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Food Security and Nutrition Book Back Questions 10th Social Science Lesson 25

10th Social Science Lesson 25

25] Food Security and Nutrition

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

Minimum Support Price: Minimum Support Price is a price fixed by an expert group for a particular crop by considering various costs involved in the cultivation of that crop. After announcing the MSP, the State will open procurement centres in places where these crops are widely grown. However, the farmers are free to sell in the open market if they get a better price for their crop produce. On the other hand, if the open market price is lower than the MSP, the farmers would get an assured price (the MSP) by selling their produce to the FCI.

National Food Security Act in Tamil Nadu: On 1 November 2016, National Food Security Act was implemented in Tamil Nadu after holding out for three years.

Buffer Stock: Buffer stock is the stock of food grains, namely wheat and rice, procured by the government through the Food Corporation of India (FCI) . The FCI purchases wheat and rice from the farmers in states where there is surplus production. The farmers are paid a pre-announced price for their crops. This price is called Minimum Support Price (MSP) . The MSP is declared by the government every year before the sowing season to provide incentives to farmers for raising the production of these crops. The purchased food grains are stored in granaries. Buffer stock is done to distribute food grains in the deficit areas and among the poorer strata of the society at a price lower than the market price also known as the Issue Price. This also helps resolve the problem of shortage of food during adverse weather conditions or during the periods of calamity.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): A concept related to purchasing power is Purchasing Price Parity (PPP) . PPP is an economic theory that estimates the amount that needs to be adjusted to the price of an item. PPP can be used to compare countries income levels and other relevant economic data concerning the cost of living, or possible rates of inflation and deflation. Recently, India became the third largest economy in terms of PPP. China became the largest economy, pushing the US to the second position.

Important ongoing Schemes in Tamil Nadu:

1. Under Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme, financial assistance to the tune of ₹.12,000 is being disbursed to poor pregnant women.

2. The Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme was launched in the state in 2011-12 with the aim to provide Universal Healthcare to all by providing free medical and surgical treatment.

3. Tamil Nadu Health Systems Projects (TNHSP) has launched ambulance services free of cost (The 108 Emergency Ambulance Service) .

4. The School Health Programme emphasises on providing comprehensive healthcare services to all students studying in Government and Government-aided schools.

5. The National Leprosy Eradication programme is being implemented in the state with the aim to detect and to provide sustained regular treatment to all leprosy patients.

Some Nutrition Programmes in Tamil Nadu:

1. Puratchi Thalaivar M.G.R. Nutrition Meal Programme

2. National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education

3. General ICDS Projects and World Bank Assisted Integrated Child Development Services

4. Pradhan Manthri Gramodaya Yojana Scheme (PMGYS)

5. Tamil Nadu Integrated Nutrition Programme.

6. Mid-Day Meal programme.

Choose the best answers:

1. ____________ of food is physical availability of food stocks in desired quantities, which is a function of domestic production, changes in stocks and imports.

(a) Availability of food

(b) Access to food

(c) Absorption of food

(d) None

2. Buffer stock is the stock of food grains, namely wheat and rice, procured by the government through the ___________

(a) FCI

(b) Consumer Cooperatives


(d) IFCI

3. Which is correct?

i) HYV – High Yielding Varieties

ii) MSP – Minimum Support Price

iii) PDS – Public Distribution System

iv) FCI – Food Corporation of India

(a) i and ii are correct

(b) iii and iv are correct

(c) ii and iii are correct

(d) all are correct

4. ___________ extended assistance through its Public Law 480.

(a) United States of America

(b) India

(c) Singapore

(d) UK

5. ____________ revolution was born in India paving way for self sufficiency in food grain production.

(a) Blue Revolution

(b) White Revolution

(c) Green Revolution

(d) Grey Revolution

6. __________ is the only state in India to adopt universal PDS.

(a) Kerala

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Tamil Nadu

(d) Karnataka

7. _____________ is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

(a) Health

(b) Nutrition

(c) Sanitation

(d) Security

Fill in the blanks:

1. ______________ is an important indicator of nutrition deficiency.

2. In the year _____________ National Food Security Act was passed by the Indian Parliament.

3. _____________ play an important role in the supply of quality goods at responsible rates to common people.

Match the following:

1. Consumer cooperatives – Subsidized rates

2. Public Distribution System – 2013

3. UNDP – Least poor region

4. National Food Security Act – Supply of Quality goods

5. Kerala – United Nations Development Programme

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. Assertion (A): Purchasing power increases, price decreases and vice versa.

Reason (R): The production of goods decline, the price of goods increase and then the purchasing power is affected.

(a) A is correct, R is false

(b) Both A and R are false statements

(c) A is correct but R is not a correct explanation

(d) A is correct, R is the correct explanation of A


Choose the best answers:

1. Availability of food 2. FCI 3. All the above 4. United States of America 5. Green Revolution 6. Tamil Nadu 7. Nutrition

Fill in the blanks:

1. Underweight 2. 2013 3. Consumer Co-operatives

Match the following:

1.Consumer cooperatives – Supply of quality goods

2.Public Distribution System – Subsidized rates

3.UNDP – United Nations Development Programme

4.National Food Security Act – 2013

5.Kerala – Least poor region

Assertion and Reason

1. A is correct, R is the correct explanation of A

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