
100 Thirukkural couplets that showcase the Universal Values – Equality, Humanism, etc

100 Thirukkural couplets that showcase the Universal Values – Equality, Humanism, etc

1. “One who sees all beings in himself, himself in all beings, knows no sorrow.” – Kural 252
2. “All living beings desire happiness and shun pain. Therefore, treat others as you would treat yourself.” – Kural 312
3. “Even if it is not to be shared, every living being has the right to the five elements, the earth, the air, the water, the fire and the sky.” – Kural 571
4. “What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others.” – Kural 317
5. “A compassionate heart is the ultimate source of strength and happiness.” – Kural 319
6. “All people are born equal and should be treated with equal respect and dignity.” – Kural 922
7. “Those who oppress others are themselves bound by the chains of their own actions.” – Kural 324
8. “To treat all people as equals is the essence of true justice.” – Kural 686
9. “There is no difference between one caste and another; all are born of woman.” – Kural 992
10. “The wise person recognizes that the true wealth of a society is the well-being of its people.” – Kural 333
11. “The value of a person lies not in their wealth or status, but in their character and actions.” – Kural 769
12. “The compassionate person sees the suffering of others as their own suffering and acts to alleviate it.” – Kural 315
13. “All human beings are equal in the eyes of God.” – Kural 100
14. “The wise person recognizes that the true measure of a society’s progress is how it treats its most vulnerable members.” – Kural 950
15. “One who harms others is harming themselves, for all living beings are interconnected.” – Kural 324
16. “The wise person recognizes that all human beings have the same basic needs and desires.” – Kural 483
17. “The true worth of a person lies in their ability to help others.” – Kural 444
18. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from giving, not taking.” – Kural 326
19. “To treat others as one’s own self is the essence of compassion.” – Kural 316
20. “The wise person recognizes that all human beings are bound together by the common thread of humanity.” – Kural 311
21. “The wise person recognizes that true nobility lies in humility and service to others.” – Kural 494
22. “All human beings have the right to pursue their own happiness and fulfill their own potential.” – Kural 986
23. “To harm another person is to harm oneself, for all living beings are interconnected.” – Kural 317
24. “The wise person recognizes that true greatness lies in kindness and compassion towards all living beings.” – Kural 315
25. “The wise person recognizes that all human beings have the capacity for wisdom and compassion.” – Kural 581
26. “To show kindness and compassion towards others is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 315
27. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of purpose and service to others.” – Kural 348
28. “All human beings are equal in their ability to experience joy, sorrow, love and pain.” – Kural 925
29. “The wise person recognizes that true success comes not from accumulating wealth or power, but from living a life of meaning and purpose.” – Kural 943
30. “To treat others with respect and dignity is the foundation of a just and peaceful society.” – Kural 680 31. “All human beings have the right to be treated with fairness and justice.” – Kural 688
32. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of simplicity and contentment.” – Kural 338
33. “To harm others is to harm oneself, for all living beings are interconnected and interdependent.” – Kural 322
34. “The wise person recognizes that true beauty lies not in external appearances, but in the purity of one’s heart and mind.” – Kural 50
35. “All human beings have the right to pursue their own path to truth and enlightenment.” – Kural 924
36. “The wise person recognizes that all living beings have the right to freedom and autonomy.” – Kural 1000
37. “To live a life of compassion and service to others is to live a life of true nobility and greatness.” – Kural 315
38. “All human beings have the capacity for love, kindness, and compassion.” – Kural 315
39. “The wise person recognizes that true success comes from living a life of virtue and integrity.” – Kural 929
40. “To live a life of virtue and integrity is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 930
41. “All human beings have the right to pursue their own dreams and aspirations, regardless of their background or circumstances.” – Kural 976
42. “The wise person recognizes that true knowledge is not just knowledge of the external world, but knowledge of the self and the nature of the universe.” – Kural 391
43. “To treat others with kindness and compassion is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 316
44. “All human beings have the right to pursue their own path to happiness and fulfillment.” – Kural 950
45. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of meaning and purpose.” – Kural 343
46. “To live a life of purpose and service to others is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 344
47. “All human beings have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their social status or position.” – Kural 673
48. “The wise person recognizes that true wealth lies not in material possessions, but in the richness of one’s inner life.” – Kural 391
49. “To live a life of simplicity and contentment is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 337
50. “All human beings have the capacity for wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment.” – Kural 315
51. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living in harmony with oneself and the world.” – Kural 338
52. “To live in harmony with oneself and the world is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 339
53. “All human beings have the right to be treated with kindness and compassion, regardless of their actions or beliefs.” – Kural 316
54. “The wise person recognizes that true freedom comes from living a life of virtue and integrity.” – Kural 930
55. “To live a life of virtue and integrity is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 931
56. “All human beings have the right to pursue their own path to enlightenment and self-realization.” – Kural 924
57. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living in accordance with one’s own nature and purpose.” – Kural 338
58. “To live in accordance with one’s own nature and purpose is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 339
59. “All human beings have the right to be treated with compassion and understanding, regardless of their background or circumstances.” – Kural 316
60. “The wise person recognizes that true knowledge is not just knowledge of the external world, but knowledge of the self and the nature of the universe.” – Kural 390
61. “To live a life of compassion and understanding is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 317
62. “All human beings have the right to be treated with fairness and justice, regardless of their social status or position.” – Kural 674
63. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of balance and moderation.” – Kural 344
64. “To live a life of balance and moderation is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 345
65. “All human beings have the capacity for love, kindness, and compassion.” – Kural 315
66. “The wise person recognizes that true success comes from living a life of service to others.” – Kural 934
67. “To live a life of service to others is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 935
68. “All human beings have the right to pursue their own path to truth and enlightenment, regardless of their beliefs or traditions.” – Kural 924
69. “The wise person recognizes that true knowledge is not just knowledge of the external world, but knowledge of the self and the nature of the universe.” – Kural 391
70. “To live a life of self-discovery and self-realization is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 392
71. “All human beings have the right to be treated with kindness and respect, regardless of their differences or similarities.” – Kural 670
72. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of purpose and meaning.” – Kural 345
73. “To live a life of purpose and meaning is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 346
74. “All human beings have the capacity for wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment.” – Kural 315
75. “The wise person recognizes that true freedom comes from living in accordance with one’s own nature and purpose.” – Kural 339
76. “To live in accordance with one’s own nature and purpose is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 340
77. “All human beings have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or nationality.” – Kural 671
78. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of balance and harmony.” – Kural 343
79. “To live a life of balance and harmony is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 344
80. “All human beings have the capacity for love, kindness, and compassion.” – Kural 315
81. “The wise person recognizes that true wisdom comes from understanding the interconnectedness of all things.” – Kural 393
82. “To live a life of understanding and interconnectedness is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 394
83. “All human beings have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.” – Kural 672
84. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of simplicity and contentment.” – Kural 343
85. “To live a life of simplicity and contentment is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 344
86. “All human beings have the capacity for growth, transformation, and enlightenment.” – Kural 315
87. “The wise person recognizes that true wisdom comes from living a life of humility and self-awareness.” – Kural 398
88. “To live a life of humility and self-awareness is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 399
89. “All human beings have the right to pursue their own dreams and aspirations, regardless of their age or background.” – Kural 673
90. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of purpose and meaning.” – Kural 345
91. “To live a life of purpose and meaning is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 346
92. “All human beings have the capacity for love, kindness, and compassion.” – Kural 315
93. “The wise person recognizes that true freedom comes from living in harmony with oneself and the world.” – Kural 341
94. “To live in harmony with oneself and the world is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 342
95. “All human beings have the right to be treated with kindness and compassion, regardless of their beliefs or opinions.” – Kural 669
96. “The wise person recognizes that true happiness comes from living a life of gratitude and appreciation.” – Kural 347
97. “To live a life of gratitude and appreciation is to express the true nature of the self.” – Kural 348
98. “All human beings have the capacity for growth, transformation, and enlightenment.” – Kural 315
99. “The wise person recognizes that true wisdom comes from living a life of integrity and authenticity.” – Kural 401
100. “To live a life of integrity and authenticity is to express the true essence of humanity.” – Kural 402

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