Science Questions

7th Std Science Lesson Wise Questions in English – Part 1

7th Science Lesson 6 Questions in English

6] Health and Hygiene

1. Which refers to the good habits and their practices which is followed to prevent diseases, maintain good health, especially through cleanliness, consumption of safe drinking water and proper disposal of sewage?

  1. Hospitality
  2. Hygiene
  3. Contamination
  4. Psychedelic


Hygiene refers to the good habits and their practices which is followed to prevent diseases, maintain good health, especially through cleanliness, consumption of safe drinking water and proper disposal of sewage. It refers to all those activities that are done for improving and maintaining good health and sound mind.

2. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. Health is the best wealth. If you have good health, you will have a sound mind and you will gain good knowledge and wealth also. To maintain good health, you should follow good hygiene, eat nutritious food, do exercise, take rest and have a sound sleep. It is also referring to a state of a sound mind and body free from any sickness or ailment, stress and problems.
  2. Cleanliness refers to the maintenance of personal and environmental hygiene. In simple words, it refers to the state of being clean which is essential for good health. To protect us from diseases it is essential to maintain good health by taking regular bath, cleaning the clothes and surroundings and also avoiding unhygienic food consumption.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None

3. Which among the following does not cause colds and flu?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungus
  3. Virus
  4. Both Bacteria and Fungus


Colds and the flu are common communicable diseases. It is caused not only by bacteria but also by virus.

4. Which among the following is not the symptoms of colds and flu?

  1. Cough
  2. Fever
  3. Pain in joints
  4. None of the above


When you have cold and flu, you may also have running nose, cough, sore throat, and sometimes fever or pain in the joints. For some, this condition may also lead to mild diarrhoea.

5. Which is defined as “the branch of health which is concerned with the individual’s adjustment to the physiological needs of the body and mind for the attainment of the maximum level of health, it also refers to the cleaning and grooming of the body?

  1. Community hygiene
  2. Personal hygiene
  3. Collar hygiene
  4. All the above


Personal hygiene is defined as “the branch of health which is concerned with the individual’s adjustment to the physiological needs of the body and mind for the attainment of the maximum level of health, it also refers to the cleaning and grooming of the body.

6. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. Secretions oozing out from the nose may contains virus not bacteria. When the patient touches the nose and some other object or someone else the virus is transferred. When the patient sneezes or coughs the virus comes out with the droplets and become airborne
  2. Hence it is a good practice for the patient with cold and flu to use a handkerchief to blow the noses and also wash the hands often to ensure that they do not accidentally spread the virus to others.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


Secretions oozing out from the nose may contains the bacteria or virus. When the patient touch the nose and some other object or someone else the virus is transferred. When the patient sneezes or coughs the virus comes out with the droplets and become airborne.

7. Which among the following is incorrect about adoption measures for community hygiene?

  1. The surroundings should be kept clean.
  2. Drains should be covered properly.
  3. The domestic wastes should be segregated and properly disposed of safely in separate dust bins provided by the Government (Green and Blue).
  4. Used water from houses should be let out into open drains or open areas.


Used water from houses should not be let out into open drains or open areas.

8. Which among the following mosquito spread Dengue?

  1. Psorophora
  2. Culex
  3. Aedes
  4. Mansonia


Dengue is spread by mosquitoes of Aedes aegypti caused by DEN-1, 2 viruses belonging to the type- flavivirus. It decreases counting of the blood platelets of human blood and it has a maximum flight range of 50–100 meters in and around the places.

9. Which among the following is the core systems that should be in synchronization and functioning well?

  1. Digestive system
  2. Circulatory system
  3. Muscular system
  4. All the above


The human body systems work well with proper maintenance and guidance.  For smooth functioning, all the parts of the body should work in unison.  The digestive system, circulatory and muscular system is the core systems that should be in synchronization and functioning well. So keep them well by proper care.

10. The act of chewing and tasting is called ____

  1. Fibrillation
  2. Mastication
  3. Articulation
  4. Dissipation


Good oral hygiene implies sound teeth and healthy gums with healthy surrounding tissues. The physical act of chewing food promotes saliva and gastric secretions which helps digestion. The act of chewing and tasting is called ‘mastication’. It gives pleasure and emotional satisfaction of eating food.

11. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. Teeth is essential for good appearance and clear speech also. When you brush two times a day, it will prevent the formation of tartar and plaque on your teeth and gums.
  2. When you Floss, it will remove food particles, plaque which build up between your teeth but it will not remove bacteria. When you start flossing, your gums may bleed a little bit, but after few days that will be stopped.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


When you Floss, it will remove food particles, plaque, and bacteria which build up between your teeth. When you start flossing, your gums may bleed a little bit, but after few days that will be stopped. It should be started only with proper medical guidance.

12. Which among the following is the causes of bleeding gums?

  1. Bacteria in plaque
  2. Vitamin E deficiency
  3. Vitamin C deficiency
  4. Vitamin B1 deficiency


Bleeding gums is caused by Vitamin C deficiency. Remedial measures are eating citrus fruits.

13. Which among the following is the cause of Tooth decay?

  1. Bacteria in plaque
  2. Vitamin E deficiency
  3. Tobacco chewing
  4. Vitamin B1 deficiency


Tooth decay is caused by Bacteria in plaque. Bacteria produce acids. Brushing and flossing the teeth can prevent decay are remedial measures.

14. Which among the following is the cause of Periodontitis?

  1. Bacteria in plaque
  2. Vitamin E deficiency
  3. Tobacco chewing
  4. Vitamin B1 deficiency


Periodontitis is caused by Tobacco chewing. It is severe form of gum disease ruin the bones, gums, and other tissues. Remedies for Periodontitis is chewing type of tobacco should be avoided. Eat a well-balanced diet.

15. Which among the following are considered as “windows to the world”?

  1. Ears
  2. Eyes
  3. Nose
  4. Mouth


Eyes are an important organ of our body. Th ey are considered as “windows to the world”.

16. How many percentages of what we perceive comes through the sense of sight?

  1. 50%
  2. 70%
  3. 80%
  4. 90%


Eyesight is the most important sense. 80% of what we perceive comes through the sense of sight. The protection of the eyes, can reduce the odds of blindness and vision loss. we protection of our eye from the diseases, surroundings, climate condition.

17. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. The condition of the hair reflects to some extent the nutritional status and general health of the body. Thin, sparse hair and the loss of hair indicates a poor nutritional status. The deficiencies in diet, physical and mental illness of various kinds may also lead to premature greying of hair.
  2. The hair follicles from which the hair grows produce oil which keeps the hair smooth. The sweat and the dead skin cells come off the scalp. The oil, sweat and dead cells all add together and can make the hair greasy and look dirty unless it is washed regularly. The regular hair wash and massage of the scalp will remove the dead skin cells, excess oil and dust.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None

18. Which among the following is the causative agents of Conjunctivitis?

  1. Lack of vitamin C
  2. Bacteria
  3. Virus
  4. Both bacteria and virus


Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) is caused by a virus and bacteria. One or both eyes can be affected. Highly contagious; can be spread by contamination and sneezing. Antibiotic eye drops or ointments, home remedy.

19. Which among the following is the causative agents of Night blindness?

  1. Lack of vitamin C
  2. Virus
  3. Lack of vitamin A
  4. Genetics Condition


Night Blindness is caused by a lack of vitamin A, a disorder of the cells in your retina. It makes hard to see well at night or in poor light. Eat foods rich in antioxidant, vitamins and minerals as remedies.

20. Which among the following is the causative agents for colour blindness?

  1. Lack of vitamin C
  2. Virus
  3. Lack of vitamin D
  4. Genetics Condition


Colour blindness is caused by genetic condition. Difficulty distinguishing between colours and Inability to see shades or tones of the same colour. There is no known cure for colour blindness. Contact lenses and glasses with filters.

21. Which is the functional or physical change from a normal state that affects the health of a person by causing disability or discomfort?

  1. Diet
  2. Hygiene
  3. Disease
  4. All the above


A disease is the functional or physical change from a normal state that affects the health of a person by causing disability or discomfort.

22. Which among the following is not the reason that leads to the development of disease in an individual?

  1. Lack of balanced diet
  2. Poor lifestyle and unhealthy habits
  3. Malfunctioning of one or more body parts or organs
  4. None of the above


The following are reasons that could leads to the development of disease in an individual. 1. Infection caused by disease-causing microbes, 2. Lack of balanced diet, 3. Poor lifestyle and unhealthy habits and 4. Malfunctioning of one or more body parts or organs.

23. The prevention and treatment of sickness can be considered in how many groups?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five


The prevention and treatment of sickness can be considered in two groups for their better understanding. They are, communicable and non-communicable disease.

24. Which among the following is not the communicable disease?

  1. Anaemia
  2. Cholera
  3. Hepatitis
  4. Chickenpox


Communicable diseases are those that spread from one person to another. Healthy persons must be protected from people with communicable diseases. Diseases spread through contaminated air, water, food or vectors (insects and other animals). Anaemia is a non-communicable disease.

25. Which among the following is not the disease caused by bacteria?

  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Cholera
  3. Hepatitis
  4. Typhoid


The communicable disease (like tuberculosis, Cholera and Typhoid), which are caused by microbes and spread through air, water and some other organisms also.

26. Tuberculosis is caused by which bacteria?

  1. Mycobacterium tuberculae
  2. Vibrio tuberculae
  3. Salmonella tuberculae
  4. Chlamydiae tuberculae


Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculae and spreads from one person to another person through air by spitting and prolonged contact with sharing materials of the patient.

27. Which among the following is not the symptoms of Tuberculosis?

  1. Fever
  2. Blood in urine
  3. Weight loss
  4. Blood spitting


The symptoms of Tuberculosis are fever, weight loss, chronic cough, bloody spitting and difficulty in breathing.

28. Which among the following is the vaccine used against Tuberculosis?

  1. ADC vaccine
  2. PS vaccine
  3. BCG vaccine
  4. TED vaccine


BCG vaccine is used against tuberculosis. Giving special attention to the patient and Regular medication like DOT are treatment.

29. Which among the following cause cholera?

  1. Nitrospirae cholera
  2. Vibrio cholera
  3. Varicella cholera
  4. Salmonella cholera


Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholera and spread through the consumption contaminated food or water.

30. Which among the following is not the symptoms of Cholera?

  1. Vomiting
  2. Blood spitting
  3. Diarrhoea
  4. Cramps in legs


The symptoms of Cholera are Vomiting, severe diarrhoea and cramps in legs.

31. Which among the following is not prevention and treatment for cholera?

  1. Good hygienic practices like, washing hands before eating
  2. Drinking ice water
  3. Getting Vaccination against cholera
  4. Avoid eating uncovered food from street vendors.


Prevention and treatment 1. Good hygienic practices like, washing hands before eating. 2. Avoid eating uncovered food from street vendors, 3. Drinking boiled water and 4. Getting Vaccination against cholera.

32. Typhoid is caused by _________

  1. Salmonella typhi
  2. Nitrospirae typhi
  3. Varicella typhi
  4. Chloroflexi typhi


Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi and spreads by contaminated food and water.

33. Which among the following is not the symptom of Typhoid?

  1. Anorexia
  2. Headache
  3. Yellow eye
  4. Rashes on abdomen


The symptoms are Anorexia, headache, rashes on abdomen, dysentery and high fever up to 1040 F. The prevention and treatment are Drinking boiled clean water, Proper disposal of sewage and Vaccination.

34. Which among the following is not the viral disease?

  1. Hepatitis
  2. Chickenpox
  3. Rabies
  4. Leukoderma


Viral diseases are extremely widespread infections caused by many types of viruses. In this lesson you will learn about some disease caused by viruses like, Hepatitis, Chickenpox and Rabies.

35. Which among the following is not the symptoms of Hepatitis?

  1. Anorexia
  2. Vomiting
  3. Yellow eye
  4. Rashes on whole body


Hepatitis is one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases caused by Hepatitis virus A, B, C, D, E. Its mode of transmission is Contaminated water, sharing of needles and blood transfusion. The symptoms of hepatitis are loss of appetite (Anorexia), vomiting, eyes and urine in yellow colour.

36. Chickenpox (chicken pox), also known as ________

  1. Plague
  2. Chlamydiae
  3. Varicella
  4. Moringa


Chickenpox (chicken pox), also known as varicella, is a highly contagious infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. This disease spreads through air and contact with an infected person.

37. Which among the following is not the symptoms of chickenpox?

  1. Urine in yellow colour
  2. Rashes on whole body
  3. Fever
  4. Headache


Chickenpox symptoms is appearance of rashes on the whole body, fever, headache and tiredness. The chickenpox (varicella) vaccine is the best way to prevent chickenpox. Special attention should be given to the infected persons.

38. Which among the following infected animal bite cause Rabies?

  1. Dog
  2. Rabbit
  3. Cat
  4. All the above


Rabies is a fatal disease. Which is transmitted by the bite of the infected dog, rabbit, monkey, cat etc. The virus present in the saliva of dog enters the brain via neurons.

39. Which among the following phobia is caused by Rabies?

  1. Acrophobia
  2. Hydrophobia
  3. Claustrophobia
  4. All the above


The symptoms of rabies are hydrophobia (extreme fear for water), fever for 2 – 12 weeks and exaggerations in behaviour.

40. Which among the following statement is incorrect

  1. In early stages rabies is very difficult to detect. Fatality can be prevented by timely vaccination before the onset of symptoms.
  2. After an animal is bitten it usually takes twelve to forty-eight hours to shows any symptoms and it may take as long as one week also.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None


After an animal is bitten it usually takes two to twelve weeks to shows any symptoms and it may take as long as two years also.

41. Which among the following factor cause Non-communicable diseases?

  1. Germs
  2. Bacteria
  3. Microbic living organism
  4. None of the above


Non-Communicable diseases do not spread from person to person. They are caused by other factors. Therefore, it is important to know which sickness are communicable and which are not. They are never caused by germs, bacteria, or other living organisms that infect the body. Antibiotics, or medicines that fight against germs do not help to cure noncommunicable diseases.

42. Which among the following is not the Problems caused by wearing out of body parts?

  1. Cataract
  2. Migraine headache
  3. Rheumatism
  4. Anaemia


Problems caused by wearing out of body parts are Rheumatism, heart attack, epileptic seizures, stroke, migraine headache. Cataract and cancer.

43. Which among the following is not the Problems caused by a lack of trace elements in the body?

  1. Anaemia
  2. Pellagra
  3. Asthma
  4. None of the above


Problems caused by a lack of trace elements in the body are Anemia, pellagra, night blindness and xerophthalmia, goitre and hypothyroidism.

44. Which among the following statement is correct regarding rabies?

  1. Virus enters via animal bite. Virus replicates in muscle at site of bite. Virus infects nerve in peripheral nervous system. Moves by retrograde transport. Virus replicates in dorsal root ganglion and travels up spinal cord to brain.
  2. Brain infected and Virus travels from brain via nerves to other tissues such as eye, kidneys, salivary glands.
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 2
  5. Both 1 and 2
  6. None

45. Which among the following is not the Problems caused by external harmful agents entering the body?

  1. Allergies
  2. Poisons
  3. Stomach ulcer
  4. None of the above


Problems caused by external harmful agents entering the body are Allergies, asthma, poisons, snakebite, cough from smoking, stomach ulcer, alcoholism. Nutritious food is needed for a person to grow well, work hard, and stay healthy. Many common sicknesses are caused by malnutrition.

46. Which is a non – communicable diseases caused by partial or total loss of pigmentation in the skin?

  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Leucoderma
  3. Alzheimers
  4. Trauma


Leucoderma is a non – communicable diseases caused by partial or total loss of pigmentation in the skin. (melanin pigment). This condition affects any age, gender and ethnicity. There is no cure. It does not spread by touching, sharing food and sitting together.

47. Which is caused by eating food with less iron content and can also caused due to feeding some other foods instead of breast milk?

  1. Anaemia
  2. Asthma
  3. Pellagra
  4. Goitre


Anaemia is caused by eating food with less iron content and can also cause due to feeding some other foods instead of breast milk.

48. Severe anaemia in children does not leads to which among the following?

  1. Hookworm infection
  2. Chronic diarrhoea
  3. Liver fever
  4. Dysentery


Severe anaemia in children may leads to hookworm infection, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. In recent day school going children, especially the girls are affected by anaemia. The Government of Tamil Nadu provides weekly iron folic tablets to all the girls in the schools of all areas.

49. Which among the following statement is not signs of anaemia?

  1. Pale or transparent skin, the inner surface of eye lids is pale
  2. In severe cases, face and feet may be swollen
  3. The heartbeat is rapid and with shortness of breath
  4. All the above


The signs of anaemia are: 1. Pale or transparent skin, the inner surface of eye lids are pale, white fingernails, pale gums, weakness and fatigue,2. In severe cases, face and feet may be swollen, the heartbeat is rapid and with shortness of breath,3. Children and women who eats mud are usually anaemic.

50. Which among the following is not the iron containing food source?

  1. Moringa leaves
  2. Dates
  3. Carrot
  4. Beans


Food – Moringa leaves, Dates, Liver (Sheep and Chicken), Green, green leafy vegetables like beans, peas, lentils and Greed banana.

51. Which among the following pills does not contain iron source?

  1. Cod liver oil table
  2. Ferrous sulphate
  3. Vicodin
  4. None of the above


Pills that contain iron are Cod liver oil tablet, Ferrous sulphate. As a general rule, iron supplements should be given orally, not to be injected, because it leads to dangerous.

52. The first aid is given for which among the following purpose?

  1. To save the life
  2. To prevent further bleeding and determine the condition of the patient
  3. To relieve the pain
  4. All the above


First aid is the immediate treatment given to the victim of trauma or sudden illness before medical help is made available. The first aid is 1. To save the life 2. To prevent further bleeding and determine the condition of the patient 3. To relieve the pain and 4. To provide a medical care available at the earliest.

53. The tissue damage caused by heat, chemical, electricity, sunlight or nuclear radiation is known _______

  1. Cuts
  2. Burns
  3. Scratches
  4. All the above


The tissue damage caused by heat, chemical, electricity, sunlight or nuclear radiation is known as Burns. Mostly burns are caused by scalds, building fires, flammable liquid and gases.

54. There are how many types of burns, according to degree of burning?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Five
  4. Six


There are three types of burns, according to degree of burning.

55. The outer layer of the skin is called as ________

  1. Epidermis
  2. Pro dermis
  3. Dermis
  4. Cal dermis


First-degree burns affect only the outer layer (called the epidermis) of the skin.

56. The layer beneath the epidermis is called as __________

  1. Pro dermis
  2. Dermis
  3. Cal dermis
  4. Hypodermis


Second-degree burns damage the epidermis and the layer beneath it (called the dermis). Third-degree burns involve damage or complete destruction of the skin to its full depth and damage to underlying tissues also. People who experience such burns often require skin grafting.

57. Which among the following statement is correct

  1. In case of minor burns, the affected area should not be washed with cold water but an antiseptic cream can be applied. In case of severe burns, where deeper layers of tissues get destroyed and blisters appear, use of water is necessary. The burnt area should be covered with a clean non- sticking cloth or bandages. Larger burns need immediate medical attention.
  2. Cuts and scratches are areas of damage on the surface of the skin. A cut is a line of damage that can go through the skin and into the muscle tissues below, whereas a scratch is surface damage that does not penetrate the lower tissues. Cuts and scratches may bleed or turn red, become infected and leave scars.
  3. For minor cuts, the affected area should be washed with cold running water and cleaned with an antiseptic liquid. Then apply an antiseptic cream on the wound and sterilized bandage should be tied to prevent infection. If the cut is deep, a clean cotton pad should be placed on the cut and pressed, and the injured person should be taken to a doctor immediately.
  4. Both 1 and 2
  5. Both 1 and 3
  6. Both 2 and 3
  7. All 1, 2 and 3


In case of minor burns, the affected area should be washed with cold water and an antiseptic cream should be applied. In case of severe burns, where deeper layers of tissues get destroyed and blisters appear, use of water should be avoided. The burnt area should be covered with a clean non- sticking cloth or bandages. Larger burns need immediate medical attention.

58. Which among the following is known as queen of medicines?

  1. Cyclosporine
  2. Penicillin
  3. Paracetamol
  4. Amoxicillin


Penicillin is known as queen of medicine.

59. Who among the following discovered penicillin?

  1. Alexander Fleming
  2. Howard Florey
  3. Robert Koch
  4. Louis Pasteur


Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin. The world’s first antibiotic penicillin was discovered in 1928.

60. Penicillin cured which among the following?

  1. Pneumonia
  2. Diphtheria
  3. Infected wounds
  4. All the above


Penicillin cured Pneumonia, Diphtheria and infected wounds. Alexander saved the life of many soldiers and prevented the communicable disease by using penicillin. later, penicillin is used as the universal antibiotic. The discovery of Alexander is known as the ‘Queen of Medicines’ as the provided great benefits in the field of medicine.

61. Where Alexander Fleming did his schooling and college?

  1. America
  2. London
  3. India
  4. German


Alexander Fleming did his school education at St. Mary’s school in London. As he was very much interested in studying medicine at the age of 20, he joined medical course at St. Mary’s Medical College and Hospital with the help of his uncle.

62. In which war Alexander Fleming was appointed the Chairman of the Medical Board for military soldiers?

  1. First world war
  2. Second world war
  3. Ottoman war
  4. Napoleonic war


In the first world war, soldiers were wounded heavily and hence many were infected with contagious diseases. He was appointed the Chairman of the Medical Board for military soldiers.

63. Which among the following micro-organism produced Penicillin?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungus
  3. Virus
  4. Archaea


Penicillin produced by the fungus Penicillium notatum destroyed the bacteria.

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