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Cell Biology Book Back Questions 7th Science Lesson 11

7th Science Lesson 11

11] Cell Biology

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

Stem Cells: Stem cells are quite amazing as they can divide and multiply while at the same time with their ability to develop into any other type of cell. Embryonic stem cells are very special as they can become absolutely any type of cells in the body, for example, blood cell, nerve cell, muscle cell or gland cell. So they are utilized by the Scientist and Medicos, to cure and prevent some diseases like Spinal cord injury.

Various ranges of these plastids impart different colours to various parts of plant. Chromoplast impart colour to flower and fruits. As fruit ripen, chloroplasts change to chloroplasts. Starch is converted to sugar.

Red blood cells: Red blood cells do not contain a nucleus. Without a nucleus, these cells die quickly; about two million red blood cells die every second! Luckily, the body produces new red blood cells every day.

Choose the best answers:

1. Basis unit of life

(a) Cell

(b) Protoplasm

(c) Cellulose

(d) Nucleus

2. I am the outer most layer of an animal cell. Who am I?

(a) Cell wall

(b) Nucleus

(c) Cell membrane

(d) Nuclear membrane

3. Which part of the cell is called the brain of the cell?

(a) Lysosome

(b) Ribosome

(c) Mitochondria

(d) Nucleus

4. _____________ helps in cell division.

(a) Endoplasmic reticulum

(b) Golgi complex

(c) Centriole

(d) Nucleus

5. Suitable term for the various components of cell is ____________

(a) Tissue

(b) Nucleus

(c) Cell

(d) Cell organelle

Fill in the blanks:

1. The jelly like substance present in the cell is called _____________

2. I convert the Sun’s energy into food for the plant. Who am I? ______________

3. Mature Red blood cell do not contain a ____________

4. Unicellular organisms can only be seen under a ___________

5. Cytoplasm plus nucleoplasm is equal to ________________

State true or false. If false, correct the statement:

1. Animal cells have a cell wall.

2. Salmonella is a unicellular bacterium.

3. Cell membrane is fully permeable.

4. Only plant cells have chloroplasts.

5. Human stomach is an organ.

6. Ribosomes are small organelles with a membrane.

Match the following:

1. Transporting channel – Nucleus

2. Suicidal bag – Endoplasmic reticulum

3. Control room – Lysosome

4. Power house – Chloroplast

5. Food producer – Mitochondria

Complete the analogy:

1. Bacteria: microorganism :: mango tree: _____________

2. Adipose: tissue :: eye: ___________

3. Cell wall: plant cell :: centriole: ____________

4. Chloroplast: photosynthesis :: mitochondria: __________

Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

1. Assertion (A) : Tissue is a group of dissimilar cells.

Reason (R) : Muscle is made up of Muscle cell.

(a) Both A and R is true

(b) Both A and R is false

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true

2. Assertion (A) : Majority of cells cannot be seen directly with naked eye because.

Reason (R) : Cells are microscopic.

(a) Both A and R is true

(b) Both A and R is false

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true


Choose the correct statements:

1. Cell 2. Cell membrane 3. Nucleus 4. Centriole 5. Cell Organelle

Fill in the blanks:

1. Cytoplasm 2. Chloroplast 3. Nucleus 4. Microscope 5. Protoplasm

Match the following:

1. Endoplasmic reticulum 2. Lysosome 3. Nucleus 4. Mitochondria 5. Chloroplast

Complete the Analogy:

1. Macro-organism 2. Organ 3. Animal Cell 4. Respiration

Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

1. Both A and R is true

2. Both A and R is true

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