he opened temples to the ‘untouchables’
  4. 1, 2
  5. 1, 3
  6. 2, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


Rajaji formed the first Congress Ministry. He introduced prohibition on an experimental basis in Salem. To compensate for the loss of revenue he introduced a sales tax. On the social question, he opened temples to the ‘untouchables. Efforts of T. Prakasam led to the appointment of a committee to enquire into the condition of the tenants in the Zamindari areas. However, excepting debt conciliation boards to reduce rural indebtedness, no other measure was adopted. When the British involved India in the Second World War without consulting the elected Congress ministries, the latter resigned.

67. Temple Entry Authorisation and Indemnity Act was passed on_____

  1. 1937
  2. 1939
  3. 1923
  4. 1919


A temple entry programme with “harijans” in Madurai Meenakshiamman temple was organised (9 July 1939) by Vaidyanathar, L.N. Gopalsamy, President and Secretary of Madurai Harijana Sevak Sangh respectively. The Temple Entry Authorisation and Indemnity Act, 1939 for the removal of the civil and social disabilities against the “depressed classes” was passed.

68. In which conference E.V.R organised an anti-Hindi Conference?

  1. Coimbatore
  2. Salem
  3. Erode
  4. Madras


One of the controversial measures of Rajaji was the introduction of Hindi as a compulsory subject in schools. This was considered to be a form of Aryan and North Indian imposition detrimental to Tamil language and culture, and therefore caused much public resentment. E.V.R. led a massive campaign against it. He organised an anti-Hindi Conference at Salem.

69. Which among the following extended its support to the anti-Hindi agitation?

  1. Congress
  2. Scheduled Castes Federation
  3. Muslim League
  4. 1, 2
  5. 2, 3
  6. 1, 3
  7. 1, 2, 3


The Scheduled Castes Federation and the Muslim League extended its support to the anti-Hindi agitation. Natarajan and Thalamuthu, two of the enthusiastic agitators died in prison. A rally was organised from Tiruchirappalli to Madras. More than 1200 protestors including E.V.R. were arrested. After the resignation of the Congress Ministry, the Governor of Madras who took over the reigns of administration removed Hindi as compulsory subject.

70. When did Quit India movement started?

  1. 8 August 1942
  2. 8 August 1943
  3. 8 August 1941
  4. 8 August 1940


Failure of the Cripps Mission, war time shortages and price rise created much discontent among the people. On 8 August 1942 the Quit India resolution was passed and Gandhi gave the slogan ‘Do or Die’.

71. During Quit India movement Kamaraj slip and got down at which station?

  1. Thiruvallur
  2. Arakkonam
  3. Bangalore
  4. Poona


During Quit India movement, while K. Kamaraj returning from Bombay noticed that at every railway station the police waited with a list of local leaders and arrested them as they got down. Kamaraj gave the police the slip and got down at Arakkonam itself. He then worked underground and organised people during the Quit India Movement. Rajaji and Satyamurti were arrested together when they went about distributing pamphlets.

72. During Quit India movement, In Tamil Nadu Congress volunteers clashed with the

military in_______

  1. Vellore
  2. Madurai
  3. Coimbatore
  4. Erode


All sections of the society participated in the movement. There were a large number of workers strike such as strikes in Buckingham and Carnatic Mills, Madras Port Trust, Madras Corporation and the Electric Tramway. Telegraph and telephone lines were cut and public building burnt at Vellore and Panapakkam. Students of various colleges took active part in the protests. The airport in Sulur was attacked and trains derailed in Coimbatore. Congress volunteers clashed with the military in Madurai. There were police firings at Rajapalayam, Karaikudi and Devakottai. Many young men and women also joined the INA. The Quit India Movement was suppressed with brutal force.

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