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Great Thinkers and New Faiths Book Back Questions 6th Social Science Lesson 10

6th Social Science Lesson 10

10] Great Thinkers and New Faiths

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

Original name – Vardhamana; Place of Birth – Kundhagrama near Vaishali, Bihar; Parents – Siddharth, Trishala; Place of Death – Pavapuri, Bihar.

The word Jain derives from the Sanskrit word Jina, which means conquering self and the external world.

What is Karma? The belief that a person’s actions in this life determine the quality of his or her later part of the current life and the next incarnation.

Omniscience: It is the ability to know everything or be infinitely wise.

Moksha: Liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Gautama Swami, a chief disciple of Mahavira, compiled the teaching of Mahavira, called Agama sidhantha.

Original name – Siddhartha; Place of Birth – Lumbini Garden, Nepal; Parents – Suddhodana, Maya devi; Place of Death – Kushi Nagar, UP.

Chaitya: A Buddhist shrine or a meditation hall; Viharas: Monastries/living quarters for monks; Stupas: Built over the remains of Buddha’s body, they are monuments of great artistic value.

Frescoes (paintings): Frescoes on the ceilings and walls of the Ajanta caves in Aurangabad, Maharashtra – depict the Jataka Tales.

Middle path: It refers to neither indulging in extreme attachment to worldly pleasure nor committing severe penance.

Buddhist Councils: First – Rajagriha; Second – Vaishali; Third – Pataliputra; Fourth – Kashmir.

Jataka Story: The Jatakas are popular stories about the previous birth and life of Buddha, as human and as an animal. They teach morals.

The Woodpecker and the Lion (A Jataka Story): Once upon a time, there lived a woodpecker and a lion. One day, the lion hunted a big bison and sat down to eat it. It so happened that while having his meal, a big bone got stuck in the lion’s throat. He was not able to remove it and was in great pain. A kind hearted woodpecker offered to help the lion. The woodpecker, however, told the lion that he would only take out the bone if the lion promised not to eat him while removing the bond.

The lion gladly agreed and opened his mouth in front of the woodpecker. The woodpecker hopped inside the lion’s mouth, and easily pulled out the bone. The lion kept his promise and let the woodpecker fly away. Soon the lion recovered completely and killed another bison. The woodpecker also thought of joining the lion and asked a small share of meat. To her utter disappointment the lion blatantly refused to share his meal with her. The Lion said, “How dare you ask me for more favours? I have already done so much for you!” The woodpecker did not understand what the lion was talking about. The lion then clarified, “You should be thankful to me that I did not devour you when you were taking out the bone from my throat. Now do not expect anything else from me and go away.” The woodpecker said to himself, “It was indeed a mistake to help such an ungrateful creature!” Nevertheless, it is not worth being angry or holding grudge against someone as unworthy as him.

Choose the best answers:

1. What is the name of the Buddhist scripture?

(a) Angas

(b) Tripitakas

(c) Tirukkural

(d) Naladiyar

2. Who was the first Tirthankara of Jainism?

(a) Rishabha

(b) Parsava

(c) Vardhamana

(d) Buddha

3. How many Tiruthankaras were there in Jainism?

(a) 23

(b) 24

(c) 25

(d) 26

4. Where was the third Buddhist Council convened?

(a) Rajagriha

(b) Vaishali

(c) Pataliputra

(d) Kashmir

5. Where did Buddha deliver his first sermon?

(a) Lumbini

(b) Saranath

(c) Taxila

(d) Bodh Gaya

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. Statement: A common man could not understand Upanishads.

Reason: Upanishads were highly philosophical.

(a) Statement and its Reason are correct

(b) Statement is wrong

(c) Statement is true, but the Reason for that is wrong

(d) Both Statement and Reason are wrong

2. Statement: The Jatakas are popular tales.

Reason: Frescoes on the ceiling and walls of Ajanta caves depict the Jataka Tales.

(a) Statement and its Reason are correct

(b) Statement is wrong

(c) Statement is true, but the Reason for that is wrong

(d) Both Statement and Reason are wrong

3. Find out the correct answer: Buddha Viharas are used for

(1) Education (2) Stay of Buddhist monks (3) Pilgrims’ stay (4) Prayer hall

(a) 2 is correct

(b) 1 and 3 are correct

(c) 1, 2, 4 are correct

(d) 1 and 4 are correct

4. Consider the following statements regarding the causes of the origin of Jainism and Buddhism.

I. Sacrificial ceremonies were expensive.

II. Superstitious beliefs and practices confused the common man.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I & II

(d) Neither I nor II

5. Which of the following about Jainism is correct?

(a) Jainism denies God as the creator of universe

(b) Jainism accepts God as the creator of universe

(c) The basic philosophy of Jainism is idol worship

(d) Jains accept the belief in Last Judgement

6. All the following statements are true if Siddhartha Gautama except:

(a) He is the founder of Hinduism

(b) He was born in Nepal

(c) He attained Nirvana

(d) He was known as Sakyamuni

Circle the odd one:

Parsava, Mahavira, Buddha, Rishabha

Find out the wrong pair:

(a) Ahimsa – not to injure

(b) Satya – to speak truth

(c) Asteya – not to steal

(d) Brahmacharya – married status

Fill in the blanks:

1. The doctrine of Mahavira is called ______________

2. ______________ is a state of freedom from suffering and rebirth.

3. ____________ was the founder of Buddhism.

4. Thiruparthikundram, a village in Kanchipuram was once called ____________

5. ______________ were built over the remains of Buddha’s body.

State true or false. If false, correct the statement:

1. Buddha believed in Karma.

2. Buddha had faith in caste system.

3. Gautama Swami compiled the teachings of Mahavira.

4. Viharas are temples.

5. Emperor Asoka followed Buddhism.

Match the following:

1. Angas – Vardhamana

2. Mahavira – Monks

3. Buddha – Buddhist shrine

4. Chaitya – Sakya muni

5. Bhikshus – Jain text


Choose the correct answers:

1.Tripitakas 2. Rishabha 3. 24 4. Pataliputra 5. Saranath

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

  1. Statement and its Reason are correct
  2. Statement and its Reason are correct
  3. Stay of Buddhist monks
  4. Both I & II Statements are correct.
  5. Jainism accepts God as the creator of universe.
  6. He is the founder of Hinduism.

Circle the odd one: Buddha

Find out the wrong pair: Brahmacharya – married status

Fill in the blanks:

1. Tri Ratna 2. Nirvana 3. Gautama Buddha 4. Jaina Kaanchi 5. Stupas

State true or false:

1. True

2. False

Correct Statement: Buddha opposed the caste system.

3. True

4. False

Correct Statement: Viharas are monasteries/living quarters for monks

5. True

Match the following:

1. Jain text 2. Vardhamana 3. Sakya muni 4. Buddhist shrine 5. Monks

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