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Economics – An Introduction Book Back Questions 6th Social Science Lesson 15

6th Social Science Lesson 15

15] Economics – An Introduction

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

In villages, once in a week or month, all things are sold in a particular place at a specific time to meet the needs of the people. That is called ‘Sandhai.’

Consumer Goods: The finished goods which are bought from the market to fulfil the daily needs of the consumers is called consumer goods. Example: rice, clothes, bicycles, etc.

The amount from the income which is left for future needs after consumption is called savings.

Primary Activities: They are concerned with the production of raw materials for food stuff and industrial use. Primary activities include: Agriculture, Cattle rearing, Fishing, Mining, Collection of fruits, nuts, honey, rubber, resin and medicinal herbs, lumbering.

Secondary Activities: The raw materials obtained from the primary activities are converted into finished products through machinery on a large scale. These activities are called secondary activities. Industries are classified on the basis of the availability of raw materials, capital and ownership. On the basis of raw materials, industries are classified as: Agro based industries – Cotton textiles, Sugar mills and Food processing; Forest based industries – Paper mills, Furniture making, Building Materials; Mineral based industries – Cement, Iron, Aluminium Industries; Marine based industries – Sea food processing.

Tertiary Activities: “I already told you that industries produce goods and distribute them to the people.” For this purpose, some services are required. The service sector serves the people to fulfil their daily needs like: Transport – roadways, railways, waterways, airways; Communication – Post, Telephone, Information Technology etc.; Trade – Procurement of goods, selling; Banking – Money transactions, banking services.

Leaning Outcomes: Children understand the meaning of Sandhai; Get clear idea about the barter system; Gain knowledge of the various kinds of occupation.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The producers of food grains are _______________

2. Collection of honey is a ______________ occupation.

3. The conversion of raw materials into finished goods is called ____________

4. According to Gandhiji the villages are ___________ of the nation.

5. The percentage of population in the cities of Tamil Nadu is ___________

Match the following:

1. Cattle rearing – Secondary occupation

2. Food processing – Services

3. Iron & Steel Industry – Primary occupation

4. Telephone – Agro based industry

5. Cotton Industry – Tertiary occupation

Match and find the odd pair:

1. Small scale Industry – Transaction of Money

2. Forest based Industries – Information Technology

3. Services – Paper Industries

4. Banking – Cattle rearing

Choose the best answers:

1. Agriculture is a (Primary/Secondary) occupation.

2. Economic activities are divided on the basis of (Ownership/use) .

3. Sugar Industries are (Primary/Secondary) activity.

4. Agro based industry (Cotton/Furniture) .

5. Dairy farming is a (Public sector/co-operative sector) .


Fill in the blanks:

1.Primary Sectors 2. Primary Occupation 3. Secondary sectors 4. Backbone 5. 47%

Match the following:

1. Primary Occupation 2. Agro based industry 3. Secondary occupation 4. Services

5. Tertiary Occupation

Match and find the odd pair:

  1. Small scale industry – Cattle rearing
  2. Forest based Industries – Paper Industries
  3. Services – Information Technology
  4. Banking – Transaction or Money

Choose the best answers:

1. Primary 2. Use 3. Secondary 4. Cotton 5. Co-operative sector

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