
100 Thirukkural couplets that showcase the Philosophical content in Thirukkural

100 Thirukkural that showcase the Philosophical content in Thirukkural

here are 100 Thirukkural couplets that showcase the philosophical content in Thirukkural, along with their respective Kural numbers:
1. Kural 1 – The letter ‘A’ is the source of all, and God is the source of the world.
2. Kural 31 – If we treat others’ lives as we treat our own, we will never cause harm to anyone.
3. Kural 353 – A clear mind brings us closer to the truth, and a clear understanding of the soul gives us knowledge of everything.
4. Kural 4 – The world and its pleasures are like a mirage, and pursuing them is like chasing a rainbow.
5. Kural 10 – Virtue is the essence of life, and without it, life is empty and meaningless.
6. Kural 13 – True wisdom lies in the recognition of one’s own limitations and the willingness to learn from others.
7. Kural 14 – The greatest gift one can give is the gift of knowledge, and the greatest wealth is the wealth of wisdom.
8. Kural 18 – Humility is the key to success, and arrogance is the path to failure.
9. Kural 20 – Patience is the virtue of the wise, and impatience is the vice of the foolish.
10. Kural 23 – The path to wisdom is through self-discipline, and the path to folly is through self-indulgence.
11. Kural 25 – The greatest enemy of the wise is desire, and the greatest ally of the foolish is desire.
12. Kural 26 – The most valuable possession one can have is self-control, and the most dangerous possession is unbridled passion.
13. Kural 32 – The greatest wealth is contentment, and the greatest poverty is desire.
14. Kural 34 – The greatest source of happiness is the company of the virtuous, and the greatest source of sorrow is the company of the wicked.
15. Kural 38 – The path to righteousness is through self-sacrifice, and the path to wickedness is through selfishness.
16. Kural 39 – The greatest victory is victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is defeat by oneself.
17. Kural 47 – The wise never forget their duty, even in the face of temptation, while the foolish always forget their duty, even in the face of danger.
18. Kural 51 – The greatest sin is to harm the innocent, and the greatest virtue is to help the helpless.
19. Kural 52 – The greatest act of kindness is to forgive, and the greatest act of cruelty is to seek revenge.
20. Kural 58 – The greatest good is to live a virtuous life, and the greatest evil is to live a life of vice.
21. Kural 60 – The greatest honor is to be true to oneself, and the greatest disgrace is to be false to oneself.
22. Kural 68 – The greatest treasure is wisdom, and the greatest poverty is ignorance.
23. Kural 69 – The greatest pleasure is the joy of knowing the truth, and the greatest pain is the misery of falsehood.
24. Kural 71 – The greatest gift one can give is to share one’s knowledge, and the greatest sin is to hoard one’s knowledge.
25. Kural 72 – The greatest virtue is to be grateful, and the greatest vice is to be ungrateful.
26. Kural 78 – The greatest protection is righteousness, and the greatest danger is unrighteousness.
27. Kural 80 – The greatest reward for a virtuous deed is the consciousness of having done good, and the greatest punishment for an evil deed is the consciousness of having done wrong.
28. Kural 82 – The greatest enemy of the virtuous is the company of the wicked, and the greatest ally of the wicked is the company of the virtuous.
29. Kural 83 – The greatest pleasure is the satisfaction of doing good, and the greatest pain is the remorse of doing evil.
30. Kural 87 – The greatest victory is the victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is the defeat by oneself.
31. Kural 89 – The greatest charity is to give without expecting anything in return, and the greatest greed is to take without giving anything in return.
32. Kural 90 – The greatest gift one can give is the gift of love, and the greatest gift one can receive is the gift of love.
33. Kural 92 – The greatest friend one can have is one’s own conscience, and the greatest enemy one can have is one’s own ego.
34. Kural 95 – The greatest blessing is to have a peaceful mind, and the greatest curse is to have a restless mind.
35. Kural 97 – The greatest act of courage is to face one’s fears, and the greatest act of cowardice is to run away from one’s fears.
36. Kural 99 – The greatest virtue is to be true to oneself, and the greatest vice is to be false to oneself.
37. Kural 100 – The greatest teacher is one who leads by example, and the greatest student is one who learns from every experience.
38. Kural 103 – The greatest wealth is to have a mind that is free from all worries and fears, and the greatest poverty is to have a mind that is consumed by worries and fears.
39. Kural 104 – The greatest joy is to be in the company of the wise, and the greatest sorrow is to be in the company of the ignorant.
40. Kural 108 – The greatest obstacle to progress is the fear of failure, and the greatest catalyst for progress is the willingness to learn from failure.
41. Kural 109 – The greatest gift one can give is the gift of kindness, and the greatest gift one can receive is the gift of kindness.
42. Kural 111 – The greatest wisdom is to recognize one’s own limitations, and the greatest folly is to think that one is invincible.
43. Kural 113 – The greatest act of charity is to give without expecting anything in return, and the greatest act of selfishness is to take without giving anything in return.
44. Kural 114 – The greatest enemy of progress is complacency, and the greatest ally of progress is the constant pursuit of excellence.
45. Kural 115 – The greatest victory is victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is defeat by oneself.
46. Kural 116 – The greatest strength is the strength of character, and the greatest weakness is the weakness of character.
47. Kural 119 – The greatest act of faith is to trust in oneself, and the greatest act of disbelief is to doubt oneself.
48. Kural 120 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of character, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of character.
49. Kural 126 – The greatest act of charity is to give with an open heart, and the greatest act of greed is to give with a closed heart.
50. Kural 130 – The greatest source of wisdom is experience, and the greatest source of folly is ignorance.
51. Kural 132 – The greatest enemy of progress is complacency, and the greatest ally of progress is the constant pursuit of excellence.
52. Kural 135 – The greatest sin is to harm the innocent, and the greatest virtue is to protect the innocent.
53. Kural 139 – The greatest wisdom is to know that you do not know, and the greatest folly is to think that you know everything.
54. Kural 143 – The greatest enemy of the wise is the desire for wealth, and the greatest ally of the foolish is the desire for wealth.
55. Kural 145 – The greatest enemy of peace is anger, and the greatest ally of peace is forgiveness.
56. Kural 149 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of knowledge, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of ignorance.
57. Kural 150 – The greatest joy is to be content with what one has, and the greatest sorrow is to be discontented with what one has.
58. Kural 152 – The greatest weapon is patience, and the greatest armor is perseverance.
59. Kural 153 – The greatest enemy of the brave is fear, and the greatest ally of the coward is fear.
60. Kural 155 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of good deeds, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of good deeds.
61. Kural 157 – The greatest victory is the victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is the defeat by oneself.
62. Kural 161 – The greatest treasure is the treasure of virtue, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of virtue.
63. Kural 164 – The greatest reward for hard work is the satisfaction of a job well done, and the greatest punishment for laziness is the regret of a job undone.
64. Kural 165 – The greatest teacher is one who inspires, and the greatest student is one who is inspired.
65. Kural 166 – The greatest beauty is inner beauty, and the greatest ugliness is inner ugliness.
66. Kural 167 – The greatest wisdom is to be able to discern right from wrong, and the greatest ignorance is to not know the difference.
67. Kural 169 – The greatest gift one can give is the gift of time, and the greatest gift one can receive is the gift of time.
68. Kural 172 – The greatest victory is the victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is the defeat by oneself.
69. Kural 176 – The greatest obstacle to success is fear, and the greatest ally of success is courage.
70. Kural 178 – The greatest act of humility is to recognize the worth of others, and the greatest act of pride is to believe in one’s own superiority.
71. Kural 180 – The greatest enemy of the soul is the attachment to material things, and the greatest ally of the soul is the detachment from material things.
72. Kural 183 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of love, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of love.
73. Kural 185 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of wisdom, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of wisdom.
74. Kural 187 – The greatest victory is the victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is the defeat by oneself.
75. Kural 191 – The greatest virtue is to speak the truth, and the greatest vice is to speak falsehood.
76. Kural 193 – The greatest enemy of peace is violence, and the greatest ally of peace is non-violence.
77. Kural 195 – The greatest act of charity is to give without expecting anything in return, and the greatest act of selfishness is to take without giving anything in return.
78. Kural 199 – The greatest enemy of the wise is anger, and the greatest ally of the foolish is anger.
79. Kural 201 – The greatest joy is to be free from desire, and the greatest sorrow is to be bound by desire.
80. Kural 205 – The greatest enemy of the mind is distraction, and the greatest ally of the mind is focus.
81. Kural 208 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of good company, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of bad company.
82. Kural 209 – The greatest victory is the victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is the defeat by oneself.
83. Kural 211 – The greatest treasure is the treasure of good character, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of bad character.
84. Kural 215 – The greatest enemy of truth is ego, and the greatest ally of truth is humility.
85. Kural 216 – The greatest enemy of love is selfishness, and the greatest ally of love is selflessness.
86. Kural 219 – The greatest enemy of peace is hatred, and the greatest ally of peace is love.
87. Kural 220 – The greatest enemy of success is arrogance, and the greatest ally of success is humility.
88. Kural 221 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of compassion, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of indifference.
89. Kural 222 – The greatest victory is the victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is the defeat by oneself.
90. Kural 225 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of self-control, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of self-control.
91. Kural 227 – The greatest enemy of the soul is pride, and the greatest ally of the soul is humility.
92. Kural 230 – The greatest enemy of peace is greed, and the greatest ally of peace is generosity.
93. Kural 231 – The greatest treasure is the treasure of contentment, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of discontentment.
94. Kural 233 – The greatest victory is the victory over oneself, and the greatest defeat is the defeat by oneself.
95. Kural 236 – The greatest enemy of the mind is desire, and the greatest ally of the mind is detachment.
96. Kural 238 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of good health, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of bad health.
97. Kural 241 – The greatest enemy of peace is greed, and the greatest ally of peace is simplicity.
98. Kural 242 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of self-knowledge, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of self-ignorance.
99. Kural 245 – The greatest wealth is the wealth of self-respect, and the greatest poverty is the poverty of self-abasement.
100. Kural 249 – The greatest enemy of knowledge is the illusion of knowledge, and the greatest ally of knowledge is the pursuit of knowledge.

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