MCQ Questions

Forms Of Government And Democracy 9th Social Science Lesson 5 Questions in English

9th Social Science Lesson 5 Questions in English

5. Forms Of Government And Democracy

1. How many forms of government are practised currently?

a) 5

b) 7

c) 6

d) 8


Today, many countries of the world follow different types of governments, they can be Aristocracy, monarchy, Oligarchy, Autocracy, Theocracy, Democracy and Republic.

2. From which language the word Democracy is derived?

a) Latin

b) Hebrew

c) Greek

d) Persian


The term Democracy is derived from two Greek words, Demos meaning people and cratia meaning power. Thus democracy literally means “the power of people”.

3. Pick the correct statements regarding Theocracy.

i. A system of government in which religious doctrines form the basis of government.

ii. This is headed by elected persons who rules in the name of God.

iii. Spain is an example of this type of government.

a) i, iii only

b) ii, iii only

c) ii only

d) i only


A Theocracy system of government form the basis from religious doctrines and it is headed by the priest who rules in the name of God or proclaims himself as a God. Example- Vatican

4. Identify the incorrect match

A. Aristocracy i) Spain

B. Republic ii) Australia

C. Democracy iii) India

D. Theocracy iv) North Korea

a) D only 

b) A, D only

c) A only

d) B only


The Governance of nations differs significantly based on who has the power. There are different forms of government:

Aristocracy: United Kingdom, Spain

Monarchy: Bhutan, Oman, Qatar

Autocracy: North Korea, Saudi Arabia

Oligarchy: China, Venezuela, former Soviet union

Theocracy: Vatican

Democracy: India, USA, France

Republic: India, Australia

5. Qatar follows _______ system of Government and which is headed by a ______.

a) Monarchy, Queen

b) Democracy, Elected Representatives

c) Aristocracy, Nobility

d) Monarchy, King


A Monarchy is a system of Government in which one person reigns supreme, usually a king or Queen (Constitutional Monarchy). Example: Bhutan, Oman, Qatar

6. Choose the correct sentence

i) Monarchy is a small group of people having control of a country or organisation.

ii) Saudi Arabia follows Aristocracy form of government.

iii) India is a Democratic Republic country.

a) i only

b) i and ii only

c) iii only

d) ii only


Monarchy government in which one person reigns supreme, usually a King or Queen.

Oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country or organisation.

India follows both democracy and republic government.

7. When was the Indian constitution adopted?

a) 26 Jan 1950 

b) 26 Dec 1949

c) 26 Nov 1949

d) 28 Nov 1950


India became Republic on 26 Jan 1950. It is governed in accordance with the Constitution adopted on 26 November 1949.

8. From which word Republic was derived?

a) res publica 

b) publiciare

c) ras publicia

d) repubia


The term republic was first coined in 500BCE in Rome. It is derived from res publica , a Latin word meaning Public matter.

9. Identify the correct statements regarding Democracy.

i) Democracy is form of government that allows people to choose their rulers.

ii) People have a Limited freedom to express views.

iii) Leaders are chosen by a particular set of people community.

a) i only 

b) ii only

c) i, ii only

d) iii only


A system of government in which eligible members in the population vote to elect their elected representatives. Only leaders elected by people should rule the country. People have the freedom to express views, freedom to organise and freedom to protest.

10. Who vests the Supreme power in the democratic country?

a) People 

b) Judiciary

c) People representatives

d) Legislation


Democracy is a system of government in which the Supreme power is vested in the people of a country and people elect their representatives through elections.

11. How will people elect their representatives in a Democratic country?

a) Direct

b) Either directly or Indirectly

c) Indirect

d) None of the above


The people of a Democratic country elect their representatives either directly or Indirectly through fair and free elections which are held periodically.

12. According to Mahatma Gandhi’s view from where True Democracy can be worked out?

a) People Representatives

b) People of every village

c) Young minds

d) Government


According to Mahatma Gandhi “True Democracy cannot be worked by twenty men sitting at the centre. It has to be worked from below by the people of every village”.

13. The Democracy states that the representatives are elected by the _____ and the final decision making power to the ________.

a) Representatives, People

b) People, Legislation

c) People, Representatives

d) legislation, President


In the Democracy form of government people elect their representatives through elections, and the final decision making power is given to those representatives.

14. Which of these are the salient feature of a democratic country?

i) Free and fair elections.

ii) Universal Adult franchise with each vote having each value.

iii) Fundamental rights and protection of Individual freedom.

a) i only

b) i, iii only

c) i, ii, iii only

d) ii only


The Salient Features of democracy

15. Which place is believed as the origin of Democracy?

a) United states of America

b) Greece

c) China

d) Soviet Russia


Democracy began 2500 years ago in some of the city states of ancient Greece. It also existed in Ancient India in its Vedic period.

16. Which of these are the values are not related to the evolution of Democracy?

a) Equality

b) Freedom

c) Liberty

d) Fundamental Duties


The Evolution towards a democracy is represented by the following values: Freedom, Equality, Liberty, Accountability, Transparency and Trust.

17. In which dynasty Kudavolai system was practiced for village administration?

a) Chola 

b) Gupta

c) Chera

d) Chalukya


Kudavolai system was a very notable and unique feature of the village administration of the Chola Dynasty.

18. State the literature reference of Local government in early India?

a) Tolkaapiyam

b) Bhagavat Gita

c) Arthashashtra

d) Manusmriti


Chankya’s Arthashastra gives the details about the basic unit of the Local government followed in ancient India.

19. How many types of democracies are followed?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4


There are two types of Democracies which refers to the kind of government or social structures to allow people to participate equally.

20. Which type of democracy allows the people to express their will directly on Public affairs?

a) Indirect Democracy

b) Direct Democracy

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above


Direct Democracy or Pure democracy allows the people themselves directly express their will on Public Affairs.

21. Which country follows the Presidential form of Democracy?

a) China

b) India

c) France

d) Peru


22. Assertion (A): Direct democracy allows the direct participation of the people.

Reasoning(R): Switzerland follows this kind of Direct Democracy.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


23. Choose the correct sentences

i) India has a parliamentary form of Democracy.

ii) The Indian parliament comprises of the elected representatives of the people.

iii) Law making is done by the Judiciary in India.

a) i, ii only 

b) ii, iii only

c) ii only

d) iii only


India is an example of indirect democracy form of government which has a parliamentary to make laws for the country. The Indian parliamentary consists of the elected representatives of people.

24. State the important factors of the parliamentary form in India?

a) People participation

b) Electoral

c) Consent of citizens

d) Independent Judiciary

e) a and c


The participation of people in decision making and the consent of citizens are the two important elements of the parliamentary form of government in India.

25. How many principles of Democracy are followed in India?

a) 6

b) 4

c) 5

d) 7


India is the largest Democratic country in the world. Democracy in India works on five basic principles.

26. Which is not a basic principle of Democracy in India?

a) Sovereign

b) Republic

c) Secular

d) Dynamic


The Preamble of the Indian constitution states the basic principles of Indian democracy which are given by Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic.

27. By which Amendment the voting age was lowered to 18 from 21?

a) 60th Amendment

b) 61st Amendment

c) 70th Amendment

d) 42nd Amendment


The Sixty first Amendment of the constitution of India Act, 1988 lowered the voting age of elections to the Lok sabha and to the Legislative assemblies of States from 21 to 18.

28. The Right to vote is discriminated on the basis of

a) Religion

b) Education

c) gender

d) None of the above


Every person who is a citizen of India who is not less than 18 years of age can exercise their right to vote in India. There is no discrimination based on a person’s creed, caste, religion, Region, gender and education when it comes to providing the right to vote.

29. State the Demerits of the democracy

i) Local Self Government

ii) Representative nature of Democracy

iii) Delay in Decision making process.

iv) Sense of cooperation and fraternal feeling.

a) i, iii, iv only

b) ii ,iii only

c) ii, iv only

d) iii only


30. At what levels the Electoral processes are followed in India?

a) Federal

b) Local

c) State

d) All the above


India has a Quasi-federal Government with elected representatives at the Federal, State and local levels.

31. State the Other names of the Lower house of Indian Legislation?

a) Lok sabha

b) House of people

c) Council of States

d) both a and b


The two Houses of Indian parliament are Lower house or Lok sabha or House of people and Rajya Sabha or Upper house or Council of States.

32. Which Article of Indian Constitution states that the Election Commission is responsible for the General Elections?

a) Article 326

b) Article 234

c) Article 324

d) Article 320A


The part XV of the constitution of India consists of Articles on Elections. Article 324 states that the Superintendence, Direction and control of Elections to be vested in an Election Commission of India.

33. Who appoints the Ministers in the lok Sabha?

a) The President 

b) The Chief Justice of India

c) The Prime Minister

d) The Attorney general


The President of India appoints the Prime Minister and all the Ministers who are the elected representatives of Lok sabha.

34. To which House the President of India nominates Anglo Indian members?

a) Lok sabha 

b) Upper House

c) Both the Houses

d) Council of States


All the members of Lok sabha are directly elected through General elections. Two Anglo Indian Members can be nominated by the President of India to the Lok sabha.

35. Choose the correct statements regarding the Rajya sabha of Indian parliament.

i) The Members of the Rajya sabha are elected by an Electoral College.

ii) This Electoral College consists of educated professors from the country.

iii) The Electoral College for the Rajya sabha consists of the elected members of the states and UT of India.

iv) Rajya sabha is also known as Lower House of parliament.

a) i, iv only

b) i, ii, iv only

c) ii, iv only

d) i, iii only


The Members of the Rajya sabha, the Upper house of the Indian parliament are elected by an electoral college consisting of elected members of the legislative assemblies of the States and Union Territories of India.

36. How many members are nominated to the Rajya sabha by the President of India?

a) 10

b) 12

c) 8

d) 2


The President of India nominates 12 members to the Upper house or the Rajya sabha who were known for their contributions to Art, Literature, Science and Social Services.

37. Who designed the Parliament House in India?

a) Edwin Lutyens

b) Thomas Lyon

c) Charles correa

d) Herbert baker

e) Both a and d


The Parliament House in India was designed by the British architects Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker in 1912-1913. Much important architecture like The Presidential house was designed by these architects.

38. When did the first General Elections to Lok Sabha was started?

a) 20th Oct 1952

b) 25 Oct 1951

c) 25 Jan 1950

d) 22 Feb 1951


General Elections to the First Lok sabha were held in India between 25 October 1951 and 21 February 1952.

39. How many seats were won by the winning Congress party?

a) 354

b) 376

c) 364

d) 365


The Indian National Congress emerged victorious by winning 364 of 489 seats in the General Elections to the first Lok sabha.

40. Choose the Correct statements

i) The Jawaharlal Nehru was the first democratically elected Prime Minister of India.

ii) The First general Elections for Lok sabha was conducted between 25 October 1951 and 21 February 1952.

a) i only

b) ii only

c) i and ii

d) None of the above


The General elections to first Lok sabha since independence were held in India between 25 October 1951 to 21 February 1952. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Country.

41. Choose the correct statements

i) General Elections were held in British India in 1921.

ii) The Members were elected to the Upper and lower houses of British India.

a) i only

b) ii only

c) Both i and ii

d) None of the above


The British India General Elections were held in 1920. The Members were elected to the Imperial Legislative Council and the Provincial Councils.

42. Which form of Government hasn’t faced a serious challenge so far in the world?

a) Monarchy

b) Democracy

c) Autocracy

d) Theocracy


Democracy is the most dominant form of government in the contemporary world. It has not faced any serious challenges or a rival so far.

43. Which of these are considered as the challenges for the democratic country?

a) Regionalism

b) Corruption

c) Political violence

d) Poverty

e) All the above


44. Choose the incorrect statements regarding the Success of Democracy in India?

i) Presence of strong public opinion.

ii) Powerful Union Government.

iii) An impartial and efficient Press to form the Government opinion.

a) i and ii only

b) ii only

c) ii and iii only

d) iii only


45. Assertion (A): India is the Highest Democratic country in the world.

Reasoning(R): Indian democracy has attained its maximum values so there is no need of further Improvement in this system.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


Indian Democracy has been appreciated for its working worldwide. Still there is a lot of scope for improvement some important steps to be taken to ensure smooth functioning of democracy in the country.

46. Indian Democracy can be successful only when its _____ imbibe and reflect in their behaviour.

a) Judiciary

b) Citizens

c) People Representative

d) Prime Minister


Indian democracy can be successful and vibrant only when its citizens imbibe and reflect in their behaviour the basic democratic values

47. How can the citizens be in tune for their roles in Democratic form of government?

a) Making the system Accountable

b) Including them to actualize the goals of democracy

c) Fulfilling Obligations

d) All the above


The Mind-set and behaviour of the citizen of the country which follows the democratic system must be in tune with its conditions. They have to appreciate their desired roles like participation , making the system accountable, fulfilling obligations and playing proactive roles to actualize the goals of democracy.

48. By which Article the Indian constitution allows the parliament to make laws?

a) Article 72

b) Article 75

c) Article 74

d) Article 73


Article 73(1) of the Indian constitution says that the executive power of the union shall extend to the matters with respect to which Parliament has power to make laws and to exercise of such rights, authority and jurisdiction as are exercisable by the government of India.

49. Who defined the democracy as government of the people and for the people?

a) Abraham Lincoln 

b) Roosevelt

c) Mahatma Gandhi

d) Aristotle


Abraham Lincoln one of the presidents of USA, defines democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

50. Assertion (A): A Republic country has an elected or nominated President.

Reasoning(R): The supreme power of a republic country is held by the people and their elected representatives.

a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


A Republic state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives and which has an elected or nominated President rather than a Monarch.

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