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Controversy Surrounds the Death of LTTE Leader Prabhakaran in Sri Lanka

The death of Velupillai Prabhakaran, the founder of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), has been shrouded in controversy for years. Prabhakaran was the leader of the militant organization, which sought a separate land for Tamils in Sri Lanka. The group was responsible for the 1991 assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Despite the Sri Lankan army’s claims of killing Prabhakaran in 2009, recent statements from Tamil political leader Nedumaran have reignited the debate over whether or not the LTTE chief is still alive.

The issue of Tamil rights in Sri Lanka dates back to the arrival of Tamils in the country during the Chola period. During British rule, Tamils were favored and Sinhalese were marginalized. After independence, Sinhalese began to occupy key government posts, isolating the Tamil minority, who made up 11.2% of the population compared to the Sinhalese majority of 74.9%. In response to this, the LTTE was formed, with the goal of creating a separate Tamil state.

The murder of Rajiv Gandhi was a major turning point in the conflict between India and the LTTE. The Indian government had sent peacekeeping forces to help control the group, which the LTTE vehemently opposed. A suicide bomber from the group was responsible for Gandhi’s death.

Despite the official account of Prabhakaran’s death, many questions remain unanswered, and the controversy surrounding his fate continues to fuel debate and speculation. Whether he is alive or not, the legacy of Prabhakaran and the LTTE continues to shape the political landscape of Sri Lanka and the Tamil community.

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