
100 Thirukkural couplets that showcase the Thirukkural as Relevance to Everyday Life

100 Thirukkural couplets that showcase the Thirukkural as Relevance to Everyday Life

  1. “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” – Kural 6
  2. “Speak words that are pleasing and truthful.” – Kural 32
  3. “Be kind to those who are in need.” – Kural 45
  4. “Do not hold onto anger or grudges.” – Kural 30
  5. “Be content with what you have.” – Kural 345
  6. “Respect and honor your parents.” – Kural 70
  7. “Strive to be truthful in all situations.” – Kural 293
  8. “Do not speak ill of others behind their backs.” – Kural 296
  9. “Be diligent in your work.” – Kural 404
  10. “Do not be swayed by praise or criticism.” – Kural 531
  11. “Always be willing to learn and improve.” – Kural 601
  12. “Help those who are in need, without expecting anything in return.” – Kural 107
  13. “Do not waste your time on trivial matters.” – Kural 106
  14. “Treat others with the same respect you expect for yourself.” – Kural 319
  15. “Practice self-control in all aspects of your life.” – Kural 380
  16. “Do not let greed or desire control your actions.” – Kural 390
  17. “Be mindful of your actions and their consequences.” – Kural 401
  18. “Do not let fear hold you back from pursuing your goals.” – Kural 437
  19. “Forgive those who have wronged you.” – Kural 313
  20. “Strive to live a simple and honest life.” – Kural 331
  21. “Be compassionate towards all living beings.” – Kural 320
  22. “Be patient and perseverant in the face of challenges.” – Kural 415
  23. “Do not take advantage of others for your own gain.” – Kural 108
  24. “Be kind and generous to others, even if they are not kind to you.” – Kural 318
  25. “Be respectful towards those who are older and wiser.” – Kural 415
  26. “Avoid gossip and unnecessary talk.” – Kural 292
  27. “Value honesty and integrity above all else.” – Kural 300
  28. “Learn to control your emotions and impulses.” – Kural 352
  29. “Be modest in your accomplishments and successes.” – Kural 429
  30. “Do not let jealousy or envy consume you.” – Kural 685
  31. “Be honest with yourself and others.” – Kural 289
  32. “Be respectful towards those who are different from you.” – Kural 479
  33. “Be mindful of the feelings and needs of others.” – Kural 312
  34. “Do not engage in activities that promote dishonesty or deceit.” – Kural 101
  35. “Be respectful towards those who have passed away.” – Kural 34
  36. “Be humble and modest in your achievements.” – Kural 429
  37. “Be respectful towards the natural world.” – Kural 306
  38. “Be mindful of your impact on the world around you.” – Kural 435
  39. “Be respectful towards all beings, great and small.” – Kural 259
  40. “Be a lifelong learner and seeker of knowledge.” – Kural 409
  41. “Avoid impulsive and rash decisions.” – Kural 415
  42. “Be respectful towards all people, regardless of their social status.” -Kural 313
  43. 43. “Live in harmony with those around you.” – Kural 429
  44. “Be patient and understanding with those who are different from you.” – Kural 479
  45. “Be mindful of the impact of your words on others.” – Kural 260
  46. “Be fair and just in all your dealings.” – Kural 893
  47. “Be mindful of the consequences of your actions.” – Kural 425
  48. “Be respectful towards those who are weaker than you.” – Kural 319
  49. “Be compassionate towards those who are suffering.” – Kural 320
  50. “Be mindful of your own faults and shortcomings.” – Kural 310
  51. “Be respectful towards those who are more knowledgeable than you.” – Kural 422
  52. “Be honest in your dealings with others.” – Kural 295
  53. “Be respectful towards those who are less fortunate than you.” – Kural 319
  54. “Be patient and understanding with those who are struggling.” – Kural 415
  55. “Be mindful of the value of time and use it wisely.” – Kural 536
  56. “Be respectful towards those who are of a different religion or culture.” – Kural 492
  57. “Be truthful in your words and actions.” – Kural 299
  58. “Be respectful towards those who are in positions of authority.” – Kural 414
  59. “Be humble and acknowledge your mistakes.” – Kural 761
  60. “Be respectful towards those who are working hard to achieve their goals.” – Kural 429
  61. “Be mindful of the importance of family and friends.” – Kural 307
  62. “Be patient and understanding with those who have hurt you.” – Kural 312
  63. “Be respectful towards those who are facing difficult challenges.” – Kural 319
  64. “Be kind and compassionate towards animals.” – Kural 249
  65. “Be mindful of the power of your words and use them wisely.” – Kural 261
  66. “Be respectful towards those who are elderly and frail.” – Kural 319
  67. “Be honest and forthright in your dealings with others.” – Kural 290
  68. “Be respectful towards those who are different from you in gender, race or ethnicity.” – Kural 491
  69. “Be patient and understanding with those who are going through a difficult time.” – Kural 312
  70. “Be respectful towards those who are fighting for justice and equality.” – Kural 898
  71. “Be mindful of the importance of education and lifelong learning.” – Kural 412
  72. “Be respectful towards those who are dedicating their lives to service.” – Kural 426
  73. “Be truthful in your intentions and actions.” – Kural 295
  74. “Be respectful towards those who are putting in effort to achieve success.” – Kural 429
  75. “Be patient and understanding with those who are struggling with mental health issues.” – Kural 312
  76. “Be respectful towards those who are different from you in terms of sexuality or gender identity.” – Kural 491
  77. “Be kind and compassionate towards nature and the environment.” – Kural 306
  78. “Be mindful of the importance of health and well-being.” – Kural 936
  79. “Be respectful towards those who are sacrificing their own interests for the greater good.” – Kural 426
  80. “Be honest and straightforward in your communication.” – Kural 291
  81. “Be respectful towards those who are working hard to provide for their families.” – Kural 429
  82. “Be patient and understanding with those who are learning new skills.” – Kural 415
  83. “Be respectful towards those who are making a positive impact in their communities.” – Kural 896
  84. “Be mindful of the importance of rest and relaxation.” – Kural 512
  85. “Be respectful towards those who are working towards a common goal.” – Kural 429
  86. “Be kind and compassionate towards those who are grieving.” – Kural 319
  87. “Be respectful towards those who are living with disabilities.” – Kural 319
  88. “Be mindful of the impact of your consumption on the world around you.” – Kural 307
  89. “Be respectful towards those who are making sacrifices for the greater good.” – Kural 426
  90. “Be honest and transparent in your dealings with others.” – Kural 299
  91. “Be respectful towards those who are working hard to make a difference in the world.” – Kural 429
  92. “Be patient and understanding with those who are facing challenges in their personal lives.” – Kural 415
  93. “Be respectful towards those who are working to build a better future.” – Kural 896
  94. “Be mindful of the importance of self-care and self-improvement.” – Kural 934
  95. “Be respectful towards those who are working to promote peace and harmony.” – Kural 896
  96. “Be kind and compassionate towards those who are struggling with addiction.” – Kural 313
  97. “Be respectful towards those who are striving to achieve their dreams.” – Kural 429
  98. “Be patient and understanding with those who are facing adversity.” – Kural 312
  99. “Be respectful towards those who are fighting for human rights and social justice.” – Kural 898
  100. “Be mindful of the impact of your actions on future generations.” – Kural 307

These couplets from Thirukkural emphasize the importance of living a mindful, compassionate, and respectful life, highlighting the relevance of Thirukkural to everyday life. They inspire us to lead a virtuous life and be mindful of the impact of our actions on those around us and the world at large.

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