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Creating a Custom WordPress Menu

Creating a Custom WordPress Menu

Creating a Custom WordPress Menu: WordPress is a powerful content management system that allows you to create custom menus to help visitors navigate your website more efficiently. Custom menus are a great way to organize your pages, posts, categories, and other content types in a way that makes sense for your audience. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a custom WordPress menu step-by-step.

Step 1: Go to Appearance > Menus

The first step to creating a custom WordPress menu is to navigate to the Menus page. To do this, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Appearance > Menus.

Step 2: Create a New Menu

Once you’re on the Menus page, you’ll see a few options. To create a new menu, click on the “create a new menu” link. This will bring up a dialog box where you can enter a name for your new menu.

Step 3: Add Menu Items

With your new menu created, you can now start adding menu items. These can be pages, posts, categories, tags, or custom links. To add a menu item, select it from the left-hand side of the screen and click the “Add to Menu” button.

Step 4: Arrange Menu Items

Once you’ve added all the menu items you want, you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping them into the order you want. You can also create submenus by dragging a menu item underneath another item and slightly to the right. This will make the item a submenu of the item above it.

Step 5: Assign Menu to a Location

When you’ve finished creating your custom menu, you need to assign it to a location on your website. This will depend on your theme, but most themes have at least one or two menu locations. To assign a menu to a location, look for the “Menu Settings” box on the left-hand side of the screen. Select the location you want to assign the menu to from the dropdown list and click “Save Changes.”

Step 6: Preview and Publish

Now that you’ve created your custom menu and assigned it to a location, you can preview it by visiting your website. If everything looks good, you can publish your menu by clicking the “Save Menu” button.

Customizing Your Menu : In addition to creating custom menus, WordPress also allows you to customize your menus in a number of ways. For example, you can add descriptions to your menu items, change the display text for menu items, and even add CSS classes to menu items to give them a unique style.


Creating a custom WordPress menu is a simple process that can greatly improve the user experience on your website. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a custom menu that’s easy to navigate and helps your visitors find the content they’re looking for. With a little bit of customization, you can create a menu that’s unique to your website and makes your brand stand out from the crowd.

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