Find out the adjective – Tnpsc General English Questions
I. Find out the adjective
1. A) slow
B) slowingly
C) slowly
D) slowing
Answer : A) slow
2. A) nearly
B) near
C) nearness
D) nearless
Answer : B) near
3. A) quick
B) quickly
C) quicklingly
D) none of these
Answer : A) quick
4. A) note
B) notable
C) notably
D) note worthy
Answer : B) notable
5. A) exceed
B) excess
C) excessive
D) excessively
Answer : C) excessive
6. A) hardly
B) hard
C) hardness
D) hardy
Answer : B) hard
7. A) scarify
B) scarcely
C) scarce
D) scar
Answer : C) scarce
8. A) continuance
B) continue
C) continuous
D) continuously
Answer : C) continuous
9. A) polite
B) politely
C) politiness
D) none of these
Answer : A) polite
10. A) familiarity
B) familiarly
C) familiarness
D) familiar
Answer : D) familiar
11. Absurdity
A) absurd
B) absurdly
C) absurdingly
D) None of these
Answer : A) absurd
12. Care
A) carelessness
B) careful
C) caringly
D) carefulness
Answer : B) careful
13. Affection
A) affectionately
B) affect
C) affectionate
D) affectingly
Answer : C) affectionate
14. Basis
A) basically
B) basement
C) basil
D) basic
Answer : D) basic
15. colour
A) colourless
B) colouring
C) colourist
D) coloury
Answer : A) colourless
16. Conservatism
A) conservation
B) conservative
C) vonservatively
D) conserving
Answer : B) conservative
17. Despair
A) despairing
B) despairingly
C) desperate
D) None of these
Answer : C) desperate
18. Diplomacy
A) diplomatically
B) diplomat
C) diploma
D) diplomatic
Answer : D) diplomatic
19. Exhaustion
A) exhaust
B) exhausted
C) exhaustive
D) exhausting
Answer : C) exhaustive
20. Experiment
A) experimentation
B) experimental
C) experimenter
D) experimentally
Answer : B) experimental
21. Explosion
A) explosive
B) exploration
C) explorer
D) explorative
Answer : A) explosive
22. Extravagance
A) extravaganza
B) extravagantly
C) extravagant
D) none of these
Answer : C) extravagant
23. Gaudiness
A) gaudy
B) gaudily
C) gaudin
D) gaud
Answer : B) gaudily
24. Gradualism
A) gradually
B) gradualist
C) gradual
D) graduate
Answer : C) gradual
25. Habit
A) habitat
B) habitable
C) habitually
D) habitual
Answer : D) habitual
26. History
A) historically
B) histrionic
C) historical
D) histrionics
Answer : C) historical
27. Humiliation
A) humiliating
B) humility
C) humiliate
D) None of these
Answer : A) humiliating
28. Laudation
A) laudable
B) laud
C) laudably
D) lauding
Answer : A) laudable
29. Magnificence
A) magnify
B) magnification
C) magnifier
D) magnificent
Answer : D) magnificent
30. Parliament
A) parliamentarian
B) parley
C) parliamentary
D) parleyed
Answer : C) parliamentary
31. Restriction
A) restrict
B) restricted
C) restrictive
D) None of these
Answer : B) restricted
32. Season
A) seasoning
B) seasoned
C) seasonable
D) seasonal
Answer : A) seasoning & D) seasonal
33. Unconsciousness
A) unconscious
B) unconsciously
C) unconscionable
D) None of these
Answer : A) unconscious
34. Youth
A) youthfully B) young
C) youthfull D) youths
Answer : B) young
35. Talk
A) talkative
B) talking
C) talker
D) talks
Answer : A) talkative
II. Changing Verbs into Adverbs
36. affect
A) affectedly
B) affectingly
C) affection
D) affectfully
Answer : B) affectingly
37. attract
A) attracting
B) attractively
C) attractedly
D) None of these
Answer : B) attractively
38. bash
A) bashingly
B) bashed
C) bashly
D) bashfully
Answer : D) bashfully
39. appeal
A) appealingly
B) appallingly
C) appealfully
D) None of these
Answer : A) appealingly
40. wound
A) wounding
B) woundingly
C) woundfully
D) woundedly
Answer : A) wounding
41. relate
A) relatively
B) relatingly
C) related
D) relatefully
Answer : A) relatively
42. justify
A) justifyingly
B) justifiedly
C) justification
D) justifiably
Answer : D) justifiably
43. slow
A) slow
B) slowly
C) slowingly
D) None of these
Answer : B) slowly
44. subordinate
A) subordinate B) subordinately
C) subordingly D) None of these
Answer : B) subordinately
45. suggest
A) suggestingly
B) suggestion
C) suggestly
D) suggestively
Answer : D) suggestively
46. sweep
A) sweepingly
B) sweepishly
C) swept
D) None of these
Answer : B) sweepishly
47. thank
A) thankingly
B) thankful
C) thankfully
D) None of these
Answer : C) thankfully
48. touch
A) touchedly
B) touchingly
C) touched
D) touchily
Answer : B) touchingly
49. direct
A) directly
B) directively
C) directingly
D) directfully
Answer : A) directly
50. unite
A) uniting
B) unitingly
C) unitedly
D) None of these
Answer : C) unitedly
51. vegetate
A) vegetatingly
B) vegetably
C) vegetatively
D) None of these
Answer : C) vegetatively
52. wonder
A) wonderfully
B) wonderful
C) wonderly
D) wonderlly
Answer : A) wonderfully
53. care
A) caringly
B) carefully
C) careful
D) None of these
Answer : B) carefully
54. cheer
A) cheers
B) cheerily
C) cheerly
D) cheerfully
Answer : D) cheerfully
55. compare
A) comparatively
B) comparingly
C) comparative
D) None of these
Answer : A) comparatively
56. exclude
A) exclusively
B) excludingly
C) exclusive
D) excluded
Answer : A) exclusively
57. grieve
A) grievingly
B) grieffully
C) grievously
D) None of these
Answer : C) grievously
58. humble
A) humbly
B) humblingly
C) humlly
D) humbieness
Answer : A) humbly
59. light
A) lightingly
B) light
C) lightedly
D) None of these
Answer : B) light
60. lament
A) lamentingly
B) lamentatably
C) lamently
D) lamentably
Answer : D) lamentably